The Mega Crop Thread

The only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.

It may be, but I really don't know. I had calcium deficiencies earlier and have added 2-3ml CALiMAGic to the solution, but I had the precipitate before I started adding it.

With the General Hydroponics' Flora Trio and supplements I had to add a little extra CALiMAGic to some grows as well.
You using RO??
You using RO??
Yes, I mix 18l (measured by weight, 1l = 1Kg) with 30.91 ± 0.05gm Mega Crop. This corresponds to 4.75 US gal at 6.5 gm / US gal. The pails are marked with the tare weight. I check the calibration of my scales monthly.

The TDS of the water from my RO is 16 PPM, and the pH is 7.2.
It would be helpful for newer growers if you could have some guidelines for using MC In your opening post.
A FAQ or something like that. All the bickering over the details sends the wrong message.

As a new gardener I was drawn to MC for cost and simplicity. It has met those expectations.
I'm only four weeks in, but good so far with promix, one gallon milk jug and a tsp.
Stick to this ideology and you will be just fine. We share the same church here.
Yes, I mix 18l (measured by weight, 1l = 1Kg) with 30.91 ± 0.05gm Mega Crop. This corresponds to 4.75 US gal at 6.5 gm / US gal. The pails are marked with the tare weight. I check the calibration of my scales monthly.

The TDS of the water from my RO is 16 PPM, and the pH is 7.2.
My pH is higher than yours so I wouldn't think that or the sulfur would be the culprit since you use RO.
When I mix my water is at 72°. My pH is 7.5. My water is very hard, I use tap.
Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Are we sure this isn't calcium precipitation? Temp, pH and amount of sulfur in the water can cause precipitation in some forms of calcium.

we are very nearly probably certain it is calcium. either undissolved or precipitate forming after..
very nearly probably being as scientific as i wanna get

My pH is higher than yours so I wouldn't think that or the sulfur would be the culprit since you use RO.
When I mix my water is at 72°. My pH is 7.5. My water is very hard, I use tap.

MC is ok to use with tap water dependent on initial ppm. same goes for ph'ing / not ph'ing. both change with the changes in amount of MC needed for each stage of growth and individual plant needs.

this is frankly the same for salt based nutes. the one difference being MC is more available over a broader range.
this is frankly the same for salt based nutes. the one difference being MC is more available over a broader range.
I'd like to clear something up. MC is a salt based nute like every other. The difference is that MC is amino acid chelated and not EDTA chelated.

And despite a single repeated and unsubstantiated claim, no one has shown any difference in the pH requirements of amino acid vs EDTA chelated nutrients in hydro systems. It would be really helpful if that doesn't keep getting repeated without some legitimate backup.
I'd like to clear something up. MC is a salt based nute like every other. The difference is that MC is amino acid chelated and not EDTA chelated.

And despite a single repeated and unsubstantiated claim, no one has shown any difference in the pH requirements of amino acid vs EDTA chelated nutrients in hydro systems. It would be really helpful if that doesn't keep getting repeated without some legitimate backup.

the sources are also a bit different. there are more vegetable based sources as opposed to mineral (rock) sources. but there are mineral based nutrients. macros specifically. am also somewhat skeptical that all nutrients are available on an amino chelate basis.

the info you asking for is what @Emilya was referring to. we already know the EDTA range as far as it matters to the home grower. it is the current ph range. you can't go wrong with that in either nute system.
no one has shown any difference in the pH requirements of amino acid vs EDTA chelated nutrients in hydro systems

I saw some posts regarding this before I started using MC. My gut told me different, so although I didn't follow the pH regime I used before MC, I did keep it within that recommended for hydro.
I saw some posts regarding this before I started using MC. My gut told me different, so although I didn't follow the pH regime I used before MC, I did keep it within that recommended for hydro.

this is exactly what GLN recommends.

Calcium nitrate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, magnesium sulfate...the same in MC and Dynagrow Foliage Pro. Salt based all.


that is not the only source for the individual nutes in the mix however. or even those listed. the largest difference is that is the only source in the majority of the alternate nutes out there.
correct. that is not the only source for the individual nutes in the mix however. the largest difference is that is the only source in the majority of the nutes out there.
I'm not sure how far down the ingredient list you need to go to find the difference between MC and all other nutes' ingredients, but when you said, "this is frankly the same for salt based nutes" it sounded like you were stating that MC was not salt based, as some have repeatedly claimed on this website.
I'm not sure how far down the ingredient list you need to go to find the difference between MC and all other nutes' ingredients, but when you said, "this is frankly the same for salt based nutes" it sounded like you were stating that MC was not salt based, as some have repeatedly claimed on this website.

it is an oversimplification. other nutes = largest % salt based. MC = largest % non salt.
it makes it easier to refer to the difference in systems is all.

it is not to say there are no salts. GLN is up front about it in MC's macronutes in particular. it is the first thing they reference in the section explaining the nute. right at the top in bold. under N P K

everyone really needs to dig through the GLN site if you haven't in the last 3 wks.
I heard back from GLN...

According to your closeup, the debris in the dripper is a brown particle, this isn't consistent with something from Mega Crop. Is it possible it came from a different product? If not, its possibly it did come from Mega Crop as a random debris particle, not something normal in the Mega Crop but may have found its way in. Sometimes this happens but it shouldn't be common.

The type of insoluble from Mega Crop when mixing at high concentration, is a white powder type sulfur/calcium substance, however as mentioned previously, after 12-24 hours in normal water supply, this will dissolve nearly fully completely

Also you do not need to mix for 2.25 hours, you can mix very well when initially stirring for 1-2 minutes when you add it in, and that is all. Mixing for more will not help it further after that.

As for the pail contents picture, it looks mostly like a brown silt, which is expected from the organic ingredients, however this should be a fine silt that can pass through drippers without problem of clogging. So these are just organics and its part of what makes the color brown, but there shouldn't be any large particles of this, it should be a very fine powder.
If the ingredients are listed the way they are on most items (by highest content first), then the main ingredients in MC are all salt-based. At least they are on the bags most of us are using (v2.x).

What am I missing?

you need to add up the percentages.
total percentages salt versus total not. 35 % salt based versus 65% not. some of that 65% has been shown to be probable filler. it was not a significant percentage.

others are essentially 100% salts of some form + water

add to this to the fact you do not pay for the water bottled nutes show up with.
I am about to start up my second grow. I have just under 500gm of Megacrop and will get some more. I do not have a ton of experience behind me but am willing to experiment on this grow. My plants look as beautiful as they do this grow thanks to this forum and I'd like to give back if possible.

I will be growing 6 plants of either 2 different or 3 different strains in the same Promix HP and tent under the same lights and in the same environment. My setup is not 100 percent perfect but it is getting there and will be more than enough for good growth.

If I can help this community by running plants with different variables as a controlled experiment please let me know what variables I can run differently that would be most helpful. I will also take suggestions from this forum if I encounter issues, pick a single piece of advice and follow up with results after applying the suggested solution.

As a newbie I do not have any significant pride behind my grow that could contribute to bias or not presenting each and every road bump as they are.
I figure if the N, the P, and the K are all salt-based, along with the magnesium and the calcium, we can call it a salt-based fertilizer.
they are responsible for the the salt content yes.

not of all of the sources for those individual nutes are completely salt based. even the non salt availability of those nutes will be above the salt based content. again, they drill down on each in the updated site.

call it what you want. for purposes of clarity, it is primarily non salt based.

the mag and cal are non salt
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