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I heard there was already a strip club and it's closer to the trade center. I also heard that the guy who wants to open it helped the FBI with counter insurgency. Religious freedom is in the constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It's weak to judge the actions of many by the actions of a few. I believe in strength through Peace.

I heard there was already a strip club and it's closer to the trade center. I also heard that the guy who wants to open it helped the FBI with counter insurgency. Religious freedom is in the constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It's weak to judge the actions of many by the actions of a few. I believe in strength through Peace.

Me, I believe in peace thru Strength
Religious freedom is in the constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It's weak to judge the actions of many by the actions of a few. I believe in strength through Peace.

This is WAY :offtopic:and it will cause hard feelings as it is something that many people feel very strongly about.

MC, I respect you and your opinion, but I was almost blown up by these fanatics in 1993 (they missed me by less than 5 minutes), and I lost many friends in 2001.
They can put their mosque anywhere in NY, but to put it there is very disrespectful and just plain wrong.

As far as the Constitution is concerned, I haven't seen ONE person say that they can't worship Allah, just that it is insensitive to do it there.
No one has said they can't build it there, just that it is wrong to build it there.
Besides re-read the words you posted.
The Constitution says that "congress" can not create a religion or stop anyone from freely exercising their religion.
"Congress" is not doing either. So their "rights" are not being violated.
The PEOPLE (congress' bosses) are making their feelings known as they have a right to under our system of government (see freedom of speech above).
The developers of the mosque still have the "right" to build it there - if they are stupid enough to do so.

I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to have tolerance for anyone that feels that if I don't believe what they believe, I should be killed.

Put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself how happy YOU would be about this mosque if it was YOUR family and/or friends that were killed in the name of Allah less than two blocks away.

Now please everyone, can we get :focus: ?

This is WAY :offtopic:and it will cause hard feelings as it is something that many people feel very strongly about.

MC, I respect you and your opinion, but I was almost blown up by these fanatics in 1993 (they missed me by less than 5 minutes), and I lost many friends in 2001.
They can put their mosque anywhere in NY, but to put it there is very disrespectful and just plain wrong.

As far as the Constitution is concerned, I haven't seen ONE person say that they can't worship Allah, just that it is insensitive to do it there.
No one has said they can't build it there, just that it is wrong to build it there.
Besides re-read the words you posted.
The Constitution says that "congress" can not create a religion or stop anyone from freely exercising their religion.
"Congress" is not doing either.
The PEOPLE (congress' bosses) are making their feelings known as they have a right to under our system of government.
The developers of the mosque still have the "right" to build it there - if they are stupid enough to do so.

I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to have tolerance for anyone that feels that if I don't believe what they believe, I should be killed.

Put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself how happy YOU would be about this mosque if it was YOUR family and/or friends that were killed in the name of Allah less than two blocks away.

Now please everyone, can we get :focus: ?


Thats is where you are wrong Allah didn't do it Fantical Terrorists that we created did it! Sorry to offend but I can think of another religion that said you are going to hell if you aren't "saved".
Takes a strong person to remain in peace while others follow their baser instincts.

Fear is the opposite of strength. Fear of a large group for the actions of a few is weakness personified.

Terrorism is intended to promote fear and I choose not to respond as they desire. I have the choice and not them.
Burble I understand your feelings and respect your feelings. Yes the constitution gives them the right to build there but it would be in very bad taste to build it there and it is not respectful of the life's lost on 9/11.....that said it is a very small percentage of Muslims who are terrorist and every religion has there wackos.

("I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to have tolerance for anyone that feels that if I don't believe what they believe, I should be killed".)

hummm the USA kills 1000's of times the amount of people that don't agree with them, than the Muslims ever have and Christian's Have killed 10,000's times as many. i hope i don't piss off everybody with this but we all have our opinions

This is WAY :offtopic:and it will cause hard feelings as it is something that many people feel very strongly about.

MC, I respect you and your opinion, but I was almost blown up by these fanatics in 1993 (they missed me by less than 5 minutes), and I lost many friends in 2001.
They can put their mosque anywhere in NY, but to put it there is very disrespectful and just plain wrong.

As far as the Constitution is concerned, I haven't seen ONE person say that they can't worship Allah, just that it is insensitive to do it there.
No one has said they can't build it there, just that it is wrong to build it there.
Besides re-read the words you posted.
The Constitution says that "congress" can not create a religion or stop anyone from freely exercising their religion.
"Congress" is not doing either. So their "rights" are not being violated.
The PEOPLE (congress' bosses) are making their feelings known as they have a right to under our system of government (see freedom of speech above).
The developers of the mosque still have the "right" to build it there - if they are stupid enough to do so.

I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to have tolerance for anyone that feels that if I don't believe what they believe, I should be killed.

Put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself how happy YOU would be about this mosque if it was YOUR family and/or friends that were killed in the name of Allah less than two blocks away.

Now please everyone, can we get :focus: ?

damn....i'm F'ed up, made a quart of tincture for the girlfriend and I started the last step of evaporating it down by 1/2 to strengthen it on monday. It has only evaporated down by about 10% and this morning she told me she had a bad headache and she needed to take some with her. I told her it wasn't ready but that I would fill up a dropper bottle for her to take and i would try some to see if it was any good. wow 1/2 hour after taking 4 drops i'm messed up. ok maybe a quart jar of GDP buds ground up and letting it sit for a full 2 weeks was a little much. i'm thinking it doesn't need to be strengthened any more i'm hammered right now lol. guess it's time to start adding honey/mint and green tea to it for my next test of it.
aghhhh i was going to start hanging wood siding on the house this morning, i can't focus and the 1st board up is not level at all. think i'm going to go for a walk in the park with my dog lol
All this crap about a mosque at ground zero, why not just open a whore house and a couple of dispensaries, and maybe those Muslims won't want to be there . But I'll will !!

Is'nt that what those tards are supposed to get after they strap a tnt vest to their chest and blow up the innocent?

Shhh It was Dick Chaney he did it !!

AAARRRGH! I'm coming for you next OH!
sure let me find it, now i'm filtering it and going to add honey, mint and black tea and let it sit out in sun today. honey and mint to help flavor and tea for a little flavor but i want to add some caffeine to it also. the med's my g/f takes for her migraines is like a 800mg Motrin with caffeine added to help. so making this more for headaches. just gave her son some(he's 22) and he said with in 5minutes all his pain was gone and he was pretty messed up.
ok a write up I did a while back on how I make my tinctures.

effective tincture

start with the highest proof alcohol you can get - everclear is best, but 50% vodka is ok -
don't use flavored alcohols that will inhibit the effectiveness of alcohol as a
solvent(I use 50% vodka 100 proof, smirnoff blue label)

the key to a good tincture is the ratio of herb to solvent - the lower the ratio the higher the strength
so to start we can use a ratio of 1:4, one part herb to 4 parts alcohol
( I fill a jar 3/4 of the way up with ground bud then add the vodka up to the top of jar)

The best tincture I make are all ground bud, but you can use stems, shake, leafs etc. or a little of everything
dry the herb well so there is no moisture, and then grind it to a coarse powder and stuff it in a jar
(wide mouth jar, I like dark glass myself, any jar really), and pour
four times the volume of alcohol over top, i.e. one ounce herb would require four ounce alcohol
cover and seal with a tight-fitting lid, and let steep for a week. In a dark place, I put it in a closet.
(I let sit for at least 2 weeks, then remove 1/2 and let 2nd 1/2 sit for 2 weeks more, but I'm making a quart at a time),
shaking it everyday or even twice a day
then, strain and press out the herb - a hydraulic herb press is best, but you can wrap up the herb (called the marc)
in some cheesecloth and strain it and the squeeze the bajesus
out of it over a bowl to collect the liquid (tincture)
strain all the liquid through a mesh strainer to remove any lingering herbaceous materials,
and then put the tincture into a jar
measure the current level of liquid on the jar with a marker, and then again to a level that is half the current volume
- then set the jar aside,
covering the surface with cheesecloth(I just use a paper towel doubled up then a rubber band to hold it on)
to avoid bugs, dust etc from falling into it,
and let the alcohol slowly evaporate to the second mark you made on the jar
now you have about a 1:2 tincture that will be far more potent than any other method.

hope this has been helpful
ok i have never entered a contest here but was thinking of entering a plant in the plant of the month contest. which one do u think, 1st a outdoors bag seed that i took pics today of



Okay, these will be my final words on the subject since it seems that some misunderstood what I first said.

Thats is where you are wrong Allah didn't do it Fantical Terrorists that we created did it! Sorry to offend but I can think of another religion that said you are going to hell if you aren't "saved".

I never said Allah did it, as a matter of fact if you re-read what I posted I said "these fanatics" (although it should have been "those" instead of these).
Yes Christianity says you are going to hell if you are not "saved", but it is left to GOD to send you there not the followers of the religion.
Islam states that if you can not be converted, you must be killed.

Takes a strong person to remain in peace while others follow their baser instincts.

Fear is the opposite of strength. Fear of a large group for the actions of a few is weakness personified.

Terrorism is intended to promote fear and I choose not to respond as they desire. I have the choice and not them.

Well I must be pretty strong because they tried to kill me, my family and friends, and my instincts (and training) tell me to do my best to kill ALL of them.

The issue is not fear, it is respect.
The muslims are showing no respect for the victims and their families by even wanting to build the mosque there.

Burble I understand your feelings and respect your feelings. Yes the constitution gives them the right to build there but it would be in very bad taste to build it there and it is not respectful of the life's lost on 9/11.....that said it is a very small percentage of Muslims who are terrorist and every religion has there wackos.

("I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to have tolerance for anyone that feels that if I don't believe what they believe, I should be killed".)

hummm the USA kills 1000's of times the amount of people that don't agree with them, than the Muslims ever have and Christian's Have killed 10,000's times as many. i hope i don't piss off everybody with this but we all have our opinions

You lost me SW! I can't tell if you are agreeing with me or not.

To put it bluntly: I (and millions of others) believe they should build it somewhere else out of respect for those that were killed by the misguided fools that follow their religion. Period.

Yes, every religion has it's wackos, but how many Christians or Jews do you see strapping bombs to themselves and killing civilians?
Not all muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are muslims.

Your second paragraph makes no sense.
You are comparing acts of terrorism in the 21st century to what a nation does to protect itself, and what the Christians did in ancient times?
Not to mention that your numbers are way off.

Best thing about being a group is that we can agree to disagree. I too also undertand your take and everything that has happened to a person leads them to the conclusions they make. Peace to all.

I have watched a couple of groups devolve into name calling and hard feelings over this subject and I do not wish to see it here where all of this should be a non-issue.
After all what does the proposed mosque have to do with growing weed or MMJ, or even hydroponics?

I respect everyone's opinion on the issue, even if I don't agree with it, but I do not think this is the place to discuss this issue.
That being said, I will repeat that I will not say anything else on this subject.
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