
@Gee64 - okay, so you make your own soil. You make soil so that it will offer the optimal conditions for your myco colony to prosper. From there you are simply keeping the colony happy. But while it’s being happy it’s multiplying massively, correct? It is growing, yes?

So that said, using the Geoflora organic dry nutes - why do I have to add every two weeks? Why wouldn’t my colony behave the same as yours? You don’t have to add nutes every two weeks. Why wouldn’t my colony also multiply and grow and negate the need to keep adding?

Hope that makes sense.

@Gee64 - okay, so you make your own soil. You make soil so that it will offer the optimal conditions for your myco colony to prosper. From there you are simply keeping the colony happy. But while it’s being happy it’s multiplying massively, correct? It is growing, yes?

So that said, using the Geoflora organic dry nutes - why do I have to add every two weeks? Why wouldn’t my colony behave the same as yours? You don’t have to add nutes every two weeks. Why wouldn’t my colony also multiply and grow and negate the need to keep adding?

Hope that makes sense.
Think of myco as your nutrient manager. It can absorb nutrients and move them through its body very quickly. It is also attached to the plant at its root, and moves nutrients thru its body into the root its attached too. Its everywhere in your soil.

Now think microbes roaming in the soil.

They eat anything that has carbon and their poop is the plant food. If a microbe poops on the ground a root has to find that poop to use it. If myco finds it first it moves it thru its body to the root.

So, nature evolved. Plants now produce exudates that they give to myco and myco moves the exudates, which are pure carbon thru its body and if the plant wants phosphorus, myco spews that exutade sauce on phosphorus and microbes eat the phosphorus to get the exudate, and myco absorbs the phosphorus rich poop and moves it to the root.

Myco keeps a cut of the exudates for itself because it lives underground and can't photosynthesize its own sugars.

So now to your question. There isn't enough Geoflora in the pot at any 1 time to feed a plant until its ripe so you have to keep adding it. My pots contain enough (hopefully, new mix so we will see) food for the entire grow.

Cooking the mix before planting allows all the nutrients to be eaten once and locked up in the soil so it won't leach. Myco and the microbes eat it again and myco moves the twice eaten poop to the plant. My pots have way more food in them than a dose of Geoflora holds.
Think of myco as your nutrient manager. It can absorb nutrients and move them through its body very quickly. It is also attached to the plant at its root, and moves nutrients thru its body into the root its attached too. Its everywhere in your soil.

Now think microbes roaming in the soil.

They eat anything that has carbon and their poop is the plant food. If a microbe poops on the ground a root has to find that poop to use it. If myco finds it first it moves it thru its body to the root.

So, nature evolved. Plants now produce exudates that they give to myco and myco moves the exudates, which are pure carbon thru its body and if the plant wants phosphorus, myco spews that exutade sauce on phosphorus and microbes eat the phosphorus to get the exudate, and myco absorbs the phosphorus rich poop and moves it to the root.

Myco keeps a cut of the exudates for itself because it lives underground and can't photosynthesize its own sugars.

So now to your question. There isn't enough Geoflora in the pot at any 1 time to feed a plant until its ripe so you have to keep adding it. My pots contain enough (hopefully, new mix so we will see) food for the entire grow.

Cooking the mix before planting allows all the nutrients to be eaten once and locked up in the soil so it won't leach. Myco and the microbes eat it again and myco moves the twice eaten poop to the plant. My pots have way more food in them than a dose of Geoflora holds.
Perfect. Thanks.
A cold front has moved in. First one of the year. Outside RH is 13% today. Best I can do with the tent floor flooded is 31% RH. I have to turn the heat down.

Screenshot_20231027_061359_VPD Calculator.jpg

Current VPD.

Screenshot_20231027_061326_VPD Calculator.jpg

If I can get the temps down to 72F I'm good again.

I may hang some wet towels today. If I can get the RH to 48, I can do this.

Screenshot_20231027_061617_VPD Calculator.jpg

I like that better. I may have to spray the tent walls a few times today.
Durban Poison - Day 19 of Flower.


What the enemy spy drones see....



What really lurks under there...



Stealth technology is strong🤣


I trimmed 13 of these branches out today. They just won't make it to the light so I may as well get rid of them now. Probably still 2 or 3 more, we shall see.

Some others are bigger and closer to surviving, so on the nodes I pointed at, I delarfed them. They will grow taller faster now.

Only a few days of stretch left.

Frost has started and my plan is to increase UV by 15 minutes every 10 days until I hit 90 minutes of UV at day 60.

So tomorrow that happens at Day 20, and I will boost from 30 to 45 minutes UV at mid-cycle, as well as topdressing for the next 10 days.
Durban Poison - Day 19 of Flower.


What the enemy spy drones see....



What really lurks under there...



Stealth technology is strong🤣


I trimmed 13 of these branches out today. They just won't make it to the light so I may as well get rid of them now. Probably still 2 or 3 more, we shall see.

Some others are bigger and closer to surviving, so on the nodes I pointed at, I delarfed them. They will grow taller faster now.

Only a few days of stretch left.

Frost has started and my plan is to increase UV by 15 minutes every 10 days until I hit 90 minutes of UV at day 60.

So tomorrow that happens at Day 20, and I will boost from 30 to 45 minutes UV at mid-cycle, as well as topdressing for the next 10 days.
Sorry Gee, i might have missed it. Do you count flowering days from when you flipped the light or the 7-10 days when pistils start showing?
Wonder how it handles the flame and burning weed .
Let's ask @BeezLuiz himself. (Talking about your pipes, Beez)
The pipes hold up pretty well. I don't coat the inside of the bowls for obvious reasons, but after each smoke session, the bowl naturally gets coated with a little resin and that acts as a protectant. Here's a pipe that has probably seen 100 or more flames:

I hope so. 54 days to go.
Beautiful looking grow you have going here, Gee. :thumb:
The pipes hold up pretty well. I don't coat the inside of the bowls for obvious reasons, but after each smoke session, the bowl naturally gets coated with a little resin and that acts as a protectant. Here's a pipe that has probably seen 100 or more flames:

Beautiful looking grow you have going here, Gee. :thumb:
Thanks for chiming in ,
"nice how to" and pipe you made 👍
The pipes hold up pretty well. I don't coat the inside of the bowls for obvious reasons, but after each smoke session, the bowl naturally gets coated with a little resin and that acts as a protectant. Here's a pipe that has probably seen 100 or more flames:

Beautiful looking grow you have going here, Gee. :thumb:
Thanks Beez🙏 Your pipes are pretty darn cool😍👊.

I think I will hack a couple good chunks out of this grow and dry them up. Do you fully dry them before the construction starts?
Organic Durban Poison Day 20 of Flower.

New roots are coming up to the mulch into a months worth of topdressing right now so its easy to feed more in.

The mulch I put down 10 days ago is completely gone and the pots are down an inch, so I put one teaspoon of mineral mix over the soil, one heaping solo cup of EWC evenly scattered on top of that, so a full quarter inch thick and closer to a half inch thick, which I mixed together with my fingertips, then smooth it out perfectly right to the edges and sprayed it all in with RO water.

In awhile I will go spray it again, lay a half inch of Seasoil mulch on top, spray that, then one more teaspoon of minerals dusted on top, sprayed in through the mulch, and top dressing is done for 10 more days.

Then over the next 72 hours the top will cake up, I will break it up, then water with either water or fish, then its time to do it again.

Auto-water is turned off right now and the plants are a bit heavy, so as they dry I can catch them right where I like them.

I'll grab pictures then.
Allright Gee, got my soil mixed up and ready to go in the SIPS buckets. Mix is 3 parts FFHF, 1part FFOF, a little ewc and a dusting of left over oysters shells with a splash of Dynomyco. Not very scientific i know but it seems to work. Will plant 2 Eleven Roses and 1 Acapulco Gold on Nov 3 or thereabouts. Hope you all have a nice weekend.
Allright Gee, got my soil mixed up and ready to go in the SIPS buckets. Mix is 3 parts FFHF, 1part FFOF, a little ewc and a dusting of left over oysters shells with a splash of Dynomyco. Not very scientific i know but it seems to work. Will plant 2 Eleven Roses and 1 Acapulco Gold on Nov 3 or thereabouts. Hope you all have a nice weekend.
Nice! I'm still not 100% sure what I will grow but I will be ready.
So here is something you should know about myco and microbes. If they run out of food they don't always die, some go dormant.

If you run out of Geoflora and they go dormant it takes 10-14 days to get them all fired up again.

Don't run out of GeoFlora. Stay ahead on the feedings.
Thanks! I actually knew that one! For a change. Lol. That’s why I have gone every 12-13 rather than 14, and why I have watered in each time with RGR.
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