The Rooster's Multi Strain Multi Light - Indoor Outdoor Grow - Mars LED

Re: The Rooster's Multi Strain Indoor & Outdoor Farm

My my!!!! So what you do just run the dab stick across the nug and forget about the butane? Lol that's some loaded stuff man. What strain?
I guess a bag seed ? I found it in a bag of gold rush by Ak frost at the dispensary.... I was gonna veg her out until it turned out she was an auto . Oh Well! Makes for a nice treat
Re: The Rooster's Multi Strain Indoor & Outdoor Farm

I guess a bag seed ? I found it in a bag of gold rush by Ak frost at the dispensary.... I was gonna veg her out until it turned out she was an auto . Oh Well! Makes for a nice treat

Yea too bad that's an auto and you can't keep the genetics. Looks like some great stuff dude
good morning ladies
Dang they're big!!!! I love me a big ol bush.

Lol I feel like they get to a certain size and then pictures do them no justice what so ever. But yet you can manipulate a small plants photo to appear big lol big once they get to a certain size there's only one way to get the whole plant in the picture and it's definitely not a complimenting photo angle lol these will be my biggest ones indoors to date
Lol I feel like they get to a certain size and then pictures do them no justice what so ever. But yet you can manipulate a small plants photo to appear big lol big once they get to a certain size there's only one way to get the whole plant in the picture and it's definitely not a complimenting photo angle lol these will be my biggest ones indoors to date
Dude your plants are swallowing the tent! That's how I know they're huge. And they make my biggest plant look small so that's how I can tell
I am about to give the girls a haircut. Get rid of some of the infected mite leaves on the big one in the corner of her.

Going to implement the schwazzing method from here on out and pump that plant full of micronutrients and beneficial bacteria. Supposedly schwazzing increases yield by 40% when you add the bacteria's but defoliation always hurt me in the past. Looks like now I can try it without regret because I wanna clean up some of the mite colony that has started and also get some more light down low. Wish me luck
Good luck. Gonna research this swazzzher man. I'm running micro beasties galore. Curious to see how it does. Keep us posted :high five"
Good luck. Gonna research this swazzzher man. I'm running micro beasties galore. Curious to see how it does. Keep us posted :high five"

There's a book on it called "three a light" claims using this method you can grow three pounds a run per light (based on 1000whps)
Man Rooster those are some big ass girls!! My girls are midgets compared to them beast!! What is that a five by five or four by four tent they are swallowing?? Lots of lil bud heads showing all over the place!! Ur bout to smash it in there!! Gonna watchh ur swazzing technique cause all i really did is take leaves off to show lower penetration. I do use Great White Voodoo juice microbial munchy and Photosynthesis plus. Which all i got samples at my local hydro store!! Great looking indoor girls fo sho!!
before and after schwazz of the big mother of berries.
I will implement the following nute change for the start of schwazz method from here out

2 teaspoons flora bloom
1 teaspoon flora micro
1/4 teaspoon of whatever Soluables the week calls for from fox farm (beastie blooms, chaching)
1 drop floralicious plus
2 teaspoons cornucopia dr Thomas plant energy
3 teaspoons bushdoctor bembe sweet and dandy
2 teaspoons bushdoctor microbrew
I havnt shown a picture of the veg room in a while. Here's a group shot. Gorilla bomb Scrog on the right. The 2 black 1/2 gallon pots are mother of berries clones. Just transplanted. Then the 2 in the white buckets are chemdog #4 and "THE NUKE" (gorilla glue x thc bomb x sour diesel) and then there is a seedling that just sprouted of blackberry og


Here is the chemdog

Here is the nuke!

The gorilla bomb scrog needs a pruning underneath. Will get to it eventually. Don't be fooled by her skinny stalk and only half the scrog being filled lol she's much bigger than that. I have filled the scrog twice already just to go back and top every branch as low as I could possibly go. Sometimes removing branches that fill half the screen lol (I can't flower it for another 45 days so I've been hacking back and back. Going to try and get a super screen rather than having to double layer it)

My preferred method of training is on the nuke and the chemdog though. I "super top" or st least that's what I have coined it.

After my plants or clones get about 6" tall I start topping them. Once I start I don't stop until a week before flower. Every single time I top the plant and it opens up into a new split growth site I top both of those two. And when those split I top those into 4 and then 8 and so on. By the time I flower those they will look like a scrog. And it helps stop the stretch too. I found the more tops the less stretch. If I have a plant with 4 main colas and I flower it I notice I get anywhere from a 6-18" stretch depending on strain and indica/sativa percentages in the genetics. When I top the plant constantly. It avoids the stretch and packs on nugs much tighter on the colas and further down the Plant.
I also found that with my sativas I can really shorten the stretch if I juice them with the first full flowering feeding 5-6 days before flipping the lights. I give it a day after feeding then flush the plant for 4-5 days and then flip and start my flowering feeding when the lights come back on after the first 12 hour dark period. I can stop the stretch by about 50% doing this. It's well worth it and it also really helps pack on bud sites. Pre flower is so important to establish the bud sites. You can't put weight on something that's not there. This is key for yield. A lot of people focus on weight building in the later weeks of flower buy bud building I think takes all preference.

Happy smoking
Damn Rooster!! Keep teaching!! My next grow is Sativa and glad u shared this tip of keeping strectch manageable!! Keep up the great work cause i love to learn from experience not something u read out a book!!
Damn Rooster!! Keep teaching!! My next grow is Sativa and glad u shared this tip of keeping strectch manageable!! Keep up the great work cause i love to learn from experience not something u read out a book!!

Scrog works really well on sativas the first go around when you aren't sure what to expect from the stretch. Just keep training and training until you either have buds coming or you run out of room. Best way I've found for controlling stretch. Even with the other method I still scrog certain strains so I don't have to jack my lights in flower from my ones that don't stretch. Then I end up with all kinds of containers propping them up and it sucks. And individual scrogs work the best. Big scrogs are a bitch. It gets hard by week 2 of flower to reach in the back to train and stuff. Much easier to shove 4 rods in your dirt and then fasten a pvc square on top. Drill holes and run strings. Then you can move plants and separate them and take them out to prune or harvest if they finish at different times. Only way to go with a scrog is to fasten each scrog to each bucket. You'll save yourself some yelling if you do it that way. Trial and error lol I'll go find pics of my t5 scrog after lol it was cool man. 12 ounces on a 5x3' scrog with 660 watts of HO T5.

It was my first grow. Hardly any nutes and it was in a shed that got to like 110 with the sun beating on it lol I've come a long way but that was still a successful grow with the lights I used and the environment. Huge lack of knowledge then too. Lol but I thought I knew a shit ton lmao!
I used to think my closet set up was banging lmfao see the carpets on the divider? Lol that was because there was grooves in the door when I shut it and it created a light leak lol screwed some carpets there so when you shut it they smush and blacked it out. Lol there was a cloned to the right down in the bottom too. Lol I used to only get like 30g a plant lmao shit underpowered magnetic 400w hps ballast
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