The VipersNest Continuous

Okay... question about Blueberry... There is DP and DJ... what about The Doggies Nuts Blueberry #1... What's the story on that?

they are Dutch Passion seeds.
I cannot prove it. But I know they are.
My partner made a lil modification when we were changing ALL the pumps in the room (6)
this is a 264GPH- with a shower ring in the bottom of the resovoir. Just to keep it cycled...runs 24/7
the ring has 1/4" holes every 4". No this is not to aerate the water , just keep it well mixed

ya DJ Shorts are supposed to be the best he grew it for a while and really nailed a good one. they cost £££ though

the DP beans are among the priciest to this day and they been out forever. I truly love this strain...killer yieds...4-6 oz per plant.
My partner made a lil modification when we were changing ALL the pumps in the room (6)
this is a 264GPH- with a shower ring in the bottom of the resovoir. Just to keep it cycled...runs 24/7
the ring has 1/4" holes every 4". No this is not to aerate the water , just keep it well mixed


That's an awesome idea man! Can't rep, but you two deserve it.
And what's great though, is that by default, the water will gain oxygen simply from the agitation experienced at the surface. The mixing will cause movement on the surface and that's where most of the oxygen exchange is effective - like in a salt water aquarium.

Great innovation and addition to the Nest Pit. You guys grow niiiice:yummy:

Not exactly...we cant run airstones due to our nutes so this is just a "mixer" this wont introduce air persay but yes there will be some more "agitation" ensuring maximum solubility and suspension or our nutes. the ring stays in the bottom of the res......thats the idea Andy, it mixes wonderfully but there are no bubbles unless the res is too low causing a "sprinkler" effect. I just shut the pumps off when draining the resovoir. Thats our expectation anyway.
Glad to see your still cranking it out there Pit. Looking great I did alittle speed reading in reverse. What why lie, I can't read I just look at the pic's, but they are looking good GL with it. Stay Down
Any truth to what they say about the BB strains, as far as when something is wrong in your garden the BB plants are the 1st to show signs ? i mixed up my labels when germing and i'm not sure of the characteristics of the BB strains are they a short bushy plant ?

urban legend
go back 1 page....not short bush plant.....thats what they all look like
Pit, I know you where supposed to do Strawberry Cough in this coming gro... just wondering if you've ever grown it before... yield... how you liked it if you had...

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
never had it but It sounds good. I know it was popular in the vote and I will grow it but It wasnt one of my top picks. Ill try anything. Theres about 35 on my short list
Lookin awesome as usual.

I just put exactly the same rig in my 2nd res today for circulation. The first has been in the other for a week and does the trick perfectly.
Not exactly...we cant run airstones due to our nutes so this is just a "mixer" this wont introduce air persay but yes there will be some more "agitation" ensuring maximum solubility and suspension or our nutes. the ring stays in the bottom of the res......thats the idea Andy, it mixes wonderfully but there are no bubbles unless the res is too low causing a "sprinkler" effect. I just shut the pumps off when draining the resovoir. Thats our expectation anyway.

I think what Andy means is that moving the water constantly renews the water in contact with the air at the surface therefore oxygenating the water without the need for bubbles. It in fact introduces large amounts of air.:grinjoint::peace:
Pit, I know you where supposed to do Strawberry Cough in this coming gro... just wondering if you've ever grown it before... yield... how you liked it if you had...

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

A personal favorite of mine. A very very low anxiety strain.

Check Irish's grow if interested, she's didn't run the pure strain but a heavy weight hybrid (just an alternative)
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