The DIY COB Addiction

Where can I see that 80 vs 90 grow at?
Its on riu..
Its called
1812 3500k 80cri vs 1812 3500k 90cri..
Guy doing it is dawg... Good dude..
Should be in the first few pages in the led section.. Pretty cool read.. Originally i thought it was just more stretch, but not what the man is saying..
Latest update was yesterday i think.. 80cri is still goin..
I agree with you there. I think that because digital PAR meters detect Luminosity as well as spectrum the 4000k 80 will always win in a PAR test. That is to say because it projects more photons it will read a higher number. The only true test would be spectral analysis. This stems from the problem of red light. Red light is less energetic and therefore will always read a lower PAR reading. It goes to show you that even with accurate part results you don't truly get a measure of a chips capability. I like to think the 90 CRI wins in the "dankest buds" category every time because of the "farther reds".
This was proved with the 1750k. After 3 weeks my buds (grown on 4000k 80 CRI) didn't get much larger but they almost doubled in density under 1750k.
The 90 just seems to grow bigger plants as well.. Im used to mh/hps and i never had such small plants b4 as ive seen under the 80's.... Super tight nodes, but short as fuck..
Hoping somebody might be able to provide some advice. I have been watching some of growmau5 videos in an attempt to better understand the concepts of led grow lights. I have to say the more videos i watch the more confused i get. Im generally pretty good at grasping new concepts but i still havent been able to make head nor tail of any of this. Anyway, i'll give you some details of my grow space... it is a cupboard under my workbench 700 mm deep X 1050mm wide X 900mm high. Given this is quite a low growing space I was considering using 12 Vero18's run at 700mA with a dimmer. Am i way off on my thinking with this? If so, any suggestions on a better configuration? As i said im a bit of an led retard so still trying to make sense of it all
Hoping somebody might be able to provide some advice. I have been watching some of growmau5 videos in an attempt to better understand the concepts of led grow lights. I have to say the more videos i watch the more confused i get. Im generally pretty good at grasping new concepts but i still havent been able to make head nor tail of any of this. Anyway, i'll give you some details of my grow space... it is a cupboard under my workbench 700 mm deep X 1050mm wide X 900mm high. Given this is quite a low growing space I was considering using 12 Vero18's run at 700mA with a dimmer. Am i way off on my thinking with this? If so, any suggestions on a better configuration? As i said im a bit of an led retard so still trying to make sense of it all

That's a good combo.
Hello folks newbie here and working on my first 3 cob build in series and when I plugged it in nothing! Where am I going wrong?
Looks like that driver is only big enough to power 1 cob, hard to tell, what chips are those
They are citizen clu048 1818s...I confirmed with CobKits it would work...but it's not.
I took + wire from driver to cob + then - to + each cob ending - back to driver to run in series. Not sure what I did wrong even had boyfriend solder wires...bumming.
This driver hlg 185h-48a is supposed to run them.
Hey Gents,

I think I have all my major pieces figured out. Hopefully the wiring is correct too.
Thanks to JJ and JC for all their help!!

If anyone see's a problem here, please let me know.
Much appreciated!!

Everything looks good but the multimeter must be on the ac side.. As long as u got the ac version.. Which i would as it gives u total draw from the wall.. Cheers..
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