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the bagseed is about 4ft tall and the gdp was about 30inchs tall. No issues on anything my brother I understand your point and it's dropped on the other topics brought up
Nice plnts skinwins!! I would definately go with the 1st a 3rd pic, those look OUTSTANDING, its like watching a movie! Lol. On another note has anyone used rosemans method for cleaning and calibrating Ph, and ppm meters?? I've got the Hanna 3 in 1 combo meter and I just wanted to make sure that the temp. Probe won't get damaged. It was sitting in the case without storage solution for over a month and when I tried to re_calibrate it (without cleaning it) it still read wrong, so tomorrow when my solution comes I'm gona give it a shot and see if it helps. Any suggestions??
the bagseed is about 4ft tall and the gdp was about 30inchs tall.

Damn! I've been vegging almost 6 weeks and I can't get my plants to 12 inches!
Since I had so many probs and had to cut the roots off, I figure I'll go to 8 weeks veg (if they survive that long) and then to flower.

The way it stands right now, it looks as if I may lose another plant, and be left with 4 to flower.
Then I still gotta find out if any of them are actually female! :loopy:

BTW, I think your picks for pics for the contest is a good one! :thumb:
thanks man, i'm sorry your having issues, could be something in the room, something your doing or bad genetics. no idea, years ago i had a issue like that and just cut my loses, removed everything and cleaned, went over set up piece by piece and started fresh with a different strain. i was 8 weeks in and the plants were about 6 inchs tall and thin as can be. they looked so sick, still have no idea which piece of the puzzle was wrong but then next grow was perfect and health. good luck with them
SW, thanks for the receipe! I've have bookmarked for future reference. I'll probably try it with stems, leaves, air buds on a first go and will limit my expectations accordingly. If that works as anticipated then I'll make a batch with some ground up small buds. Practice, practice,practice! LOL! I'd go with the first and 3rd pics on the GDP also for the POTM contest.


Go with Roseman's instructions. I used it once a while back and it worked.


Don't judge your plants on height as much as you do maturity level. If they are alternating leaves then it is up to you when to send them to flower. You might want to raise the lights some to get them to stretch for the light and open up so your light can penetrate further down the stalk. That is called a deliberate stretch.
I have a question for the soil growers out there. Last two times I watered (once with water only and once with nutes) the plants in only one planter sagged as if overnuted but then recovered in 24 hours or less. Is this indicative of anything I should be concerned about? It happens within the first hour after watering.
burple also know those 2 plants i just posted pics of were my 2 runts from indoors that i pulled and was going to trash them. they were both very weak and small and i decided to give them a chance and not give up on them. with a little love and patience they turned into my best 2 plants from the batch i started indoors.
i have no idea mc, i have a plant that does that every time then recovers and i have a plant that every time its watered or givin nutes the whole plant turns to the sky. every leaf on it points straight up, then next morning everything is back to normal. odd but i'm finding out that every plant outdoors has a very distinct personality. much more than indoors for me.

I have a question for the soil growers out there. Last two times I watered (once with water only and once with nutes) the plants in only one planter sagged as if overnuted but then recovered in 24 hours or less. Is this indicative of anything I should be concerned about? It happens within the first hour after watering.
high all Deep Water Culture sorry i haven't been on for a few weeks works been that busy i haven't had time to do anything hope all is well in the land of bubbles i should be getting my next grow on in a couple of weeks still got to decorate first (unless she'll let it slide till christmas) its worth a shot i'm down to my last 8th and i've been buying smoke and saving the good shit for me and the missus
What's really weird is that these are all the same strain (Jack Herer).

OK, I just looked and they are coming back up to the normal position (slightly pointing up). Water was room temp as I let my water sit for a day to express any clorine and add my nutes at the last minute, shake the shit out of it, pour into the watering can and apply so I doubt that I temp shocked them. Oh well, no harm, no foul. I think I'll let that planter get extra dry this time and see how that works. When I do water it I think I'll give them an extra shot of cannazyme.

Have I told you how much I miss seeing the roots for diagnostic reasons! LOL!
i agree i miss my roots and being much more in control. outdoors i just kind of do what feels right , then it's wait and see, plus the damn bugs. plus i'm learning to hate caterpillars. any issues with bud rot has turned into issues with little green stoned caterpillars deep with in the buds. also i hate growing in pots, next time there going in the ground
Burple I think you need to watch Zeitgiest, Will go to show you Religion is Evil. I can go on for days slandering each religion but I dont want to get on anyones bad site. Long store short every religion is a mockery of what egyptians honor. HORUS who is the GOD of many things such as war and the sun, is what people honor globally. Each has its own twists and tweaks. But essentially you are honoring the sun because they sun dies and after 3 days rises again, its called the eqinox. Prob spelled it wrong but yea religion is made to further seperate people and prevent them from uniting and living in peace. Most wars were fought because of religion or religion had something to do with it. Such a shady topic but Skinwins I feel where your coming from.
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