The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Checked on the girls before leaving for work. Things looked great in the AM and 12 hours later, one of the Brooklyn's has died. Never had a plant 4 days in, doubled in size, just die. It looks like the stem/tap root rotted in half. They weren't over watered, humidity was around 50%, and didn't have them domed at all from the moment they broke ground. I planted a new seed back in it's place, straight into Pro Mix in the 5 gallon container.
I feel you..I said goodnight to three but I believe one is dying in this heat mid 90s,so I may wake up to two
good morning guys n gals, you are all doing well really we'll, @Flagirl almost got search n rescue out looking for

Well I've given up hope on the comparative grow, cause that package is probs still in the airport, my country whose postal service has been on strike for weeks n weeks has just called another strike so I'm not a happy gollum but hands are tied and I can only wait....:passitleft::cough:
good morning guys n gals, you are all doing well really we'll, @Flagirl almost got search n rescue out looking for

Well I've given up hope on the comparative grow, cause that package is probs still in the airport, my country whose postal service has been on strike for weeks n weeks has just called another strike so I'm not a happy gollum but hands are tied and I can only wait....:passitleft::cough:
Well you will have certainly learned a lot from all our trials and tribulations!
Great stuff:) Nice training Kis!

Nutrients for all are Emerald Harvest 2part series full series minus the root wizard.

Brooke Day 22 No Pistils yet lol :D
In full Coco with 1/2 strength grow nutes, every couple days. Ppm 400-500

BSA 1 or Natural Spirit Day 37 and I think I see pistils on her starting. She has big rubber plant ties wrapped strategically doing a “self-quad” I will likely tie her down like the misfits to open her up more
In Promix HP with full strength grow nutes once a week. Ppm 600-700
She is sitting in the garden bed and the roots are growing into the bed! How do I know this?? Because I lifted her up and riiiip :eek: I have her and Brennan in their forever spots in the bed I guess :D

And finally BSA 2 or Brennan Day 37 and no pistils yet. Very skinny leaves on her. She is bent down but was not topped like her sis.
She gets the same feed and is also in promix hp.

good morning guys n gals, you are all doing well really we'll, @Flagirl almost got search n rescue out looking for

Well I've given up hope on the comparative grow, cause that package is probs still in the airport, my country whose postal service has been on strike for weeks n weeks has just called another strike so I'm not a happy gollum but hands are tied and I can only wait....:passitleft::cough:
That is shitty! Maybe it's time for a vacation. LoL
Finally, as a dad I can breathe a sigh of relief. My little girl has been released from intensive care and looks like she might pull through. Here she is at 7 days old. Probably not going to be able to top her unless a miracle happens and she takes off suddenly.
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