Was going to check this morning but stormy weather. Probably not since I still see mites crawling around. They're not overwhelming so maybe I'm close, but it doesn't take too many of them to do damage.

The plant still looks quite good, though I am starting to get an N deficiency down low. End of week 6 so maybe it's senescence starting in, but unless brix surprises me when I read it again (maybe tomorrow), it's slated for a drought starting the end of this week so not much time for much change..

I hit the flippee with molasses water a day or two ago to see if I could get that one jump started.
Was going to check this morning but stormy weather. Probably not since I still see mites crawling around. They're not overwhelming so maybe I'm close, but it doesn't take too many of them to do damage.

The plant still looks quite good, though I am starting to get an N deficiency down low. End of week 6 so maybe it's senescence starting in, but unless brix surprises me when I read it again (maybe tomorrow), it's slated for a drought starting the end of this week so not much time for much change..

I hit the flippee with molasses water a day or two ago to see if I could get that one jump started.
Do the mites look like they are sucking on the plant, or just hanging out?
Do the mites look like they are sucking on the plant, or just hanging out?
Moving around at least. I hate those little bastards so I don't like watching them too much. Lol.

I do periodically spray the outer ring of leaves with soap to try to knock down their numbers, but...

And if it's an 8 week strain then scenescence could certainly be starting. Check that calcium line to be safe tho.
The plants both get dolo water every watering, and so far just from the top though I do plan to engage the reservoir on the flippee once I get a decent brix level to see if that will hold. I'm not opposed to molasses water on the regular but would like to see if the soil can keep it good on its own.
The heat is on. Gonna be rattlers laying around everywhere this week😪.
Do the mites look like they are sucking on the plant, or just hanging out?
They do dry out and die off after harvesting. I tried to make a few good videos of the spider mites, they're kinda cute..like a stomach pump. Lol.
Day 50, 50, 36, and 33.

Everyone is happy under the big light again.


The Day 36 gal is browning up.


Day 33 isn't far behind.


The 2 Day 50's are going in the opposite direction. White flush number 2 is thick now.





The young clones are very happy to be back inside. Camping was traumatic🤣


So I have about 5 weeks until these ones in flower are done.

I need to decide how far in advance of then I want to start the next round of seeds.

I'm hoping the cooking soil finishes cooking soon. It's been 4 or 5 weeks now in the warmer part of the year so it should be almost ready.

I want to go from solo cups straight to 10gals. I still have 2-3 weeks.

I think I'm going to grow 1 LC-18, 1 Wild Lady, 1 Iklwa, and one Durban to compare things to.

I'm having a tough time making up my mind, but if I'm going to coddle 1 RVDV mother then I may as well cut clones from each and coddle 5 mothers.

Then maybe do a regular run and hunt a stud or 2 and make some seeds. Winter is a good time to mess with pollen.
Hows your brix? Is it staying up?
Checked both plants this morning and got 11 and slightly fuzzy on the old one and 12/SF on the flippee. Kind of disappointing as each got molasses water this week, but I'll continue on with the dolo water and F&F to see if the flippee can get in gear. The Rev says dolo water can/should be given each watering so I'll continue that along with F&F at least until I get super fuzzy lines.

Both plants look pretty good, considering.

I did figure out an easier way to get the drops of leaf sap out of my small leaves, and that is by ripping them in half before I roll them up. That seems to give an easier path for the sap to flow as opposed to it having to force its way out of the side walls. So that's something.
Checked both plants this morning and got 11 and slightly fuzzy on the old one and 12/SF on the flippee. Kind of disappointing as each got molasses water this week,
This could mean that the molasses jacked the brix and the soil doesn't quite have enough P in it to hold it. The plants aren't photosynthesizing enough sugars for exudates.
but I'll continue on with the dolo water and F&F to see if the flippee can get in gear. The Rev says dolo water can/should be given each watering so I'll continue that along with F&F at least until I get super fuzzy lines.
You can definitely use dolo water every watering. Just keep an eye on the calcium line and if it gets way too fuzzy, dial back the ppm's. If it isn't fuzzy enough, up the ppm's. Calcium is the base that brix are built on, when it's correct then P can do it's job hauling the food in and exudates out. If you have enough P of course.
Both plants look pretty good, considering.

I did figure out an easier way to get the drops of leaf sap out of my small leaves, and that is by ripping them in half before I roll them up. That seems to give an easier path for the sap to flow as opposed to it having to force its way out of the side walls. So that's something.
After I finish rolling the leaf I nip a small piece off with my fingernails and squeeze out thru that.

Brix builds in laps, so this soil once recycled will start the next set of laps from a higher place. I think P is your problem, or you aren't supplying enough light. Do you use an app like Photone to measure your light output?

How is your weather, is pressure low?
I dunno why but I love love love the fuzzy of this sweet baby 💚
I agree. The hairs on this strain are incredible. They are long and abundant. Like puffballs🥰.

The older ones with the 2nd flush of hairs are really incredible. The pictures do them no justice at all. The mix of red and white is incredible. Probably about 3/4 of the bud mass is hairs😍.

I wonder if I will get a 3rd flush?
Are you seeing anything different in the programmers at all?
I did at 1st. Their recovery was incredible, but now they seem like normal plants, so I'm going to say programming clones doesn't work.

The seed of the mother was programmed too tho, and that may be what triggered the incredible recovery.

The mother was an incredible grower, I wasn't ready for her appetite or size.

Rev's mix or Gaia in a much larger pot than the 7gal would have done her justice.

The strain itself is extremely tough too so maybe programming did nothing ever, and it's the genetics shining.

I plan to play with these genetics for awhile so we shall hopefully find out😊
Rain and stream water:
During the regular outdoor season I have these in abundance but dryer season and winter months not so much hence why I collect them so I can have good water for the indoor growing season as well. For me that’s a couple 55ga plastic drums I use to store collected rain and stream water. When there’s going to be freezing temps I will fill up about 10 5ga buckets to keep indoors so that I don’t run out before the next thaw…
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