The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Looking great my friend

Just switched my ATF and DTF twins to 11/13 yesterday

Be fun to compare them
Ummm not sure my 1 gallon cocos will compare very well to your dwc... but one can dreanm!
Good day to all you hop heads and bud blazers!!!

So I took a closer look at the plants...

It looks like we have 2 stankberry FEMALES. From left to right female, male (undecided but likley male), and female.

That will work! I'll clone the strongest female. And kill the male. The other female is the one with pigment issues. So not much interest in her....

The ATF are undecided... 2 or 3 males (I think). Which is perfect! I'll keep the best one for pollen chucking and maybe take a cut also

What Should You Look For In Male Cannabis Plant For Breeding

Above is an interesting article on selecting good male candidates for breeding.

The window gals are performing nicely. Just bending the 2 lead shoots down daily.

Here is a peek at the tub today....

And one of my ATFs has some super cool mutations

Hope you all had a safe and fun 4th o July!!!

Only room for the strongest in that love tub!
Honestly I could use some room.... especially since we have 2 confirmed stankberry gals. They're gonna be HUGE!
Yeah there were some people shooting them off... but I grew out of day time fireworks at about 12. I sure did enjoy my m-80s as a kid. We would go down to rocky point (mexico) regularly, and I was a bit of a firework fiend lol!


It appears that all 3 ATF may be male.... is that a bad thing? no. Is it a good thing? no.

I was hoping for at least 1 female to resupply ATF seeds. luckily I think I ended up with 2 seperate packs from the stank man, so no biggie.

@newty I will grab pics of male vs female. males have spade shaped growths with no hairs. hairs are the easiest indicator to look for.

I know 1 of my stankberries is a man. and I will stop watering him and or chop him down today, seems how I don't want a stankberry male anyways... #wormfood.

gotta run into town. Going to start building my gravity fed auto water. Also grab some 'tame for more wax.

I'll be back later with those pics. Have a blessed and medicated day.... afterall, ITS FRIDAY!!!!

Safe how? Non-volatile? I use the blue stuff that stinks of acetone. Use inside at your own risk.
I chose to skip this step and ask some veteran DWC growers....

Heres what I have now just needs glue and a 5 gallon bucket grommet for the "bucket to pipe " connection

Oops and it need an end cap... but I can finish it up later.

So time for a further (picture filled) update... sorry TUB-DATE

I tried to get these up sooner after Chris asked...

Heres the group


And the only girl ATF


Man aka worm food

And that's what's happening in the tub today!

Happy Friday friends and I hope your weekends are all you needed and more.

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