The Coco Clean Up (EM1 & MYCO)

Id be lost if i didn't have my meter!
Id Try top dressing on 1 plant might just surprise you. Maybe try bokashi or something similar to start out with
I use fermented em-1 and alfalfa and water with it REGULARLY and I wouldn't see why top dressing coco wouldn't work other than it turning into regular soil after it breaks down after while especially if your using bokashi or something
I mainly use Coco for my worm farm.✌️
Yeah I could do that.. I see Bill & GDB use bokashi and get great results.. it would last longer and probably work out cheaper, I'm just unsure on the strength of it.. but wouldn't be hard to find out in Coco.
I have only had to water with EM1 twice throughout my grow which has shown it's enough to do the job so far. I won't use it again unless I see it necessary. If I'm successful now I will probably use it at the start of any grow then at flip and mid flower 👍
Id be lost if i didn't have my meter!
Id Try top dressing on 1 plant might just surprise you. Maybe try bokashi or something similar to start out with
I use fermented em-1 and alfalfa and water with it REGULARLY and I wouldn't see why top dressing coco wouldn't work other than it turning into regular soil after it breaks down after while especially if your using bokashi or something
I mainly use Coco for my worm farm.✌️
I just bought a Blue Lab Combo PH/EC last month , it’s awesome, I love it and Trust it !
Happy weekend!! I have this weekend off and so far I woke up had breakfast got baked and just woke up 🤣 great start! 😁 I'll spare the list of I was gonna... 🙄

So it's easily been a week since my last update because last weekend I thought stop being lazy and get some run off readings done. Doing so was the last straw for my branches and the Mind Melter at the back practically passed out laying across my exo cheese.... This is where the war began! I pulled the front two plants out the way and started tying branches to the lights with string. Whilst doing so I was taking left and right hooks from I don't know who but it was annoying 🤣 almost lights out and sweating they was supported at least just bunched together 🙄 putting the exo cheese back now she stated to flop 🤦‍♂️ so the cheese now has some supports too. I absolutely reeked of weed, sticky and sweaty I was glad that was over & since then I held a grudge barely looking at them LOL.

Due to the branches now being bunched up my next target was the RH still sitting at 60%+ I put two dehumidifiers in the tents and got my extraction on blast! A few days later I'm down in the 40's so feel a bit more confident on finishing these up.

As for my little experiment, my run off in the 4x4 is now a combined reading but both tents are still sitting -2 of feed.. I think this is where I was at last week so still ok. I will continue a 5.8PH feed getting 5.6PH run off for the duration unless i still get a massive drop but I'm in week 6 now so iirc I would already be at 4.0PH run off by now. I haven't given anything but maxibloom since the war begun so should my PH be stable I think in future I will just PH higher at 6.2ish during flower..

I'd say 4 more weeks to go for the 3x3 & mind Melter they will see how long the exo cheese takes after that 👍

Other notes.. Im thinking to give away my last Mind Melter clone to a friend and already gave my last exodus cheese clone to my cousin so this leaves me with the two Yowie plants I popped a few weeks back.. I might pop two super silver sour diesel haze and two freebie beans from seedsman (going with the longest flowering) so 6 plants in the 4x4 then try to get two fresh exo clones with two exo psychosis clones in the 3x3 🤞🤞 that will be a party 🤣

That's the boring stuff covered, thanks for your time my 420 grow fam! I'll be back today with a photo dump with pics from throughout the week 😎✌️
Random photo dump from the last week 🙏✌️

Flower tent looks great big G:high-five:going to bust out a lot of flower.
Let everyone know you will be in trim jail for a week.. 😂 😂 😂 when she's finished.
Hope you have a great Sunday bro.
Thanks brother.. I went hard on the calmag to prevent those deficiency this round and boy am I going through it! If I went hps and tap I'm weighing up electricity costs to calmag costs plus I wouldn't waste on the RO. Just some thoughts bro.

Ps we don't talk about trim jail until sentencing 🤣 cheers bro happy weekend 🤙
Folks around you must be happy to be on the Friends and Family plan!
I'm lucky enough to have two hands worth of people that have taken care of me so I consider that very lucky!
Over here the whole country is hooked on PGR weed (cali lol) I'm on a mission to get at least my closest off that crap bro.. they be like I only smoke organic but the bud is so unnatural looking 🤣🤦‍♂️
Random photo dump from the last week 🙏✌️

damn, looking bad ass. It's like the Vietnamese jungle in there!
Yoyoyo I'm back.. midweeks madness 😬😬
Let's start with the good news and main point of this journal... Feeding my plants the EM1 has successfully stopped my PH from dropping throughout flower
During veg my PH run off was significantly higher then my feed by roughly 0.7 pH so moving forward I will be feeding at 5.8 throughout veg.
During flower my PH run off was consistently 0.2 PH lower then my feed so moving forward I will probably feed at 6.0 to 6.2PH throughout flower.

Also as I have mentioned many times, if you're growing without any beneficials I would highly recommend managing your run off PH as plant exudates (poop) can affect it significantly especially in flower.

Now as for the grow. Well star with the bad news 😩
3 or 4 weeks ago I was ill, during this time I didn't tend to my ladies and my 4x4 almost died! One thing about having such a big plant In a small pot is it's so easy to drought them and alot more difficult to rehydrate such a large plant. So lemme find a pic..


That was my mind Melter in the 4x4 next to the cheese about 3 weeks ago. She's still just about going today. At a guess I'd say I'll get a decent Oz rather then the 9 I was expecting 😬.. so that's the bad news. ✅

The good news is my Miami Madness is perfect filling my 3x3 and my cheese survived the drought looking great 💪
Harvest around the corner my cheese looks like it's also ready so a big harvest and long trim jail sentence 🤣

here's a few random pics but will try get some more before I chop..

Miami Madness...


I hope everyone is well and gardens flourishing! I' beck very soon with some more recent photos before I chop.

Got a lot of frosty goodness in the 3x3 but oof on the Mind Melter, which looks like it's melting in that pic. :( They are resilient but I guess not that resilient! Post a pic of the "recovery" next time.
Yep I was surprised her leaves were pointing back up after a day of watering but over time continued to crisp up. I thought she was a complete gonner and the only reason I didn't cut her out was because the cheese would leave me stinking! 🤣 I will try get pictures but being at the back I can't get close without having to wash everything and shower straight after 🤦‍♂️🤣 I noticed some greenish leaves and small smokable buds all over her yesterday like some miracle lol. Very surprised I'm yet to see any naners too 👍
Exo cheese In the house.. 😂 wish I had that cut homie, love some cheese.
Bet you have the streets crying for the cheddar 🧀.. 😂
:dude-knocking: MFs knocking bro like a drum beat.. 😂
🤣🤣🤣 Cheers bro just starting the flush over here 😎 oh and I won't even smoke it in public otherwise people will follow me home n sh*T 🤣


And the hanging on by a thread Mind Melter


Yoyoyo I'm back.. midweeks madness 😬😬
Let's start with the good news and main point of this journal... Feeding my plants the EM1 has successfully stopped my PH from dropping throughout flower
During veg my PH run off was significantly higher then my feed by roughly 0.7 pH so moving forward I will be feeding at 5.8 throughout veg.
During flower my PH run off was consistently 0.2 PH lower then my feed so moving forward I will probably feed at 6.0 to 6.2PH throughout flower.

Also as I have mentioned many times, if you're growing without any beneficials I would highly recommend managing your run off PH as plant exudates (poop) can affect it significantly especially in flower.

Now as for the grow. Well star with the bad news 😩
3 or 4 weeks ago I was ill, during this time I didn't tend to my ladies and my 4x4 almost died! One thing about having such a big plant In a small pot is it's so easy to drought them and alot more difficult to rehydrate such a large plant. So lemme find a pic..


That was my mind Melter in the 4x4 next to the cheese about 3 weeks ago. She's still just about going today. At a guess I'd say I'll get a decent Oz rather then the 9 I was expecting 😬.. so that's the bad news. ✅

The good news is my Miami Madness is perfect filling my 3x3 and my cheese survived the drought looking great 💪
Harvest around the corner my cheese looks like it's also ready so a big harvest and long trim jail sentence 🤣

here's a few random pics but will try get some more before I chop..

Miami Madness...


I hope everyone is well and gardens flourishing! I' beck very soon with some more recent photos before I chop.

Bro that Miami Madness looks bad ass. Is that an Indica/hybrid?
Exo cheese In the house.. 😂 wish I had that cut homie, love some cheese.
Bet you have the streets crying for the cheddar 🧀.. 😂
:dude-knocking: MFs knocking bro like a drum beat.. 😂
lol........3am, dudes/dudettes hanging around out front waiting for the lights to come on, maybe a bathroom run, glass of milk, any chance to get GV's attention for a slice of cheese.
Bro that Miami Madness looks bad ass. Is that an Indica/hybrid?
Thanks brother 🙏 yeah indica Dom hybrid 👍 she was a wild one lool I struggled to slow her down. And I've enjoyed the simplicity of a single plant so debating it again but it's just the time to fill the space can be halved with two.
lol........3am, dudes/dudettes hanging around out front waiting for the lights to come on, maybe a bathroom run, glass of milk, any chance to get GV's attention for a slice of cheese.
Hahaaa they better be waiting for some sugar or a broom because the cheddar be mine 😁🤣
You know what I'm going to say to that so I'm not saying it 🤨 Intentional is another level! 🤣

I have no choice but to let her finish up as she's protected by the stinky cheddar. From my zoom camera she's covered in amber's so who knows what it will smoke like I plan on harvesting everything on Monday latest so we'll see.. most won't get hung though.

Cheers bro 👊
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