this is 1 plant my brothers ans sisters...
VERY heavy nugz.....very dense...took me 1.5 hrs for this 1 plant
theres about 12 branches like this...pic dont do it justice
now Im tired...after working til 1am.....couldnt find my shears for 10 mins.....was ready use something but I found them after a nice bowl
RATM is great trimming tunes
'Time to sneak a bud to lay ontop the tv for a nite yet?' Looks good dude. Looking forward to hear a total on the weight. I've also been cutting afew flowers down but no where near pound and half yet. Just enough to keep the people I caregive happy.
no bro...still have 20 plus plants im cutting now.....and this journal never stops....thats why this journal is titled The VipersNest Continuous........
if you need to close your journal tell Soniq420 or one of the th other moderators.
Oh urs is perpetual. Good show, thanks for answering the question. I feel hella dumb. All this time I'm thinking ur grow's title read Viper's Nest Continues, not Continuous,lol.