Thirstymuppet's Indoor Soil Grow Of 1 Cinderella99 & 1 Northern Lights 2018

Well you were spot on Troy... Unfortunately! Oh how a boy could dream though! :D But was a nutrient robbin impostor. It's gone now.
I'm late for my weekly update cause we had my sis staying over at the wkend. And the weather has been fantastic. Everyone in Ireland gets obsessed when there is a bit of fine weather! It's all very serendipitous though because as I type away I notice it is a day shy of 2 months since I spied a taproot.

So today I did a bit of pruning of dead/dying leaves and re-potted into the biggest pots I ever used! I'm only on my 2nd grow so that's not that surprising but I did work for a landscaper and I do a bit of gardening myself. Anyway the label confusingly says "can hold up to approx. 27 L of soil". :hmmmm: ( I'm sooooo leaving myself open to a metric vs imperical joke, so yeah L for liters.;) ) But isn't a liter or gallon the measure of volume of a liquid? I dunno. Its a big ass pot ...X2.

Before and after the trim this morning. Just dying leaves. I wonder am I soaking the soil enough. Is the leaves dying normal. The canopy is fine so I'm not too worried.

This is the back of the Northern Lights leaf. I looks beautiful compared to the C99.

Now if ever there was a need for a short audio file...just sing Sepultura Roots in your head!

:theband: " Roots, Bloody Roots!! " :yahoo:

Freakshows very bottom roots look a bit yellow. She had lost a bit of colour in her leaves but picked up after a feed so I'll not worry my head too much here.

And finally in the new ... massive ... pots!

I raised the lights here to accommodate the bigger pots. I had to drill a load of holes in the bottoms of the pots so they are together on a large plastic bag. The base of the tent isn't supposed to leak but just in case!

A couple of hours passed and I was feeling bad for Freakshow in the corner not getting enough light so i got another bag, parted the girls and slipped a freak in between! :eek: What? It's all true.:cool: :peace:

If there are any Irish people here who would like to have their say on Irish drug laws, follow this link. It's a working body that will advise the government. You have till the end of the month. I don't think you have to be Irish or in Ireland so anyone can complete it.
Yeah serious growth this week. I had an okay start, but things stagnated a bit there, for a while. Things are going good now though and it's only cause of the help I got here. Between the pH meter, pH up, calmag and new ferts, I got this grow back on track. And I wouldn't have bothered my bollox getting those without a push here.
A heart felt thank you to anyone here that threw their 2 cents in. It really did help me a lot.
Troy, you have been especially helpful. Thanks. ;)

In my last sooooo very basic grow...(in a cardboard box with nothing but tomatoes food and 2 CFL's)... I was told a 'master grower' once said to flip at 3 feet or 3 months. I think that's what they said. Must look it up. I can find it a bit shameful looking back at that grow though. :oops:
But anyway that gives me 3 weeks until flip. Maybe sooner. I'll see how it goes. Patience is a virtue!!
Sooo excited for this grow. It will be a personal best!!....touch wood!:rollit:
Your doing great. As long as you keep improving with each grow you should pat yourself on the back. I can tell you that you will probably never have the same problems with Cal-Mag, PH etc. You now know what the plant does when out of balance and will be able to jump in and fix almost immediately.
Hi everyone. Bit early for my weekly update but sure it's no harm to get it out of the way. I made a little video but I dunno. I'm sketchy about posting it. With the laws on growing in Ireland, I wonder if I could I ever end up wishing I hadn't posted it? Ah fuck it!...
...edit...This took ages to upload. Very difficult to get it up in full hd without it being linked back to me. Oh prohibition, you bastard!
Also...Ah lads, do I sound like that? Nah, its just cause I knew it would be going up on this site. (yeah, sure it is!) I do not like public speaking 1 bit!

So yeah freakshow has started early. I want to squeeze out another week at least of growth in the other 2.
I'd be interested to hear any views on the orange pistils. Is it not too early? Its not an isolated case, they are here and there.

Pretty sure these are fungal knats but i'm open to opinions. Could be fruit flies. Ill try catch one next time I see one. Thankfully they are pretty rare. Although it wasn't hard to find things scurrying around on the surface of the soil of freakshow. Don't know whether the other plants have them. I presume if one does, they all will.

Ugly bastard!

I don't want to end the post on a feckin maggot so here's a bit of cat tax for ye.

It kinda looks like the C99 and nl are going into flower now! Showing what looks like pre hairs. Do they go into flower themselves after a while if not flipped? It's nearly 3 months. They must! Freakshow is definitely gone. Looks like the others are following. I could be wrong. I'll go 12/12 and turn on the flower lights.
Here's pics from the C99 and nl.

Awe sweet. Things are moving along well. So as per my last post on Wednesday, I have flipped them to 12/12. Freakshow of coarse with the head start! Man they are getting big. I'm hoping they will slow down at this stage! ...I am soooo happy to say that last sentence! I know someone that said when they grew a bit, it was poking out the tent! It's a great image!

So here's how we are looking at the start of flower.


The C99 replacement...

Northern lights...

Back to C99 replacement! I tried to order them!

Aaaaand back again to NL...


So that's it. We are in a heat wave here in Ireland with 2 good months to go. we are all melting over here! Hope you are all well.
Happy 4th of July. Well it's the 4th here! Very busy over the wkend. Didn't get time to upload anything but I did take a few pics and took measures to slow down growth in the taller branches.
They didn't take as much water in the last watering so they might have slowed down.

This was them before

And after. This should also get more light to smaller colas.

I'm on holidays with the wife but someone is at home watering the precious plants. They are less qualified than me to make a call on problems so that leaves them in a bad place as I don't know shit! Northern Lights is either cannabilizing itself for the final push or suffering!

The other two are okay. It would appear! Freakshow started on her own and is starting to look good.

Possibly not enough light getting down though.
Plenty to learn for the next grow..:)
The other images wouldn't upload. Asta minyana!! Zzzzzzzzz!
Back from hols. Was too lazy to post till now. Nothing much to report. Nice little bud forming on freakshow but she is ahead of things.

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