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Hay RP! I agree I love hash myself! so much so, I have 333.5 grams of mostly bud and only some leaf, and using the :reading420magazine: Gumby hash process.

:bong: Wish me luck first time doing this process! seems very simple.


best of luck bud!

Hey would it be bad to post a video that i found incredibly awesome that i found on youtube? It isnt 420 related, but i find it inspiring to anyone who has ever been intimidated by "thugs/theives," and a 67 year old man shows us how to deal with harrassment from them. :)
someone just let me know if it would be okay.

Hmmm... not sure. Videos and links are ok, but I do remember a mod saying something about non-420 related items. Don't remember exactly what they said though...

Is it the video of the old man on the bus?
Hay have to say the first part is easy, if you don't mind holding a drill for 15 minutes.


Hay then you freeze your hands removing the "shwag" and ringing it out! which all shwag has been removed, and emptied in to the second bucket through screes and now 7 hours to let resin to settle to the bottom then the next steps follow. Easy as 1 2 3.

I always new gravity! was good for something! besides keeping your feet on the ground lol.
Hay RP! I agree I love hash myself! so much so, I have 333.5 grams of mostly bud and only some leaf, and using the :reading420magazine: Gumby hash process.

:bong: Wish me luck first time doing this process! seems very simple.

Anyone have a link to the "Gumby Hash" method?
Or is that the same thing as Bubble Bag Hash?
Good Job Dowg. I have a couple of PD friends but none that close. A friend is a friend. I'm glad I have them. :smokin:
Hey Rose hope things get better man. Shingles and work combined are a rough row to hoe. My comp is triple backed up, but I still fear a virus. I don't open up anything that is the least bit suspect and try to stay away from questionable sites. it still happens though. It got me about 2 months ago. Cost me $99 for Norton to get rid of it. Good luck brother. :peace:

best of luck bud!

Hmmm... not sure. Videos and links are ok, but I do remember a mod saying something about non-420 related items. Don't remember exactly what they said though...

Is it the video of the old man on the bus?

Yes! Your'e good...very intuitive...well idk if it is worth posting but did you think it was ridiculously awesome?
The Old guy was a bit crazy, i watched the interview of him on a different video as well. But still the idea of a young guy getting taught a lesson, it was just incredible.
Yes! Your'e good...very intuitive...well idk if it is worth posting but did you think it was ridiculously awesome?
The Old guy was a bit crazy, i watched the interview of him on a different video as well. But still the idea of a young guy getting taught a lesson, it was just incredible.

Not only was it cool, but that's a local news station that covered the story (interviewed both guys)

And yes. AWESOME. Dude was nuts, but the guy got what was coming to him. Yup, awesome for sure.

You could PM a mod, like Soniq420 (super helpful guy) and ask him what he thinks. That way you don't go stepping on any toes. I think a few people would get a kick out of it. Maybe in the "off topic" section, who knows? Sorry I'm not more helpful there.

time to go medicate! :roorrip:
I think he means that if you heat to the point of phase change you'll lose potency ;)
I am unfamiliar with "phase change". What does that mean?

Hey Rose hope things get better man. Shingles and work combined are a rough row to hoe. My comp is triple backed up, but I still fear a virus. I don't open up anything that is the least bit suspect and try to stay away from questionable sites. it still happens though. It got me about 2 months ago. Cost me $99 for Norton to get rid of it. Good luck brother. :peace:
I Googled "Obama with babies" because he makes a funny face with his eyes bugged out.....anyway.
I clicked on the top google link and got hit with that Malware. I ended up using the Windows XP start up disc. I lost all my mp3s, vids, ect. Them kind of things are sometimes unavoidable considering it was the first link google had.
I am sure many here including me might have been able to walk you through it with not harm. My brain doesn't work so well so it would depend on how bad you let it get.

Sorry you are so busy RM. I agree when kids get back take a bunch of days off.
Okay Deep Water Culture here is what I have so far after my first run with the gumby gravity method, when it came time to syphon off the water I dumped it in to a second bucket from the first for a second try with another gavity settle from the water pulled out of the first bucket, what the heck right! I mean why not more may settle to the bottom on that one to! and I still have the shwag for a second run, see how much I can pull out of it all, this may take a day or so just doing that.​

This below will be out of the jurs maybe in another hour or so and then drying on the wax paper that I had to go out and buy!:smokin:

Looks like I'll have plenty of hash for a while.​

Okay Deep Water Culture here is what I have so far after my first run with the gumby gravity method, when it came time to syphon off the water I dumped it in to a second bucket from the first for a second try with another gavity settle from the water pulled out of the first bucket, what the heck right! I mean why not more may settle to the bottom on that one to! and I still have the shwag for a second run, see how much I can pull out of it all, this may take a day or so just doing that.​

This below will be out of the jurs maybe in another hour or so and then drying on the wax paper that I had to go out and buy!:smokin:

Looks like I'll have plenty of hash for a while.​


Looks like some Shitake cultures I had. Can you link to a tek in this? Is there one?
Hello everyone,

WOW! this is a wonderful thread, all kinds of information and lovely souls.

Update about the noisy air pump and PH DOWN that went UP instead/mixup:

I talked with Rich and Brian at Stealth Hydro. Yes, the PH DOWN was a mislable. They immediately made corrective measures and I am MOST appreciative of their business savvy and customer service.

Brian also mentioned that last weekend, their storefront in Michigan did more business than their online store. With more Michiganians taking advantage of the Medical Marijuana state status, we will most likely be seeing more of them on our forums!

WE are so fortunate to have this amazing place to gather our selves/Selves and grow this healing plant in exponential amounts on the planet! YIPPEE!
I am grateful for each of you who posts and comments and shares the love of cannabis here! You have helped to change my life (and obviously the lives of many)!

We are all multidimensional magical eternal beings creating magic wherever we are!

Blessings to all.
I am unfamiliar with "phase change". What does that mean?

When you heat bud, the trichomes vaporize first then the bud actually burns depending on how hot you get it.

The three phases are solid, liquid, and gas (some might say plasma is a hybrid phase)

The principle of vaporization is that you can change the phase of the THC and other cannabinoids at a much lower temperature than the combustion point of the bud. This way you get the good stuff without he need to inhale burning plant matter by heating to a temp high enough to vape but low enough not to burn.

As this relates to cooking - I think the advice the other member was giving you was not to get so hot that you approach the phase change (or vaporization point) or you could lose some or all potency ;)
Hello everyone,

WOW! this is a wonderful thread, all kinds of information and lovely souls.

Update about the noisy air pump and PH DOWN that went UP instead/mixup:

I talked with Rich and Brian at Stealth Hydro. Yes, the PH DOWN was a mislable. They immediately made corrective measures and I am MOST appreciative of their business savvy and customer service.

Brian also mentioned that last weekend, their storefront in Michigan did more business than their online store. With more Michiganians taking advantage of the Medical Marijuana state status, we will most likely be seeing more of them on our forums!

WE are so fortunate to have this amazing place to gather our selves/Selves and grow this healing plant in exponential amounts on the planet! YIPPEE!
I am grateful for each of you who posts and comments and shares the love of cannabis here! You have helped to change my life (and obviously the lives of many)!

We are all multidimensional magical eternal beings creating magic wherever we are!

Blessings to all.

A Great Big Sunny welcome to CannSunshine, what a great attitude !! Positive rays eminate from this post !!:yahoo:
I have a question friends. How long into flower stage will i be able to start tellin what sex is what? I mean these are supposed to be feminized but who knows im pretty skeptical as to how they can tell a seed is feminized. They just came out of thier third day of flower with full strength veg nutes. Everythin still lookin good i also stopped foilar feedin before i flowered.
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