The Munki's Playground

Well it has been a long time since my last posting. I have ditched all the mothers except for two of the Ogre plants. Took 8 cuttings on 1/15/2011 and have now placed the best 4 cuttings into Ebb & Grow pots. Running a GH Flora nutrient solution (75mL Micro, 150mL Bloom) plus 50mL of a DutchMaster Silica product and 25 drops of superthrive into 25 gallons of RO water. It will be the clones first nutrients. They have been bleaching their leaves of late stealing their nutrients for continued growth.






A couple of days later on the 17th...



Mothers hanging out while the cuttings are taking root. Here I still had some Master Kush mothers living. Only the Ogre plants remain now.

Here are the little ones in their new home as of today.



My LED lights ... a demonstration on the importance of the proper lenses.

The LED arrays I've had actually had incorrect lenses in them. They had a focus area of 120 degrees. It was later discovered that 60 degree lenses were much better. I wanted to know how much.

I have two 144 watt LED arrays; one with the 120 degree lenses and on with the 60s. Using a LUX meter measured from a fixed height, let's see the difference. The numbers shown are x100 LUX so a 100 on the screen means 10,000 LUX.



The array with the 120 degree lenses...

The array with the 60 degree lenses...

Damn! A pretty big difference in intensity. There is not an appreciable increase in the floor coverage using the 120 degree lenses, so the 60s are ideal.
I've gotten some fun digital SLR lenses lately and wanted to apply them here. I took out a nice top nugget of the Ogre bud and put it into the sunlight. Using a macro lens, I took some nice pics showing the trichs.


Nice pics Munki, looks like the show is ramping up again. Wish I could take close ups like that. :peace:

I bought a used DSLR camera and macro lens in order to get those detailed shots. Done on a Canon 20D with a Tokina 100mm f/2.8 MACRO lens. Got both parts used so it was not too expensive but still about $500. So I guess cheap or expensive would be relative to one's financial position but new the equipment was worth over $1000.

I still use my smaller point and shoot for shots under the LED lights as the small camera deals with custom white balance much easier. Shots with my 20D are difficult to white balance and often overexpose the reds and blues. I think it is because the camera only looks at green light for its histogram for exposure purposes and the LED has practically no green light emitted so it erroneously tries to overexpose to get enough green. Oh well.
I think the little clones have been in the system for 3 days now. No leaf growth but bottom leaves are continuing to bleach out. Hoping the plants are sending down many roots into the media and to see upward growth within a week. We shall see. No names or numbers for the plants but each is shown below. Note that the leaves look dark because the pics were shot under the LED array and a custom white balance in the camera can only do so much. With little green light available, the leaves just look dark.





Munki how do you care for your clones? Did you have roots in 2 weeks? They look great! Thanks.

I put them in Grodan rockwool cubes under a humidity dome for the first 7 to 10 days. Mist under the dome 2 - 3 times per day. I'll start taking off the dome for periods of time to see how well they resist limping over and once they look like they could stand, I take off the hood. I then am ensuring that the rockwool cubes do not dry out and I look for the bottom leaves to lose their green color. That is a sign that the plant is moving nutrients it can for growth like Magnesium to new areas. The roots were not showing through the cubes yet, but I figured I might as well load them into their new home now and give low strength nutes to them as that is what I'd be doing in the clone tent.

Note you may not need the humidity dome for a long period after cutting. We had lots of dry winds during that period that was keeping the RH% particularly low.
Thanks for that. What temps do you run and what kind/cycle of lighting?

They look pretty short to me too, am I seeing that right? My batch were short too, I think that's easier on the plants but it's just my guess.

Take care!
Thanks for that. What temps do you run and what kind/cycle of lighting?

They look pretty short to me too, am I seeing that right? My batch were short too, I think that's easier on the plants but it's just my guess.

Take care!

The temps are not being controlled by me. They are getting constant fresh air being brought in from outside day and night. I need to get a battery back into my thermometer so I can give you a current range. I live in So Cal near the beach, so temps are moderated a bit. We have had many days around 75 degrees lately, but the nights get cool like the low 50s.

Lights are on 18/6 for veg. The lighting is a LED array; presently a 288 watt unit from EarthFireGardens but is no longer sold by the company.

Plants are short and look extra short because I buried the rockwool into the hydroton so it would be below the high water mark. The hydroton needs to come to a level where it stays dry at all times so it is to the level of the base leaves of the clones. Later on in the plants' lives, all those leaves will be gone.


I'm finally a go :yahoo:

Damn bro missed you all!! I got a (((TON))) of catching up to do. I missed 3/4's of this grow :sorry:

But all is better then ever and am soooo stoked to be able to catch up on your great work :)

Glad to have you aboard, Butcher! You can check up on the last grow in this thread ...

Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power

Just starting up a new grow with just the Ogre strain. Planning on flipping to 12/12 once the plants get to about 8 - 9 inches in height. On the last grow, I flipped at 18 inches and got a monster that barely fit into the 4x4 tent.

Those plants look freaking sweet man.!

Thanks Joebong! Hoping they show upward growth this next week. Roots should be developing now below the scenes.

Oh, and :welcome: to 420 Magazine!

Hey man, I have a quick question.

Why do you clip the ends of the leaves on the clones?

So the clones can focus on root development.

What Mr. Krip said is one reason. Biggest reasons for me is to limit the amount of stomata that can leak out moisture and limit the amount of photosynthesis happening early. Really trying to prevent the little cuttings from losing moisture too quickly until it can make its own roots and pull in moisture that way. Then, the cuttings will make new leaves.
Thanks Munki! SoCal by the ocean I hate you! We're hoping for a heat wave in the high 30's sometime this month.

You're basically just running ambient temps and it's not all that warm so that's good to know. I'm going to try and keep the clones around 80 max if I can.
Thanks Munki! SoCal by the ocean I hate you! We're hoping for a heat wave in the high 30's sometime this month.

You're basically just running ambient temps and it's not all that warm so that's good to know. I'm going to try and keep the clones around 80 max if I can.

That sounds good. Under the lights and especially when I had the dome on did the temp rise to around 80 degrees.
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