The Mars Hydro FC-E4800 Sponsored Grow Journal: 3 Classic Strains In Soil

Fungus gnats and red spider mites, yes
Gnats - not too much bother; H2O2 on the coco & sticky traps at the base of the plant is enough to keep them at bay
Mites - I tried alcohol wipes, hosing off, whacking the humidity up, nicotine garlic and cayenne spray and eventually fumigation, but nothing really worked
For my aphid/ mite issue I had on my plants I used this killed all of them in 3 days no signs of life anywhere we're there shouldn't be. Not sure if I can recommend that here but I'll take the chance with the higher ups.

For my aphid/ mite issue I had on my plants I used this killed all of them in 3 days no signs of life anywhere we're there shouldn't be. Not sure if I can recommend that here but I'll take the chance with the higher ups.

It's on topic, you are not linking to offsite seller and its for reference purposes, as you use that product, so I believe it Is fine.

We normally prefer recommending our Sponsors and purchasing from our Sponsors when possible. If we didn't support the Sponsors like they support us, none of us would be part of this wonderful community. This forum could not run as smoothly or even exist without them.
It's actually spurred me on to take a look at our Sponsors websites and see what similar products they have.

Is your bottle of beasty killer organic? As we are pretty strict on the chemicals that we may consume or inhale in this house. Unless it's THC , nicotine, caffeine or alcohol :laugh:
Oooh! That must have been a right chew on. Fumigation and it still didn't stop them. So I take it once you've got them your only choices are, put up with it or bin the entire grow, sanitise and start again.
Do fungus gnats damage the plants? I've never really read up about beasties, as I've never had them before. I just know what a thrip was from my grandad, in the green house. He used honey for everything. I thought it was an old man's tale, but it seems to work. It's just extremely time consuming treating each indervidual leaf. It was easier on his tomatoes plants as the aren't as densely packed.
Once mites have a foothold, yes, it's a bonfire job and sterilize everything, and they'll still come back
Only cure is prevention
Gnats don't do any harm, just a nuisance and a sign you may be over-watering, esp using bio
Here's my borg arsenal.
Borg Arsenal.JPG
After so many encounters, I'm super-scared of them. :Rasta:
Once mites have a foothold, yes, it's a bonfire job and sterilize everything, and they'll still come back
Only cure is prevention
Gnats don't do any harm, just a nuisance and a sign you may be over-watering, esp using bio
Ahh! @East Coast Marley420 recommended essential oils for prevention, he sprays religiously in and around everywhere, with great success. I've got an under watering issue, so that's my gnat prevention :laughtwo: I leave them till the totally dry out before I water as I'm frightened of over watering..
Thanks for the input, these conversations have been extremely useful and informative..
It's on topic, you are not linking to offsite seller and its for reference purposes, as you use that product, so I believe it Is fine.

We normally prefer recommending our Sponsors and purchasing from our Sponsors when possible. If we didn't support the Sponsors like they support us, none of us would be part of this wonderful community. This forum could not run as smoothly or even exist without them.
It's actually spurred me on to take a look at our Sponsors websites and see what similar products they have.

Is your bottle of beasty killer organic? As we are pretty strict on the chemicals that we may consume or inhale in this house. Unless it's THC , nicotine, caffeine or alcohol :laugh:
Yes all natural clove oil, peppermint, and rosemary. No heavy metals and no residue.. kinda funky smell (clove) but not bad...and thanks I'm not parcé promoting this product just merely saying it worked for me lol
Yes all natural clove oil, peppermint, and rosemary. No heavy metals and no residue.. kinda funky smell (clove) but not bad...and thanks I'm not parcé promoting this product just merely saying it worked for me lol
Sounds good, that's what we want, natural products. But its super handy to know it works, from your experience, So thank you for that. I've actually just remembered about a link @Rexer gave me on making a home made beasty spray. Shed makes his own potions, so I will go down that route aswell.
If all else fails, I will build my self a @Grand Daddy Black Army and blast the little buggers to bits..
Sounds good, that's what we want, natural products. I've actually just remembered about a link @Rexer gave me on making a home made beasty spray. Shed makes his own potions, so I will go down that route aswell.
If all else fails I will build my self a @Grand Daddy Black Army and blast the little buggers to bits..
Good morning Paul, hope you are well today my friend.
Have you got your new seeds yet? ;) Coffee Shop seeds. :love:

Stay safe
Hey Bill. We are great thanks, how about you two?
The seeds, they are still in my shopping basket on their website. I started ordering them on Saturday night , got ridiculously tooooo high and forgot all about it untill you just mentioned it :laugh:
in northern climates it helps to keep your indoor grows to the winter season

it helps to use more than one approach when going after mites. they've been known to develop resistance to treatments if the same one is used over and over.

hotshots work fantastic against gnats, thrips, and mites. they are used in commercial applications all the time. you have to limit exposure, but they are super effective against everything up to a two-spotted mite.

hemp / russet mites are a scorched earth policy. you'll lose the grow. once you've had them, you wind up growing with preventative measures forever after.

Yes all natural clove oil, peppermint, and rosemary. No heavy metals and no residue.. kinda funky smell (clove) but not bad...and thanks I'm not parcé promoting this product just merely saying it worked for me lol

a lot of commercial applications use essential oils. you have to be careful as they are poisonous, but usually used in such minute amounts that they should not be toxic. most will recommend discontinuing use before harvest.
Hey Bill. We are great thanks, how about you two?
The seeds, they are still in my shopping basket on their website. I started ordering them on Saturday night , got ridiculously tooooo high and forgot all about it untill you just mentioned :laugh:
Did you not see they offered to sponsor you.

Stay safe
in northern climates it helps to keep your indoor grows to the winter season

it helps to use more than one approach when going after mites. they've been known to develop resistance to treatments if the same one is used over and over.

hotshots work fantastic against gnats, thrips, and mites. they are used in commercial applications all the time. you have to limit exposure, but they are super effective against everything up to a two-spotted mite.

hemp / russet mites are a scorched earth policy. you'll lose the grow. once you've had them, you wind up growing with preventative measures forever after.

a lot of commercial applications use essential oils. you have to be careful as they are poisonous, but usually used in such minute amounts that they should not be toxic. most will recommend discontinuing use before harvest.
Hi Bluter,
Thanks for this. Very useful information. It's only thrips at the moment, but I will definitely take a look at hotshots too. As I have had a few pests in the vegetable garden, mainly aphids. So it will be a handy tool in the tool box.

Luckily it's winter at the moment, so that will be beneficial i suppose too.

I won't know if they have returned untill lights come back on at midnight tonight. But if the two i threw out were anything to go by, I'm not looking forward to opening the tent.

It actually creeped me out, as you could see the thrips, wiggling their arse in the air and head buried in the leaves and the ones that were roaming free, actually jumped. Oooooooh!!!! I've got the shivers just thinking about them.
Sounds good, that's what we want, natural products. But its super handy to know it works, from your experience, So thank you for that. I've actually just remembered about a link @Rexer gave me on making a home made beasty spray. Shed makes his own potions, so I will go down that route aswell.
If all else fails I will build my self a @Grand Daddy Black Army and blast the little buggers to bits..

I'm glad one of us remembered, cause I don't remember :rofl: :passitleft:
Jebus Krypes, you could take on the Russians with all those weapons :laugh:
I think I need to update my defences. I've heard Vladimir Putin likes honey, so I'm fecked..
The borg creeped me out. I mean really creeped me out! And they kept (keep) coming back.

I did a lot of reading about them and found that the nickname "borg" is appropriate. They can adapt (assimilate) to what we throw at them. Many suggest using different things against them in the same grow.

That's why I got a lot of different stuff -- to keep them off balance.

This approach usually wreaks havoc on my leaves near the end. They mostly end up looking like crap. That's okay.
If I can get the fat, sticky buds to the end bug-free I'm happy. :ganjamon:
Your story has actually gave me a bit of hope, i just need the right tools.
If you can battle the borg and succeed, Im sure I can win against the ermmm????? (taking 5 to think of a killer nickname to call my thrips, that's as catchy as the borg:hmmmm:) ?????? I can battle the ermm???
Nope, too baked, Thrips it is..

I just need to have your determination and your weapons.
Handy bit of info though. I didn't know they could adapt to certain toxins. Cheers for the input and insight. Learned alot over the last few days, cheers everyone.
Lights come on in 45 mins, so we will see what they look like.
Beasty Update

Hi Everyone

The lights came on an hour ago and I have been sitting examining every square mm of the leaves on both plants.
In total I found twelve larvae between the two plants. So they are not as infested as the two I threw out. They are getting bigger and easier to spot.
It's a bit of a blurry photo, I just couldn't get my eyes to focus not the camera:laughtwo: but you can see the ginger speck on the leaf.

I just used a cotton bud or cue tip or whatever you lot over call them in foreign lands, covered in honey and dabbed them all off.
If its just a few, I will continue picking them away.
It was quite therapeutic actually, the oscillating fan sounded like a breeze blowing over a choppy sea and i was immersed in my own little world, searching for the buggers.

I will buy and make some sprays, just incase though.
Once again, thank you all for your advice, I really appreciate it.

You might try vacuuming them off with a dustbuster-
It works well for whiteflies, so maybe for thrips too?
You won't get them all, but it should "thin the herd" a little...
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