The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Lmao hairy nuts...

Okay gang so we were out on the lake wayyyy longer than expected yesterday, so miss an update and watering.

They look like they are cruising though. The stankberries are huge! And the one strong female has impressed me lots so far. At least as far as structure, vigor, and resistance to over and under feeding. should be a perfect candidate for the first step in the cubing process.

The ATF are far more short and stout.

The big dilemma will be choosing the stud. Both males are healthy and pretty homogeneous. But one has the cool mutataed leaves. I think that way a result of the FIRM (f I really missed).

Enough rambling. Picture time!

The plants

The 2 ATF males

And your interesting fact for today...

Spinachs like cannabis, have seperate male and female plants, and while a single plant can produce both, it's less common.

I was like wtf why is my spinach throwing pistils!?

Guess I have another breeding project in the work....

Have a blessed and medicated Sunday all!

Yep super stoked on the idea of making my own!

Nice.... Love regular garden veggies, just hard here on the Surface of the Sun to grow many
Yeah I'm amazed anything can grow out there. I suppose the pecan orchid in green valley does fine, they only have to drop the water table by feet every year to do so lol....
Well its official I killed Mr stank berry and fed him to the worms! Also started worm tote #3. I'm keeping a close eye on @blewhiller and how his plants flower out. They are overall enormous and I cant wait to try some of this worm shit later this year. :slide::slide::slide:

We cleaned out the garage today, and the wife mentioned a garage grow for veggies. Which could be pretty neat.

I still need to choose which male to keep. I'll get some nice pics tomorrow and we can decide cause I dont know when to expect him to blow his load....

Hope everyone's Sunday was a good one.

I agree shed man! Just not sure what the warning signal is....

So taking a closer look at the males today.

The only characteristic that has me leaning more one way than another is that one plant dude is showing more mag deficiency than the other.

The stem girth on the topped plant is a better than the one I missed on.... but I am not sure whether or not that is from the topping or a sign he is a bit stronger.

The taller untopped male has less purple in the main stalk. Again hard to tell if that's environmental or genetic.

The clusters of balls seem to be bigger on the topped male, and more evenly distributed. Again I attribute this to the topping. Also the nodal spacing seems tighter. But that's because the lowers didnt have to go up as far to catch the apical tops... so try to evaluate the spacing more towards the top.

Let me do pics and I would appreciate feedback. If anyone has any thoughts suggestions or comments feel free to chime in....

Yeah, those yellow leaves are bugging me!
Same. And I didnt defoliate for that reason specifically, so I could monitor nutrient uptake. The topped one has it too just not as prevalent....
Let's see how the males stack up and trichomes will be a plus.
So you think I'm okay to let them go a little longer? I just get worried one will explode.. when do they generally pop??
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