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Sorry RM the 7.5 billion is an old story from 09 just researched it. I don't want to argue politics since I hate them all. But part of the problem is the party who keeps spreading rumors cause they don't like the pres.
Sorry RM the 7.5 billion is an old story from 09 just researched it. I don't want to argue politics since I hate them all. But part of the problem is the party who keeps spreading rumors cause they don't like the pres.

That's true alien8, but the other part of the problem IS the pres.
Morning again, I'm in my first wk of flowering and I'm having trouble getting my RH down. It's at 55% with no added measures to raise it I took all the wet towels etc out and have a fan blowing on the plants I have a window open to allow fresh air into the room My tent is open during lights on to let more air circulate but the humidity stays in the upper 50s !! How can I get these down ? I thought that you need lower humidity during flowering , would this hurt this early in flowering ? There are no buds developing yet !
I run a 50% humidity in my flower room most of the time, especially in summer. I have a dehumidifier going and it exhausts heat into the room so I try and achieve a nice compromise between temps and Rh. When I have used lower Rh in the winter when I can afford the extra heat, they do seem to appear a little more frosty. Unfortunately, there are several other variables present at the time such as lower res temps that hold more O2, room temp usually a good 5 degrees cooler, etc. So it is really difficult to say if the percieved increase in trichs was due to lower Rh or not. Morale to my rambling, you will do fine and grow great bud at 50 to 55% humidity. The main concern will be powdery mildew with the higher Rh. But sulfur burners and good ventilation/air circulation can rememdy that. I have yet to need a burner myself.
ok 5 hours into this harvest, 1st 3 hours everything perfectly manicured, last 2 hours not so much....last big bagseed is just going to be thrown on driveway and im going to run it over with the mower a few times then collect the clippings lol. my girlfriend said it's not so bad...only 7 more plants to gooooooooooooo aghhh. going to be a long day
Lol, I feel your pain my friend. My first harvest I was stoked for the trim and "scissor hash" we would be smoking during the trim. I had friends over that could be trusted, and later became pts themselves, to help with it. Took us 14 hours total with 4 people to trim 12 plants! I have since harvested several more crops and these days I am seriously considering an electric trimmer. Yes, the romance has disappeared from that part of my relationship with Mary Jane.:smokin:
Sorry to hear hon, hang in there and get your rest.

No kidding. :rofl:

I'm just wondering if there is anything wrong with this pic of this top of this Bubble Gummer I got going. :slide:

Looks destined for Greatness!

any Deep Water Culture using fox farms nutes and LED & cfl lights?
the feeding chart from ff wants me to do res. changes every 2 weeks and get my ppms up around 1600 anything over 1100 or so and I burn em' any thoughts?:peace:
Listen to your ladies, they will tell you what they want. To H E double toothpicks with the manufacture's suggestion. They are in the business of selling nutrients.

Hi All - Thought Id catch you up on my little grow. All is well. Bean very busy
with work, life and such. miss you all. Catch up on the boards when I can.

I love Advanced Nutrients. Using the 3 pt at a 3-2-1 bloom ratio and just 1000 ppm and absolutely NOTHING ELSE.
They burn if I go higher that 1k. These nutes are powerful and save me money cause i use less.
AND....My 2 pH meters shot craps 4 weeks ago within a day of each other. I know to add 10 drops of down to my tap for about a 6.0 and that's all I do... so the buffers in the AN nutes must be working cause I'm having NO problems. Oh yeah... and the white paint on the tank has kept the
water nice and cool and has not flaked or work off. (at any hardware: KRYLON for PLASTIC)
What do you all think?

Going for lots of tops this time. 3 - Nirvana AK-48's 10 weeks from seed. 34" tall ( the runt caught up but is very stretched)
under a 400 and a 250 w hps. See that ONA MIST DISPENSER. $25 on eBay)

31 days flowering.
Looks like a mighty bushy set of girls, should make amazing tops. Odd that you can't get the AN nutes above 1000ppm or get burn with your ladies. I am using the full line of AN and run nutes around 1500 to 1600 without problems. I use R/O water as well and add Cal mag bloom to my res.

me and the power saw had a disagreement lol
Have suture and needle if ya need. So when WAS your last tetanus booster?:hmmmm: Ooops, gotta go, dinner time.. just hold pressure, you will be fine.
DrDan, Thanks for the input on the RH issue, I do have a nice fan blowing in there all day when lights are on, I had a problem with that powdery mildue (nasty stuff), a friend gave me 2 plants and I didn't notice they were infected with it , wasted his 2 plants and 2 of mine !! I also used to try to keep up with all the talk of 1200-1500 ppm I ended up burning the hell out of a couple plants last grow , this time I keep it lower and the plants are much happier, and my nutes last longer too..( AN Sensi A&B grow/bloom)
Ol Hippy - lI think I mentioned this earlier, but have you considered purchasing a de-humidifier?
Keep the RH below 40% (30% is better) and you won't have to worry about the mildew.

When it comes to feeding - you are wise to let your plants be your guide. ;)
I cant start another due to the heat issue brother, I have some in soil which are doing great but the next bubble grow will be in set or oct, thanks for asking Green!!! Peace man

Well be sure to post a link when you do.

I'm waiting for it to cool off a little too. Maybe Sept, probably closer to Oct, we'll see. I'll post the link here too.

DF I am doing it in Oct with you I had said so. I am now growing veggies to learn and to show the new exterminator in case he thought something he shouldn't have. I had nutes and meters in my closet and let him spray and forgot.

I do want to say I am having a ball today growing cause I suppose this is not a necessary grow. I am not sure but it just doesn't have the same psychological effects.

I never watched my mj grow in veg since I start it in the garage where the tub is high up. I couldn't keep it there in flower cause I just didn't have the height in that cabinet.

I watched these plants grow today which to me is amazing. They get bigger by the hour and I truly don't get it but now I see why you all like what you are doing.

It is certainly growing in a hot house and I don't know what will happen and I have no idea how to do the lights or the nutes. I will just play with it. I am going to cut the lights down today to 18 hours and give them a heat break.

I filled a mess load of vitamin water bottles with rocks and water and freeze them. They stay on the bottom of the tank and cool the water. I like them cause they have a wide mouth and it is easy to get the rocks in. I don't see why I can't do this with the mj since the roots stay on the top. I am going to try a bunch of things and see what works easily.

More playing to come. I don't think even though the lights are off I will give them a true dark since closing the closet will make it worse then it is. I did read that they don't need dark. They just flower when they do and don't care that much. I don't know who asked them but that is ok with me.

I will keep you all updated. I am not even sure how long it will take to grow. The packages said I think 7 days just to germ and took me 2. Then was suppose to be I think a while till green comes up but took 1 day. Hydro is fast lol.
The only good politician is a stoned politician !! Vote for me I'll set you free !! :rofl:
Lets start a new thread where we can show all our boo boo's!! :rofl:Lucky that wasn't a skillsaw !! there'd be no finger!

funny this is it was a skillsaw,i was cutting a triangle (corner support) and the saw took over and tried to round it and grabbed my finger,i felt at least 3 teeth before i relized "oh shit thats not good" lol,,it doesent hurt really its more of an annoyance
Ben - I hope you cleaned it good bro.

alien8 - that's a really good idea to switch your lights to 18/6 so you can check the heat difference before your next MJ crop. :thumb:

Ol Hippy ---> :passitleft:
Green not really worried about next mj with heat since I will start in Oct it should be cool enough by then. I just won't crank the heat in the house when it gets cold out.
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