The VipersNest Continuous

looking awesome man. so do you move the pots around on the lines? like it seemed that the tall ones got moved around. idk maybe its just me. but anyways. the grow is going damn nice. and those blueberrys looked pretty damn good too. god damn bro.
In my alternate dimensional quantum singulatiy I did.....LMFAO
no bro is thats what happens when you clear 10-12"off the trunk....the plants freak out
results may vary......

Hi PitViper Do you mean that will work on any grow and not just Hydro?
Your amazing man.:grinjoint:
Just wonderful pics! So how are you liking the H&G so far? I know its preemptive because you gavent flowered yet but they certainly look happy, whats your thought on the progress so far?

H&G ROCKS.....what else can be said?
We just had to find our zone I guess, after a year with something theres a new learning curve.
Soooo...that's the new California reforestation project aye! Must be them santa anna winds blowin something in that causes growth like that. are just f*ckin amazing bro.

Thankx GMT
so you're referring to taking off the branches on the lower 10 inches? Hmmmm......

How many weeks do you veg? Or do you go by size?

Yes. Call me a dummas or a newb or whatever. But back when I was doing my first research I watched the videos on Greenhouse's grows. Franco is funny. Anyway...I watched them basicly denude their plants for aprox-12 inches in veg. I veg for as long as It takes to get me 30", My game plan is grow BIG plants. all the small shit doesnt produce anything at all anyway so lose it and let the plant put its energy into whats most important.
I like airflow under my plants, trimming ensures that.
looking awesome man. so do you move the pots around on the lines? like it seemed that the tall ones got moved around. idk maybe its just me. but anyways. the grow is going damn nice. and those blueberrys looked pretty damn good too. god damn bro.

I can move the pots easily but I really dont mess with them too much. I havent moved anything at all in this grow. those Lemon Hazes might get supercropped. they are dickin me. The height isnt the issue. the Lemon Haze will finish perfect w/o supercropping. The issue is that I like my lights kept low and 75% of the rest of the garden is shorter.
something will happen shortly Im sure
Hi PitViper Do you mean that will work on any grow and not just Hydro?
Your amazing man.:grinjoint:

The videos I saw were on soil plants...aprox 25 litres.
All I got to say about dumping the MESS is HAVE YOU SEEN that new KOHLER commerical with the guy dumping loads of YOU NAME IT down the toilet LOL ITS FUNNY

BTW VIPER YOUR PLANTS are really amazing looking wow H&G are reallly somthing hope you dont mind the VID thaought it was appropriate

that was pretty funny. nice pick, yes Im happy with the plants.
I can move the pots easily but I really dont mess with them too much. I havent moved anything at all in this grow. those Lemon Hazes might get supercropped. they are dickin me. The height isnt the issue. the Lemon Haze will finish perfect w/o supercropping. The issue is that I like my lights kept low and 75% of the rest of the garden is shorter.
something will happen shortly Im sure

yeah. i just thought maybe the four in front werent getting the nutrients properly further down the line, and you moved then up front to have better flow to them.

i really dont know if this should be done with ebb & gro. but ive just heard about lockout occurring at the end of one of the lines due to salt build up. i just didnt know if this happened, if you would clean the lines out and move the pots around or not.. sorry for babbling. joint of some bubble gum kush to the dome...

:nicethread: BTW
Yea Pit that lemon sure shows the sativa. I have a african sativa that suppose to be 100%. It will be the first I ever grew myself. I always thought the buds looked hella cool. Looking like a good start there dude. Can't wait to see it progress. Lates
I too always trim up the bottom 12-16" inches, mostly because its a bitch to trim up when your done but also so all the nutes go to the buds up top, less wated energy like PIT sayed. Also (like PIT said) the added airflow on the lower parts of the plants helps tremendously. And Im sure Pit will say the same as far as your question weedy,...yes with these ebb and gro sets you can get nutrient lockout issues in the buckets farthest from the reservoir, Pit doesnt seem to have to many problems woith this but I certainly did in my last grow and that was a major decdiding factor in me building the new 5 gallon ebb and grow with 3/4" lines. Im hoping with the larger lines and buckets that this problem will no longer be an issue... I guess well just have to wait and see if its still happening after I get it up and running but I doubt it will. Moving the plants in the buckets gets kinda difficult after they get above 2 ft too, some are stuck others are too tall, its just easy to leave them in there place, unless they really need to be moved for size etc.

Im actually going to have to supercrop my blue cheese plants for the same reason as you were talking about pit. They are just too tall! lol, its crazy tooo b ecause they started out shorter just as planned but than BAM they shot up in the 2nd and 3rd week of flowering. Anyhow, looking good as always pit.
You are the man Pit!!! Plants look very good, I am a new poster and long time reader. I have been learning from everyone on this site for month's. I have a question if you don't mind answering it, how often do you flood and do you change how many times a day you flood from veg. to flower?
Thanks for all the help...
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