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If its root aphids, I am basically screwed. The sound like quite the ordeal to fight. most suggest starting over. Otherwise I am looking at hundreds of dollars on treatments that MIGHT work.

Fungus Gnats are cake.

I need to figure out which one I have. I do have some small black flies, but the little guys on the roots look nothing like any fungus gnat larvae online that I could find. I am stumped.

What do you guys think about HygroZyme to fight the Algae-like growth? Thinking maybe something more drastic the h202. Also thinking it might be a bacteria growth. As I have made 100% certain no light gets in, but I still get slime growth.

what is your temp in your res? Dont give up on em yet. One of my plants was rotting, and I fixed the cause of the problem, and the plant "shedded" the old roots and grew new ones
what is your temp in your res? Dont give up on em yet. One of my plants was rotting, and I fixed the cause of the problem, and the plant "shedded" the old roots and grew new ones

No man, not giving up! Just reaching out for some help and keeping yall updated. Trying to do as much research as work will allow.

Ambient air temps are 55-60*f

Canopy temps are a steady 60-65*f

The gunk I have been fighting for a couple weeks now. The critters are pretty new (or at least new to me. might have been there from the start but I didn't notice). I have towels around the res to help block light. I find little black bugs with wings hanging out on these towels. I go through and hand pick them. But they kept coming back.

Inspected the roots this morning, and saw black "dots" all over the clean roots (some algae gunk too, but minimal as I just trimmed the roots). Went to touch them and they smooshed in my hand a little and the root they were on just fell off. Makes me think Fungus Gnat larvae eating away at the roots.

But when I google Fungus Gnat Larvae they come up as little worm like critters. These are not, these look more like "dots".

So that makes me think Root Aphids. Google that, and they are usually clear-amber color and not black. But I have read that they can come in many different colors.

Think maybe treating it with AzaMax from GH. Maybe make a dunk tank with a mix of AzaMax and ph'd water. Soak the plants/roots in the mix for 2 hours. Pull it out and add them back to the DWC res. Add AzaMax to the res and plain water? Or h202 and plain water? Just some thoughts on treating it.
No man, not giving up! Just reaching out for some help and keeping yall updated. Trying to do as much research as work will allow.

Ambient air temps are 55-60*f

Canopy temps are a steady 60-65*f

The gunk I have been fighting for a couple weeks now. The critters are pretty new. I have towels around the res to help block light. I find little black bugs with wings.

Inspected the roots this morning, and saw black "dots" all over the clean roots (some algae gunk too, but minimal as I just trimmed the roots). Went to touch them and they smooshed in my hand a little and the root they were on just fell off. Makes me think Fungus Gnat larvae eating away at the roots.

But when I google Fungus Gnat Larvae they come up as little worm like critters. These are not, these look more like "dots".

So that makes me think Root Aphids. Google that, and they are usually clear-amber color and not black. But I have read that they can come in many different colors.

Think maybe treating it with AzaMax from GH. Maybe make a dunk tank with a mix of AzaMax and ph'd water. Soak the plants/roots in the mix for 2 hours. Pull it out and add them back to the DWC res. Add AzaMax to the res and plain water? Or h202 and plain water? Just some thoughts on treating it.

no no, the water temp. If the water temp gets above 70 degrees, all kinds of problems will occur. Im sorry your having problems man. Im not sure what your course of action should be, but lets go ahead and make sure you water temp is good. you can get a hygrometer from wal-mart for 3$
no no, the water temp. If the water temp gets above 70 degrees, all kinds of problems will occur

I know but I didn't get a water temp recently. I do have a probe I can use. but with current temps, didn't think much of it.

This is the coldest room I have grown in before, and its the first time problems came up that I just can't figure out.

The room temps have never been over 65*. The res is straight DWC with airpumps located outside the grow room. Fresh cold air being pumped in. No way can my water temps be over 65*. I am cold inside the room, and the water feels real cold to the touch.

For awhile there I was getting worried temps were getting too low. Figured low temps would help keep this stuff in check.

Thanks for your help man. Appreciate it!
I know but I didn't get a water temp recently.

This is the coldest room I have grown in before, and its the first time problems came up that I just can't figure out.

The room temps have never been over 65*. The res is straight DWC with airpumps located outside the grow room. Fresh cold air being pumped in. No way can my water temps be over 65*. I am cold inside the room, and the water feels real cold to the touch.

For awhile there I was getting worried temps were getting too low. Figured low temps would help keep this stuff in check.

Thanks for your help man. Appreciate it!

Alright man, no problem. Good luck brother
Yo Rp, every one of my root/rez problems were resolved by one of the following.

High rez temps = pythium, snotty roots + airstones. Fix = insulated rez, lifted up off ground to allow for air flow underneath, trimmed roots, and treated heavily with H2O2. (at least 2 tablespoons per gal if I remember correctly)

Bugs = I never had bugs other than fungus gnats before, and they went away after treating with the above methods. I've never used anything other than rez changes and H2O2 so I can't give you advice on other methods.

Clean water = I know a lot of ppl on here use tap water, that is not an option for me. try doing your next res change with store bought r/o di water, if you don't trust the stores, try a local aquarium shop, they usually sell it too.

I know this is all very basic, but it's always worked for me. H2O2 is my best friend. =)
Funny the talked turn to bugs. It caused me to inspect my roots and sure enough I had fungus gnat also. Thought I saw a bug a couple of days ago but could never find the little bastard again. I just treated with Neem oil. How long to you keep that in the res. This is my first bug problem ever. Thanks.
Yo Rp, every one of my root/rez problems were resolved by one of the following.

High rez temps = pythium, snotty roots + airstones. Fix = insulated rez, lifted up off ground to allow for air flow underneath, trimmed roots, and treated heavily with H2O2. (at least 2 tablespoons per gal if I remember correctly)

Bugs = I never had bugs other than fungus gnats before, and they went away after treating with the above methods. I've never used anything other than rez changes and H2O2 so I can't give you advice on other methods.

Clean water = I know a lot of ppl on here use tap water, that is not an option for me. try doing your next res change with store bought r/o di water, if you don't trust the stores, try a local aquarium shop, they usually sell it too.

I know this is all very basic, but it's always worked for me. H2O2 is my best friend. =)

Stgeneziz thanks man. Maybe I should try going a little more h202? Or maybe fully flood the roots and fill the res up with 8+gallons. They way the little buggers are underwater and h202? Maybe 3 tablespoons per gallon?

I do have access to AzaMax. Its a neem substance. Suppose to work real good. Made by GH. Maybe worth a shot.
I can't say I would suggest flooding them, I'm almost sure they thrive in high humidity environments. But I'll defer to one of the pros here on that one. If you get desperate, try an extended airbath between rez changes, mine always love that! Then maybe just give em a high dose of h2o2 with plain water for a few hrs, then back to normal dosages. We need some ICU ideas GUYZ!
damn man, those all look like pollen sacs to me.. Sorry. Also your idea of just driving it in town is good except for the possibility that you could be pulled over and asked what this garbage bag full of weed plants is about. I wouldn't want to do that. I just put em in a garbage bag in my grow room for 2 weeks and then when its almost dust I throw em away. I keep the stems

I'll tell you what works for me and I discovered it by accident.

Living in the Northeast, most of the winter months have snow-covered ground. During the warmer months, it is easy for me to go out to the woods behind my house (I have 6 acres) and just spread the stuff over the forest floor while walking along as I spread. Do it weekly, and it is undetectable.
Winter is a different story, but I had put some "leaves and twigs to be disposed of" in my boiler room. Two days later, I retrieve the bag and lo and behold the leaves and twigs are BONE dry. So I get me thermometer and hygrometer and check the room out and it is 84% and a rh of 18%. Now, I just put what I don't want in the boiler room for a couple of days and then just hand grind it into dust very easily and store it in a much smaller area.

Now.....the same scenario may not work with that massive square of roots you get when you are done harvesting. But I will know the answer to that in about 5-6 weeks.


LOL Well I got plenty of those supplies around! Maybe duct tape it shut then spray wd40? lol Just kidding!

All I needed to hear. If you guys said "I don't know" then I would be worried. So, the fungus gnats should be easy enough. I always have neem oil around. I know the the Fungus Gnat larvae is a root muncher, so I am going to head to the local hydro store tonight and see if there are any quality controls he has for larvae. I have heard of Gnatrol before. AzaMax is also supposed to be some top notch stuff. I know I can find these online, not sure if the local shop will have them, but they should have something.

What do you think about another 24 hour or 48 hour flush? Go plain water and h202? Also add some Gnatrol or whatever product I have. Let them do there things. Then after say, 48 hours, go back to nutes? Should I continue to use h202 with nutes? Not organic.


I had the gnats and larve on my last grow. Besides following what the Roseman said, I would also add one or two of those no pest strips near the grow to catch the sumbitches.....all of them.

It was a scary experience indeed.



If its root aphids, I am basically screwed. The sound like quite the ordeal to fight. most suggest starting over. Otherwise I am looking at hundreds of dollars on treatments that MIGHT work.

Fungus Gnats are cake.

I need to figure out which one I have. I do have some small black flies, but the little guys on the roots look nothing like any fungus gnat larvae online that I could find. I am stumped.

What do you guys think about HygroZyme to fight the Algae-like growth? Thinking maybe something more drastic the h202. Also thinking it might be a bacteria growth. As I have made 100% certain no light gets in, but I still get slime growth.

Fungus gnat larve looks like a piece of the root, nice and white, 1/2-3/4" long, and on one end is a black dot, the head most likely.


I can't say I would suggest flooding them, I'm almost sure they thrive in high humidity environments. But I'll defer to one of the pros here on that one. If you get desperate, try an extended airbath between rez changes, mine always love that! Then maybe just give em a high dose of h2o2 with plain water for a few hrs, then back to normal dosages. We need some ICU ideas GUYZ!

Decided to get on the phone. I have a couple teacher's numbers from the growing classes I have taken.

After describing the slime... they said that is does not sound like algae growth, but bacterial growth. He sent me some links in emails I am currently reading through. One said this:

Here is a little info I found when I was going through this problem

Bacterial slime and other horrifying nasties

These are not the beneficial bacteria and fungi that we have already spoken about. These bacteria cause cloudy reservoirs, slimy build up, weird reservoir fuzz, gelatin growths and wild pH fluctuations. These are the reservoir monsters.
When these bad microbes are present at high populations and are happily feeding on organic matter, they use up just about all the oxygen in the nutrient solution, suffocating the plants. They release toxic substances as a biproduct of their life cycle. They also suppress the good microbes at the root zone and cause problems with nutrient uptake and plant growth.

Bacteria slime and cloudy reservoirs
Bacteria can make the water cloudy, but tend to produce more of a slime or jellylike, smelly mass in the system.If you have it, you will notice slimy reservoir walls and perhaps an oily slick on the water. Another symptom can be a foamy buildup in the reservoir. If left to their own devices, these bacterial growths will smother the roots, depriving them of oxygen. Some species of anaerobic bacteria thrive in an environment deprived of oxygen and can produce chemical metabolites, such as alcohols, aldehydes, phenols and ethylene, that are toxic to plant roots and to other microorganisms.

Other symptoms of bacterial infections can be fuzzy, cotton like growths, or the growth of fur. Just in case you are wondering, that white fuzzy growth you see at the tip of your roots is desireable. That is not bacteria - That is the good stuff - you should see tiny fine white hairs at the roots.

All of these nasties require organic matter to feed on. They may be there as the result of a buildup of dead roots and leaves in the root zone, but usually they are the result of adding an organic product to the reservoir. If the conditions are just right, the bacteria will begin to thrive.

Sounds like it could be whats going on. He also suggests Physan 20. Anyone know anything about this product?

As for the bugs, he is unsure from my description. But, he says root aphids can be a pain. From the black dots, he doesn't think it is fungus gnats either. He has had some luck using Bayer tree and shrub type products if it is early in veg (and it is). Imidacloprid is the effective chemical from what I gather for these hard to kill aphids.

Just keeping yall up to date on what I am finding. The fight is on!! lol
What size CFL are you running?...:peace:
I'm runnign 4 42 wat cfl's. Its in a 3x 3x 18 inch area. The height(18 inches)
can be adjust as high as 8 feet. So if i choose to add mor cfl's then I can adjust eh ceiling as needed to accomidate the size and heat of the cfl's. But w/ the lighting that panflyer has I will be making that light and reflector w/ some minor adjustments. Got give it up to ya' not only brought a (((HUGE))) amount of members but some A+ ideas.
I'm runnign 4 42 wat cfl's. Its in a 3x 3x 18 inch area. The height(18 inches)
can be adjust as high as 8 feet. So if i choose to add mor cfl's then I can adjust eh ceiling as needed to accomidate the size and heat of the cfl's. But w/ the lighting that panflyer has I will be making that light and reflector w/ some minor adjustments. Got give it up to ya' not only brought a (((HUGE))) amount of members but some A+ ideas.

Right on man. I have a slightly bigger room for my grow, so I rock the bigger 200w and 250w bulbs in normal batwing style reflectors. But I also use tons of the 40w's for light too. Keep it spread out!

I love seeing more stealthy operations too. I have seen some pretty trick ideas go into smaller cabinets and net some killer results. Look forward to seeing what you come up with! One guy I know runs a small cabinet, uses a cut to fit peice of glass between the bulbs and the canopy top. Then in the "upper" section for lights, he has intake and exhaust holes and small fans to keep air flowing. This has let him basically touch the plants with the glass heat shield. Simple, but it works.
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