So here is a good point to point out, and the water stik is the perfect example of it.

Next time someone tells you something is stupid, useless or worthless, remember the water stik.

Everyone laughs at them but they work, so no one actually used one to see.

Trust no one, me included, and go see for yourself.

A refractometer, a water stik, and an IR thermometer, all for less than the price of a cheap ph pen, and you are armed for the run.

If you insist on spending money go buy an aerocloner and a cement mixer, those are organic luxury items😎

Well... you know... if you can trust me on that🤪

Thank Goodness thats over. That was 2 months of my life I wish I had back. Like every mutant before her, she was really cool til she went south. Next time she gets culled asap. There isn't a lot of weed here.

The colas do look cool tho.



RVDV3 - Day 17 of Flower.

RVDV1 - Day 17 of Flower.


And all 4 are now in the Flower tent. 4 small pots with big plants. What am I, an idiot?! It will be a good test of the Gaia 2.0 mix. Tomorrow is topdressing day.


The Tortured Souls continue to slowly improve. Tomorrow they get uppotted and we can see what happens.

Thank Goodness thats over. That was 2 months of my life I wish I had back. Like every mutant before her, she was really cool til she went south. Next time she cets culled asap. There isn't a lot of weed here.

The colas do look cool tho.



RVDV3 - Day 17 of Flower.

RVDV1 - Day 17 of Flower.


And all 4 are now in the Flower tent. 4 small pots with big plants. What am I, an idiot?! It will be a good test of the Gaia 2.0 mix. Tomorrow is topdressing day.


The Tortured Souls continue to slowly improve. Tomorrow they get uppotted and we can see what happens.
I'm excited for the tortured little ones, that's quite the commitment to test that theory
I'm excited for the tortured little ones, that's quite the commitment to test that theory
I had them anyways, and somehow they lived lol. So I'll uppot them once into Gaia 2.0 soil with EWC and if it works, perfect, but if it doesn't they get axed.

I will be generous with the myco tho to give them their best chance.

Tomorrow I have 2 rootballs to dissect. 😎
Days 18,18,4, and 1 of Flower.

Topdressed and mulched. Next watering will be fish water.


#1 - Day 18.


#2 - Day4.


#3 - Day 18.


#4 - Day1.


Later today these ones go into Gaia mix. The tallest has her leaves up and the one on the right is starting. The runt on the left is slower.


The premix of equal parts perlite, used soil, The Answer soil, and prilled dolomite, is a week old.

Today I will add the last cup of prilled dolomite and 2 gallons of used soil and let it pre-cook for another week to settle the calcium in 1st.

Next wednesday the ammendments go in.

Moisture looks good👍😊.

I also finished trimming Ikky so both Ikky and Mutey get their rootballs dissected.
Is there an order you have? Fish water now. Worm castings in 2 weeks? Actually a fuzzy line is the tell to do this but you know. :) Are you watching plants, or is it time in the grow to get it in? Or both?
I basically go 2 waters with RO, 1 with fish. I topdress on Wednesdays with minerals and ewc. I use the water stik to tell me when it's time to water.

Ikky's rootball lightly brushed off.


Here it is shaken out.



Here's the stump.


Mutey was next, it was virtually identical to Ikky's.


Here is one tower. Down low the stalk was round, not flat and wide. That started about 25% of the way up.


Same with the other one.


This is under the duct tape where I pruned the plant out from between the mutant colas.


Mutey's stump.

Mutey never ate all her soil. The pot was still about 40% there. It will up my used soil collection.

Ikky's was fully eaten. I managed to get a couple gallons out of the pot but it was mainly carbon.
So to clarify, cuz that Azi is such a nitpicker 🤪, the mix is 5 gals used soil, 5 gals The Answer soil, 5 gals perlite, 1 cup gypsum, 1 cup oyster shell flower, and 3 cups prilled dolomite.

In another week I will add the 5 gallons of EWC and all the other ammendments and let it cook for about 7 weeks until the current grow is finished.

This gives me 2 weeks to let the calcium dissolve in 1st, and time to get the soil to perfect cooking moisture before adding ammendments.

Unless the cooking seems to be done early, and it's summer and warm so it may cook fast, I'm going to start the seeds 2 weeks earlier in solos and uppot to 10gals to speed the process up a bit.

It will be 2 LC-18's and 2 Wild Ladies all manifolded to 8 and heavily delarfed.

Hopefully they fit. If not I may have to cut some clones and cull a couple.
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