
Well the extra calcium never hurt the ph. 6.2 where I expect it to be👍. Could be a bit warmer though.


Best 200 bucks I ever spent. It holds 20 gallons perfectly. How did I ever live without this.

I just mixed up 40 gallons of soil to cook and my back isn't sore. Then I gently misted it to perfect moisture and poured it back into the totes.

The only flaw is I'm out of a couple things so I will have to mix it again tomorrow.

I'm not sure how good of a mixer it is for cement, but wow does it mix soil😎

Dang Baby that was easy and clean.

That's on my wish list!

Of course, the list also includes an atmosphere-controlled grow room. :rolleyes:

Does your soil grow that wispy mold that ours does?

That's on my wish list!

Of course, the list also includes an atmosphere-controlled grow room. :rolleyes:

Does your soil grow that wispy mold that ours does?
If I put it in my wormfarm, as I do, and it sits damp and undisturbed in the dark, after about 3 days there is fungal hyphae all over the surface in the worm bin, if thats what you mean, but cooking usually destroys it about 7-10 days in.

I will grab a picture next time it occurs.

There may be one way back in this journal, or maybe I posted it over in @Keffka 's journal last grow.
I had one when I was 10 years old. :slide: Bought two rolls of string and ran that sucker out 2000 feet one afternoon. :headbanger:

Shoulda wished for an atmosphere-controlled grow room, I guess.

Or a cement mixer.
I just use plain RO water. After a really good soaking I normally let them drip off, and then hit them with a dose of fish ferts at the very least, and if I am going to add a tea then now is the time for that too.

When the pot is fully saturated and barely dripped off, adding more liquid up top allows it to disperse better when everything is wet and as it drips to a stop oxygen gets pulled in up top with the fish and or tea.

If I am adding a myco solution I would add it after a full root soaking too. I use a 100 litre tote to set my pots into for the root dunk.

I usually let them sit fully submerged for about 30 minutes.
Thanks for this info Gee, I’m pretty sure I understand how to go about doing this & will attempt it tomorrow. I’ll post pics (if I remember to take them) & get your take on the results.
You suggested this several days ago, but my family suffered a loss also very recently & family comes before my garden any day of the week.
I’ll post updates over the next few days…


Best 200 bucks I ever spent. It holds 20 gallons perfectly. How did I ever live without this.

I just mixed up 40 gallons of soil to cook and my back isn't sore. Then I gently misted it to perfect moisture and poured it back into the totes.

The only flaw is I'm out of a couple things so I will have to mix it again tomorrow.

I'm not sure how good of a mixer it is for cement, but wow does it mix soil😎

Dang Baby that was easy and clean.
I’ve thought about getting me one of those!
Dude, I have no idea why it took me this long. It should have been the 1st $200 I spent. I am gonna mix so much soil now😎
Well, it looks like I’ll be buying me a cement mixer. You had me at “ my back isn’t sore“…
Day 43 of veg

A view from the front door. Plant #1 front left and plant #4 front right are the 2 bushier phenos.


A view from the back door where plant #2 front right and plant #3 front left are the lankier phenos.

The training is still ongoing but most tops are in place. As stretch happens they will get flexed from above into a more equal pattern.

I upped the light to 70% a few days ago and the gals are loving it. Today it went to 75% and I am 38" from the light, 16 inches tall from the soil. At 21 inches from the soil I only have enough room left for them to double in height at stretch, but I can still flex every top downwards at least 2 more inches on the manifold so that will be what I start working on now for the remaining 13 days of veg.

I also topdressed each pot with 1/4 tablespoon of flower topdressing to start getting ahead and pretty soon the mulch will go on to allow the roots to move upwards into the top 2" of the pots, but not yet.

Thats where all the goodies are and I want that to power stretch so the piggies can't have it quite yet. They can have the calcium and whatever else trickles down but the main course gets reserved for stretch. Tomorrow they get fish for dinner.

Today auto watering starts. I have been manually activating the drippers but it's time to go for constant steady sauna-like soil so they get 6 minutes of dripper twice a day. Soon that won't be enough but for now it will be.

Plant #2 brixed at 17 with a very fuzzy calcium line from a lower leaf.

The odd node is starting to stagger but still no pre-flowers.
Whoa. Wow. I know nothing. OMG. Goddamn this journal is intimidating. I’m scared of you.
Wow @Jon just gave me a couple of hours of his time and schooled me on light meters and how to use the feedback they give. I'm not afraid of my new light anymore, it now needs to be afraid of me! Thank You Jon👊
Thank you Gee. Hi guys. I’m here. I’m over yield and I’m ready to get good. I can always grow autos in coco for yield. I got in this to grow real pot. Photos. Organically. With the goal of producing the best pot on earth. I believe I’m in the right science lab with the right people now, many of you guys I know already. I’m excited for a brand new learning curve. I’m all in on this. My coco photo days are over. I’m already rueing the amount of money I’ve spent on chemicals. Any fool can get yield with chemicals. I don’t recall Mother Nature ever opening a bottle though. Gee has been assisting me with my transition (kind of a significant one) with the clone and the other Geo/RGR plants in my current semi organic grow. I’m already feeling based on all I’ve seen that Gee referring to Geo/RGR as a semi organic is more to make me feel better than anything else, as clearly making your own soil is where this heads. But his help has been awesome, as has Keffka’s, and Azimuth always helps me out and usually has a good sarcastic comment or three for me, lol.

So thanks guys. I’m going to listen and ask questions for a long time. I wasn’t kidding. My soil experience I now see is totally irrelevant. I consider me as raw a newbie in this lab as there is. So please be patient as I ask questions you guys left behind eons ago?

Looking forward to this. And as soon as I complete my move I actually have the land, and space, to make my own soil. So for now I’m a Geo/RGR guy and learning the basics. This is definitely the place to be.

Thanks so much Gee. Appreciate the welcome very much.
Thank you Gee. Hi guys. I’m here. I’m over yield and I’m ready to get good. I can always grow autos in coco for yield. I got in this to grow real pot. Photos. Organically. With the goal of producing the best pot on earth. I believe I’m in the right science lab with the right people now, many of you guys I know already. I’m excited for a brand new learning curve. I’m all in on this. My coco photo days are over. I’m already rueing the amount of money I’ve spent on chemicals. Any fool can get yield with chemicals. I don’t recall Mother Nature ever opening a bottle though. Gee has been assisting me with my transition (kind of a significant one) with the clone and the other Geo/RGR plants in my current semi organic grow. I’m already feeling based on all I’ve seen that Gee referring to Geo/RGR as a semi organic is more to make me feel better than anything else, as clearly making your own soil is where this heads. But his help has been awesome, as has Keffka’s, and Azimuth always helps me out and usually has a good sarcastic comment or three for me, lol.

So thanks guys. I’m going to listen and ask questions for a long time. I wasn’t kidding. My soil experience I now see is totally irrelevant. I consider me as raw a newbie in this lab as there is. So please be patient as I ask questions you guys left behind eons ago?

Looking forward to this. And as soon as I complete my move I actually have the land, and space, to make my own soil. So for now I’m a Geo/RGR guy and learning the basics. This is definitely the place to be.

Thanks so much Gee. Appreciate the welcome very much.
Hey Jon, welcome aboard. No such thing as a dumb question unless you don't ask it👊
I’ll jump in right away. I’m wondering about the mulch trick you described and what it does to the roots. That fascinated me immediately. And I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about, although I do know what mulch is. But I suspect you are not talking bags from Home Depot.
And my new light wont turn on this morning.... smh... now I have to deal with a warranty dept. This aint my year for lights... All the plants are squished into the 3x4 veg tent now under 100 watts... dang....
Ouch. That sucks. Any electronics folks you have nearby that may be able to help you more quickly than that process? Seen that. It takes a while with the best companies. I don’t know SF but they’re reputable. It might not hurt to reach out via the site and communicate directly with someone. Remember, their cost for your light was like $50. Many companies will happily send you a brand new light. Seems it’s worked for many folks at 420 with various lights and companies.
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