The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Thanks Kismet, I’m excited to get my Timber QB installed. I’m glad I have it now cause girls are getting bigger and will start flower soon so I need the coverage bad. I believe my grow will be a lot better than last run cause I was lacking coverage last run and I should have pretty decent coverage once I get the Timber up. I can’t wait to compare my overall yield from last run.✌️
Well got my QB’s today but my drill gave out on me so it’s gonna be tomorrow before I get it installed. All I had was a old drill with a cord that was my dads lol. My father in law will be home later this evening so I will go and borrow his cordless. They sent me some Timber stickers also that I put on my tent and the packaging was great. Oh well I’ve waited this long I can wait one more day to get everything setup lol.✌️
Freaking hilarious, in a sad way Ghost
Wait wait wait some'd be at the store already buying a new one.....I have NO

You will love them that's for sure
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