If my inputs are better coming in other ways than a JLF I have no allegiance to liquid feeds. Sending them in instead in my castings, soil mix and top dressings is easy enough.

Given it's the tail end of week 7 and the plant still looks pretty good, I'm going to say some combination of my soil mix plus yard inputs is enough to get me through flower. So, it's definitely close enough to be good and seems to be providing everything the plant needs.
I think you're really close. If all you did was raise the brix a bit on every input your overall mix would jump up a few points.

All you need is 1 or 2 points to get into the profit zone and start the snowball rolling in your favor.

And P, you need more P. Get it into your cooking mix and use some of that mix cut into your sprouting mix.

Once your mix is high brix solidly, then you can try any potions you want and see how brix reacts.
I missed lights out so no pictures again, but I gave all the flowering gals some dolowater.

The clones are happy tho.

I have 7gal pots ready for them I just need to get around to planting them.


Refractometer ordered
So i had a quick look at my clones yesterday. One rooted, one didn‘t. Decided to pot the rooted one today.

Nice!!😊👊. She looks like she should hold her own👍Keep us posted.
Checked on the soil that's been cooking a while and noticed the mix is starting to aggregate into small, bb-sized balls which I assume is the microbes doing their thing.

I've been dumping and mixing the mix every week or so.
That’s exactly what my worms do too but more like size of course coffee grounds.
Speaking of cannibalism it just dawned on me that another one of my methods that may be even more beneficial than I thought is the way I feed my plants to themselves throughout the grow. So next weekend I’m due for top dressing. It just so happens that about half of the lower and older growth (very little) has fallen off on its own and the ones that hadn’t fallen yet but were mostly yellow got spread evenly over the top. Basically what gramps would do as well. Difference now is I throw a light layer of perlite over the leaves and then when it’s time for top dressing I’ll throw a thin layer of worm castings over that and sprinkle my flour very lightly over that then add the diluted molasses.
Checked on the soil that's been cooking a while and noticed the mix is starting to aggregate into small, bb-sized balls which I assume is the microbes doing their thing.

I've been dumping and mixing the mix every week or so.
You mean similar to whats in EWC? Yeah thats the life processing the soil. It gives it a nice airy texture when you mix it by hand. Almost crumbly.
Speaking of cannibalism it just dawned on me that another one of my methods that may be even more beneficial than I thought is the way I feed my plants to themselves throughout the grow. So next weekend I’m due for top dressing. It just so happens that about half of the lower and older growth (very little) has fallen off on its own and the ones that hadn’t fallen yet but were mostly yellow got spread evenly over the top. Basically what gramps would do as well. Difference now is I throw a light layer of perlite over the leaves and then when it’s time for top dressing I’ll throw a thin layer of worm castings over that and sprinkle my flour very lightly over that then add the diluted molasses.
I feed my weed to the worm farm, but same end result. Weed is the perfect fertilizer for weed.
I've been super busy building decks and stairs in my yard and haven't had much time to take pictures but yesterday being day 54 for the 2 riper clones, I did a quick trichome check.

They were 90-95% clear with really big heads and 5-10% just starting to lightly haze towards milky. Not an amber in the bunch.

The plants themselves have oranged most of the 2nd pistil flush but there are still quite a few random spotty clumps of white hairs popping in all over, so that I will refer to as the 3rd flush.

This is very interesting. I'm used to nugs chunking up by making calyxes and leaf matter go dense, not by absolutely enormous amounts of really long hairs growing in tufts so thick it chunks the buds up without any green involved.

Amazing🥰. I will get pictures later today. I can't wait to try this stuff out😎

The 2 clones that are a few weeks behind are following in their older sisters footsteps exactly, they are just a bit bigger with much nicer leaves, so they should be even better😊.

The 2 indoor programmers are growing like crazy since coming back indoors. I'm raising the lights a couple inches a day. It's time to cut some clones from them and then feed 1 to the worms and prune one way back as a mother.

I need to find a day to spend with them.
I feed my weed to the worm farm, but same end result. Weed is the perfect fertilizer for weed.
Agreed, I keep worms in my pots too. I generally divy up any excess leaves beyond what I put in my pot to the worm bins and compost pile as well. I put worms everywhere I can.
Speaking of cannibalism it just dawned on me that another one of my methods that may be even more beneficial than I thought is the way I feed my plants to themselves throughout the grow. So next weekend I’m due for top dressing. It just so happens that about half of the lower and older growth (very little) has fallen off on its own and the ones that hadn’t fallen yet but were mostly yellow got spread evenly over the top. Basically what gramps would do as well. Difference now is I throw a light layer of perlite over the leaves and then when it’s time for top dressing I’ll throw a thin layer of worm castings over that and sprinkle my flour very lightly over that then add the diluted molasses.
Pics How not to be a salt farmer or a wasteful grower tips
Refractometer showed up, looks like at least 10 1/2, fuzzy at 11. Not gonna make any adjustments yet for this round. Still want to see what it ends up at just using my methods for this round.
Refractometer showed up, looks like at least 10 1/2, fuzzy at 11. Not gonna make any adjustments yet for this round. Still want to see what it ends up at just using my methods for this round.
Nice👍 Your not far off. If your on the wet side then drying out will give you a couple free points, and fuzzy means good calcium, so it can only be microbes, carbon, and P.

My money is on P if you have given molasses more than twice, but if your myco isn't robust then that can hold you back too.

Some strains get higher brix in moister soil and some in drier soil, so checking brix at different levels like 4 hours after watering vs right before watering can changed brix too. Also if your region has a low pressure system right now, thats a 2 point drop in brix. Plants know the storm is coming and push sugars to the roots.

Whatever has you just under isn't much. 😊👊
Days 55, 55, 41, and 38 of Flower.


The whole crew. The leaves are ugly on the 2 at 55 days but zoom in on the buds. They are pretty cool. The calyxes are microscopic but equal in numbers to most all weed. The hairs on the other hand are huge by any strains standards, and the nugs that are nugging up have so many pistils it's crazy. There's no defined red and white cycle now, its all red with tons of new white tufts everywhere. If you compare the 2 with the ugly leaves to the 2 spindly ones, the spindley ones are where these were 14 and 17 days ago.









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