The Mega Crop Thread

that depends totally on your growing style... there are no right or wrong answers here.
I like to be able to walk away from my grow for days at a time... I do still have a life after all. For this primary reason, I love soil.
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Pineapple Chunk Mega Crop Test - Grow Journal
I ran soil 25 years ago then have been running hydro in a BC Northern Lights producer. I was forced to soil for the time being. With that said I ran HF then FFOF last grow. I switched up to a soil more like the strength of Happy Frog this time.never listen to the store worker. Lol
I’m all about cost savings on consumables. If mixing my own will save. I’m down. I know pre mixed stuff can be a little pricey. My next read will be on reusing this soil. I haven’t fed these yet and already I’m not real happy with the color.


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You're posting in the MC thread and you haven't fed your plants yet......blasphemy!!!
It’s sitting there begging to be used. Trust me I am lifting the pots every 2 hours praying they are dry. This soil was supposed to be good for 2-3 weeks. BS. Now it’s not dry, so I wait.
Day 20-2.JPG

Could this leaf curling be from over-feeding MC?

this is a master kush showing light stress and overfeed


note the tipping at the end of the leaves and curl

dropped the MC back a bit and rolled the light down a touch. will be gaining a bit more headroom this weekend. they should be done stretch by now.

i'm running that 12 cob mobster at 75%. kinda pushing it really. had it at about 90% previous lol.
@bluter Based on the size of your flowers and the amount of brown hairs I would say they finished stretching a few weeks ago.

lol. they gained 2 inches over the wk. they were definitely slowing . relief.
they just started 4th wk of flower. wk 5 from flip. had to have quit by now.

we were freaking out. i never had such long pistils either.
at any rate i'm maxed. trying to maintain 18 inches headroom.

the MK is the shortest of the bunch. that ones got loads of room.
I am working with gifted seeds, and only half of one batch of them at that... so I can afford to experiment. This next grow of mine is going to be an all out attempt to test the MC and to prove that with them not even mentioning pH on their website, that keeping pH within reasonable limits is all that we need to do, and that it does not need to be adjusted. I also wish to prove that the water is not as critical as we often think it is and that regular tap water with no attempt to air out the chlorine is going to be perfectly ok too.
The Proper Way to Water a Potted Plant (in soil) - STICKY
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Berry-D'licious No AACT Organic - Grow Journal
Pineapple Chunk Mega Crop Test - Grow Journal
I have a friend that’s been growing for 10 yrs. he says he is one of the top growers in the state. His plants are only 6 ft tall and massive. His harvest is always two to three pounds per plant. I’ve seen it. I’ve asked him a few questions. He said stop getting caught up in all the hype. He uses miracle grow in aeroponics.he also had giant jugs of clonex and I asked why so much. He said he uses it all through the grow. I don’t know his mix but he has showed me these things. He says light is the most important. Told me to get rid of my led they will never put the lumin that hps does. Also he uses tap water only. With chlorine I use ro and he says don’t need it. Plants love some chlorine. I was there last week and he had new plant And he took his whole forearm to lift a bud and I’ve never seen anything like it. So this is why I always am questioning things. He said don’t overthink it. I can not produce like him. But I do believe aeroponics is the way to go for me. . Oh yeah I did notice something else two burners that are producing what I believe must me co2. Just wanted to put this out there, because it true stuff and I would like to know how he’s doing
I have a friend that’s been growing for 10 yrs. he says he is one of the top growers in the state. His plants are only 6 ft tall and massive. His harvest is always two to three pounds per plant. I’ve seen it. I’ve asked him a few questions. He said stop getting caught up in all the hype. He uses miracle grow in aeroponics.he also had giant jugs of clonex and I asked why so much. He said he uses it all through the grow. I don’t know his mix but he has showed me these things. He says light is the most important. Told me to get rid of my led they will never put the lumin that hps does. Also he uses tap water only. With chlorine I use ro and he says don’t need it. Plants love some chlorine. I was there last week and he had new plant And he took his whole forearm to lift a bud and I’ve never seen anything like it. So this is why I always am questioning things. He said don’t overthink it. I can not produce like him. But I do believe aeroponics is the way to go for me. . Oh yeah I did notice something else two burners that are producing what I believe must me co2. Just wanted to put this out there, because it true stuff and I would like to know how he’s doing

Not sure why you would post this in the Mega Crop thread, unless you are thinking that he is lying to you and actually using Mega Crop or you think Mega Crop and Miracle Grow are the same thing. This question is probably best having its own thread. As far as your friend goes, before quantum boards I still would have preferred LED over HPS just from an operating cost perspective. If my goal was to brag I get the heaviest yields without caring how much money I spent, then maybe I would have said HPS. Before QB's HPS was about 8% more ppf the the good LED lights out there, not the best LED lights though which were very expensive to purchase but paid you back through operating costs being significantly lower. If you goal is to brag then follow your friends advise, but if you are running a business or just want some good smoke for yourself go with LED lights, QB's if you can swing it. They will cost you way less in the long run, and avoid heat issues for the most part. They will save you more then 8% dollar wise, probably closer to 40%. By the way have you considered that your friend is stubborn or arrogant and refuses to think/understand that there is a better way then his. I have been growing for about 10 years as well and all I can say for sure is technology keeps advancing and if we do not keep up we get left behind, and I learn something almost every day. As far as how he is doing it, good lights, co2 and experience maintaining his environment to ideal or almost ideal conditions, and of course genetics. The last sentence is just a guess as I do not know this person and have not seen any information on his room/s or equipment or genetics.
I also wish to prove that the water is not as critical as we often think it is and that regular tap water with no attempt to air out the chlorine is going to be perfectly ok too.

Hello my name is FatBeaver and I.......used to use RO water to grow my herbs :eek:.
{crowd replies in unison} "Hello FatBeaver."

I used to be an RO guy when I first started in DWC. I wanted that clean slate to build my nute profile on. I was on a 5 gallon jug exchange with my local water store and was paying less than a dollar a gallon. Life was good & things were great.

I finally found myself in a pinch and had to run a rez full of tap water. My tap comes out at 380ppm & 7.0ph or so. Not exactly mineral spring water but ya gotta do what ya gotta do when it hits the fan.
I learned that my plant didn't give 2 $hit$ that it was sucking up municipal swill.

Next grow I switched to degassed tap water the whole run. The grow after that I stopped degassing and just went straight from tap to rezzy.
I honestly can't tell the difference between tap & RO. The plants still grow big and beautiful. My nugs are frosty.
I pop all my seeds in tap water as well.

I did research my municipal water report. They do use chlorine not chloramine.
Two interesting facts I did find....
RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINANTS – Combined Radium 226/228 @ 1.5 – Picocuries per liter not a level to be concerned about apparently & they lost an estimated total of 13,592,963,983 gallons of water through main breaks, leaks, inaccurate customer metering, theft and other causes.....holy crap

Well this is a MC thread so here is some relevant content.
Here are some pics of the ladies 3 days after switching to MC. I know they say you need to wait weeks before reading your leaf coloring but I am in DWC and changes happen quickly.

What do you folks think? Is this close to the ideal MC green? This is @ 6g per gallon.

And the cloner experiment @ 6g per gallon as well

Started my little Biscotti girls on the MC sauce as well last night @ 1g per gallon both in the soil and DWC Solo cup

Like I said it's still early I suppose but I have noticed a darkening of the leaves without any signs of tip burn so I'ma roll with it.

Love this thread btw :smokin:
I honestly can't tell the difference between tap & RO. The plants still grow big and beautiful. My nugs are frosty.
I pop all my seeds in tap water as well.

This is great info for those on municipal supplies. I'd caution folks using it to check the quality of their water, paying special attention to the lead content. I'd even go so far as to test the water at my taps to make sure the lead levels were below five parts per billion (the current Health Canada standard). There's quite the scandal here in Canada, as it has been revealed that tap water is contaminated with lead for a significant portion of their customers. This is due to the lead pipes that are still in service, and solder used to join copper piping in most homes. If you are on a municipal supply, this can cost you tens of thousands of dollars to rectify. You will be on the hook for the supply line on your property, as well as the plumbing in your home.

For those on private wells, I recommend getting a full analysis of your tap water. As I've mentioned before, mine has more than ten times the allowable arsenic level.

If your water has problems, I still recommend an RO or bottled water at minimum for drinking, doing dishes, and your plants. If you use bottled water, get some checked out. Most of the companies use the municipal water supplies as their source.

Your plants with their short lifespans may not care, but do you want the health problems associated with the contaminants they suck up and concentrate?
again the old adage.... if your water is ok for you and your pets, it is ok for the plants. There are certainly communities even in the USA, where the water is not exactly safe... but they won't tell you. As advised above, test your water and know what you are putting into your body and your plants.
The Proper Way to Water a Potted Plant (in soil) - STICKY
Emmie's Links, Journals and Tutorials

Berry-D'licious No AACT Organic - Grow Journal
Pineapple Chunk Mega Crop Test - Grow Journal
again the old adage.... if your water is ok for you and your pets, it is ok for the plants. There are certainly communities even in the USA, where the water is not exactly safe... but they won't tell you. As advised above, test your water and know what you are putting into your body and your plants.
The Proper Way to Water a Potted Plant (in soil) - STICKY
Emmie's Links, Journals and Tutorials

Berry-D'licious No AACT Organic - Grow Journal
Pineapple Chunk Mega Crop Test - Grow Journal

It was the reports out of Flint, Michigan that prompted journalists here to launch their investigation. Some areas in a few of our cities here in Canada exceeded those levels. I've no doubt that at least every industrialized country has the same problem.
Not sure why you would post this in the Mega Crop thread, unless you are thinking that he is lying to you and actually using Mega Crop or you think Mega Crop and Miracle Grow are the same thing. This question is probably best having its own thread. As far as your friend goes, before quantum boards I still would have preferred LED over HPS just from an operating cost perspective. If my goal was to brag I get the heaviest yields without caring how much money I spent, then maybe I would have said HPS. Before QB's HPS was about 8% more ppf the the good LED lights out there, not the best LED lights though which were very expensive to purchase but paid you back through operating costs being significantly lower. If you goal is to brag then follow your friends advise, but if you are running a business or just want some good smoke for yourself go with LED lights, QB's if you can swing it. They will cost you way less in the long run, and avoid heat issues for the most part. They will save you more then 8% dollar wise, probably closer to 40%. By the way have you considered that your friend is stubborn or arrogant and refuses to think/understand that there is a better way then his. I have been growing for about 10 years as well and all I can say for sure is technology keeps advancing and if we do not keep up we get left behind, and I learn something almost every day. As far as how he is doing it, good lights, co2 and experience maintaining his environment to ideal or almost ideal conditions, and of course genetics. The last sentence is just a guess as I do not know this person and have not seen any information on his room/s or equipment or genetics.
We’ll first off it was suppose to be a response to amilya ro water reference.
I didn’t think it was gonna draw the forum police to let me know I’m in the wrong spot lmao. Second I don’t appreciate your comment about bragging I know what your referring to. In no way was I bragging like I said I can’t even grow that. I think what happens is veterans that still can’t do it get offended and this is what happens
I have a friend that’s been growing for 10 yrs. he says he is one of the top growers in the state. His plants are only 6 ft tall and massive. His harvest is always two to three pounds per plant. I’ve seen it. I’ve asked him a few questions. He said stop getting caught up in all the hype. He uses miracle grow in aeroponics.he also had giant jugs of clonex and I asked why so much. He said he uses it all through the grow. I don’t know his mix but he has showed me these things. He says light is the most important. Told me to get rid of my led they will never put the lumin that hps does. Also he uses tap water only. With chlorine I use ro and he says don’t need it. Plants love some chlorine. I was there last week and he had new plant And he took his whole forearm to lift a bud and I’ve never seen anything like it. So this is why I always am questioning things. He said don’t overthink it. I can not produce like him. But I do believe aeroponics is the way to go for me. . Oh yeah I did notice something else two burners that are producing what I believe must me co2. Just wanted to put this out there, because it true stuff and I would like to know how he’s doing
Sorry you got jumped on, because there is no harm in questioning things. Your friend seems to have had it perfected into a science in his garden. Whatever he was doing, whether it was the clonex, miracle grow or co2, it apparently worked quite well and he was right about the lights being the most important part of this but in light of current developments in LED, I would have to disagree with him about HPS being superior. Keep working on fine tuning what you are doing while figuring out his tricks and maybe someday you will be able to grow like that old master too.
The Proper Way to Water a Potted Plant (in soil) - STICKY
Emmie's Links, Journals and Tutorials

Berry-D'licious No AACT Organic - Grow Journal
Pineapple Chunk Mega Crop Test - Grow Journal
Keep working on fine tuning what you are doing while figuring out his tricks and maybe someday you will be able to grow like that old master too.

And sometimes "elder" growers just have a knack that can't be explained. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
And sometimes "elder" growers just have a knack that can't be explained. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Sure it can. To paraphrase David Mamet. "Old age and experience will always beat youth and exuberance."

The quote is: "Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance."
We’ll first off it was suppose to be a response to amilya ro water reference.
I didn’t think it was gonna draw the forum police to let me know I’m in the wrong spot lmao. Second I don’t appreciate your comment about bragging I know what your referring to. In no way was I bragging like I said I can’t even grow that. I think what happens is veterans that still can’t do it get offended and this is what happens

Well first off you can @Emilya when responding to someone in particular. I did not police you I came across your post while reading to inform myself and responded to help. I pointed out there may have been a better place for your question is all.

I did not say you were bragging, I said if you wanted to do it for bragging rights then follow your friends advice.

Sorry did not mean to upset you.
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