The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Now I was up late! Early pistils means smaller plant basically.

Other than PW and Derby I'm not seeing the kind of growth across the board I'd expect from an auto. Likes light, doesn't like light, mine in the sun aren't killing it. I'm hoping the trained one blows up in stretch as I'm not expecting much on the untrained one with pistils.
C my purple auto did the same thing was really small n started flower like at 26 days but strech waz good def c the sativa traits in her but keep ur hopes up i get wat ur saying not evreyones is growing at a great speed now im bitting my nails hoping mine hurry up n do there thing so i kno wat to expect
Their trying. I just can't believe the feed schedule I'm on right now. That's about where I max with photos.
Yeah im
Just going to top her once and the rest train through mini tomaotoe cage just bought
If you get the cabbage pheno it’ll be hard to train.
If that is the case I’ll just remove any side branches and just keep the mains that shoot out saying you go this way with light super cropping ?
Been giving this some thought PW. I think they can handle the nutes with the QB's may wanna go lighter if you are running leds tho. Just been stalling .Letting them chill in the shade/floros of the tent see what they do. Have another light i have been meaning to add. Less you think i should give them the ax/guillotine ? lol

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