The Coco Clean Up (EM1 & MYCO)

Those are some great looking plants
Thanks for the kind words SniperX 🙏
That going to be one hell of a chop day!!!

Looking great!
Cheers Ke0ncp 🙏 I'm hoping the 3x3 and Mind Melter will be hung a dried before the exodus cheese gets chopped 🤞 trying not to think about trim jail 🤣🤣
Hahaha so stoned I just stared at my own post thinking AHH this dude clones like me 😂 😂 😂 deadly serious 🤦‍♂️

Why im really here lol so over the weekend I've been double triple checking my EC pen as things weren't adding up. Turns out my water filters have gone south so will have to change them asap! I've been over feeding my plants (hight EC) as I don't always check my regular mix just my PH so job for tomorrow.

No run off has been checked as I've been out alot but will get back on it from tomorrow. I managed to get my drippers fitted but need a few adjustments. also timers set and testing.

My feeds have been standard just calmag and maxi grow. I won't feed any more seafuel bloom until Wednesday.

As for the ladies their doing ok.. I was hoping to have flipped them today but they are taking alot longer then expected and not quite recovering as I had planned but I'm thinking to just flip tomorrow and hope for the best. Usually supercroping in flower they shoot back up but this time in veg it seems they just want to stay where that are and start new vertical growth like a manifold.

Heres my 3x3

And my 4x4

Growing less plants I might actually get a worthy entry of plant of the month 😂🤞

Need a machete to trim this gal! :)
So looking at my PPM/EC results my Mind Melter seems the happiest and could do with some stronger feeds yet my biggest plant the miami madness is eating the least and getting salt build up.. the exodus cheese is near perfect
what are the desired results? That the EC and PH in and out are equal to each other (or the EC out is lower)? A higher EC out means a build up?
What a delay on Mondays business talk 😂 better late then never! So today marks 14days of 12/12. As I've been super busy I just wrote down some run off readings to see how it's going on down there:

Miami Madness
In.. 5.9ph 1.4ec
Out... 5.6ph 1.8ec

in 5.6ph - 1.3ec
Cheese 1 - 6.2PH 1.8ec
Cheese 2 - 6.1PH 1.6ec
Mind Melter - 6.5PH 1.2ec

Miami Madness
In.. 5.8ph 1.3ec
Out... 5.7ph 1.8ec

in 5.8ph - 1.3ec
Cheese 1 - 6.2PH 1.6ec
Cheese 2 - 6.1PH 1.5ec
Mind Melter - 6.5PH 1.1ec

Miami Madness
In.. 5.8ph 1.4ec
Out... 5.7ph 1.9ec

in 5.7ph - 1.3ec
Cheese 1 - 6.2PH 1.6ec
Cheese 2 - 6.1PH 1.5ec
Mind Melter - 6.5PH 1.1ec

So looking at my PPM/EC results my Mind Melter seems the happiest and could do with some stronger feeds yet my biggest plant the miami madness is eating the least and getting salt build up.. the exodus cheese is near perfect

Now for the PH results. The whole of the 4x4 tent is perfect 👌 exactly where I want it to be im still a week or two from the big PH drop but still promising as it sits.
As for the Miami Madness you can see my salts are creeping up and PH is creeping down I would say this is grower fault and id recommend getting more run off or adding another watering.

So moving forward I plan to add a extra feed to my Miami Madness and slow the waterings down a bit. Then in the 4x4 I'll raise my PPM's slightly. The desperate defoliation will be done in one week.

Here's a few recent pictures:
The 3x3 showing some purple 💜

The 4x4. Notice the exodus cheese (last pic) is alot slower initiating flower so probably going to be a long ride.

Last note.. I wasn't going to but I inoculated again today with my seafuel watering. It's just sitting there in the cupboard so why not 😁

Monday I will start recording run off again so until then have a great weekend ✌️
bad ass my friend, Solfire is no joke
Irrigating GV style!
I thought I'd go over how I gauge my irrigations (feeds) without measurements or math just timings.

So early veg,
I start my first irrigations with manual feeds meaning I don't use timers I just switch on or plug in pumps. After first feed I count the days untill the top of the Coco starts going light in colour then I continue my feeds a day before discoloration. For example my Coco started to go lighter on the third day I will water every two days. Also If my drippers are causing pooling I slow it down. This gives the water time to reach each corner and pick up excess salts on the way down.

Mid to late veg,
By the term mid to late veg I mean flower prep. This schedule brings the fastest growth possible depending on environment & plant size but as far as fertigating goes it's hammer time! 😎
So once I'm manually feeding every day or at least every other day I set my timers up to feed every morning (lights on). I time my feeds with my stopwatch on my phone, I'll start timing at pumps on and stop A few seconds after I see run off. Just for example let's my Fred took 100s/1min40 i could just set my pumps to water every day for for this set time 👍. I could continue this as long as my run off PPM/EC stays within 200ppm/0.4EC of my Fred. If my run off PPM/EC is any higher or slowly increasing i just water for longer to get more run off or add another feed but once settled this will get me to flower. At this point my system is running itself I just have to keep my resovoir PH/EC in check and full. My run off will be checked once or twice pre week.

Although this next part can be used in veg I don't use it until flower as my plants always grow faster then I can keep up with as it is.
High saturation fertigation I like to call it as it gives more meaning to hi frequency fertigation. Not only are you not supposed to let Coco dry out your supposed to keep it very moist, wet, damp whichever you prefer lol but 80+% saturation is what's recommended. I used to try the whole measuring how much I feed and how much run off I get but I always settle at 80sec/1min20 growing in 1/2/3 Gal pots.
So all that talk my main point is coming into flower I up my waterings daily until it only takes 1min20/80secs to get enough run off keeping my EC within 200PPM/.4EC Of my feed. That's how I decide how many times I feed per day whilst keeping my Coco well saturated. As I add more feeds I use this chart I found online for my watering timing.


Other things to note:
nute strength.. this usually sits around 500ppm/1.0EC in veg & 750ppm/1.5EC in flower. checking run off at least once or twice per week. If my ppm/EC comes out lower then my feed that tells me my plants are hungry and I will raise my ppm/EC higher until run off matches or is slightly higher then feed.
Some growers in Coco don't check run off and feed a little higher like 700ppm/1.4EC in veg & 1000ppm/2.0EC in flower roughly. This second option is probably where I will end up the lazier I get 🤣

PH... this is currently being covered throughout this journal but previously I would run longer/more frequent fertigations just to keep my run off PH in range and I know others may significantly adjust their feed PH so that run off PH was in range at 5.8ph - 6.3ph. whilst both of these techniques work they are time consuming. Just by inoculating this round my PH has stayed in range so far and if it persists throughout the grow then in future grows I will no longer have to check run off PH but probably will with my weekly feed check.

So from reading above you can see why a lot of people say you don't need to read your run off but I feel it's important that you do until you don't need to. Get a better understanding so should something go tits up it can be rectified swiftly stress free.

Thanks 😁
what are the desired results? That the EC and PH in and out are equal to each other (or the EC out is lower)? A higher EC out means a build up?
Thanks brother 👊 probably last run for my soulfire but yeah very impressed 👌

As for the results
PH: I'd like my run off (out) PH to be in range 5.8 - 6.3. throughout the grow. In Coco coir growers can feed at 7Ph just to get run off in range or even feed 10x per day to keep the plant fed as if not controlled PH will drop to 3.0 in flower.

EC: preferably I would like run off (out) to be slightly higher then feed (in). If out is lower then the plant done ate everything. If out is way higher then in then there is issues with watering like not enough or not often enough

Cheers bro 👊
Just a few pics from today, I finished all I'm doing for lollypoping yesterday with my back out. I forgot to water my window sill plants yesterday & also forgot to zip up my 3x3 last night. Today forgot to PH 🤦‍♂️ I'm a mess but hopefully that's all the bad luck for a while 🤣
Ladies still look great so far 😅.

The clone photos are 2.5 hrs apart so didn't take long.

Run off tomorrow hopefully 🤞
Just a few pics from today, I finished all I'm doing for lollypoping yesterday with my back out. I forgot to water my window sill plants yesterday & also forgot to zip up my 3x3 last night. Today forgot to PH 🤦‍♂️ I'm a mess but hopefully that's all the bad luck for a while 🤣
Ladies still look great so far 😅.

The clone photos are 2.5 hrs apart so didn't take long.

Run off tomorrow hopefully 🤞
Hell yeah looking awesome bro.

That looks like me before and after the bill pill.. 😂 😂 😂 just playing. Plants look fantastic bro
Thanks brother 👊 probably last run for my soulfire but yeah very impressed 👌

As for the results
PH: I'd like my run off (out) PH to be in range 5.8 - 6.3. throughout the grow. In Coco coir growers can feed at 7Ph just to get run off in range or even feed 10x per day to keep the plant fed as if not controlled PH will drop to 3.0 in flower.

EC: preferably I would like run off (out) to be slightly higher then feed (in). If out is lower then the plant done ate everything. If out is way higher then in then there is issues with watering like not enough or not often enough

Cheers bro 👊
Thanks GV coco confuses me is it the same with soil?
Thanks GV coco confuses me is it the same with soil?
Haha yet soil is far more complex. We're just spoilt with tailored soil and fertilizer mixes..

Yeah soil is similar with 6.2 - 6.8 PH range but the microbiology would be way stronger and keep that PH solid like it is for me now 🤞. I believe soil run off wouldn't be accurate like Coco so to check a soils pH i would recommend a slurry test but not necessary unless you see issues.

Soil with salts you can guage your soil PPM through run off but again better off reading the plant and if your organic forget about it run off and read the plant.
Haha yet soil is far more complex. We're just spoilt with tailored soil and fertilizer mixes..

Yeah soil is similar with 6.2 - 6.8 PH range but the microbiology would be way stronger and keep that PH solid like it is for me now 🤞. I believe soil run off wouldn't be accurate like Coco so to check a soils pH i would recommend a slurry test but not necessary unless you see issues.

Soil with salts you can guage your soil PPM through run off but again better off reading the plant and if your organic forget about it run off and read the plant.
Hi Greenvein & 024Backwards
I’m a Dirt Farmer and have been Ph’ing my water to 6.0 :lot-o-toke:

After reading this I’ll raise my water to 6.5 I’ve been a bit low
I collect rainwater and right now it’s been a steady 6.2 and dropping to 4.6 after ferts w/EC 1.5 per Gallon
Ph’ing up to 6

Thanks Greenvein I’m learning a lot from U guys :passitleft:
Hi Greenvein & 024Backwards
I’m a Dirt Farmer and have been Ph’ing my water to 6.0 :lot-o-toke:

After reading this I’ll raise my water to 6.5 I’ve been a bit low
I collect rainwater and right now it’s been a steady 6.2 and dropping to 4.6 after ferts w/EC 1.5 per Gallon
Ph’ing up to 6

Thanks Greenvein I’m learning a lot from U guys :passitleft:
Morning buddy, it's all good on the PH. I remember reading years ago that soil microbes have a easier time bringing the pH up to feed the plants then down.
Thinking about it that probably correlates to my Coco (rhizosphere) clean up and is a natural occurrence from the bacteria feasting on the plants exudates keeping your soil PH I check for you.
Take care of your bacteria/fungi bud & it will take care of your ladies 👍 now I'm starting to sound like Bill 🤣✌️
Morning buddy, it's all good on the PH. I remember reading years ago that soil microbes have a easier time bringing the pH up to feed the plants then down.
Thinking about it that probably correlates to my Coco (rhizosphere) clean up and is a natural occurrence from the bacteria feasting on the plants exudates keeping your soil PH I check for you.
Take care of your bacteria/fungi bud & it will take care of your ladies 👍 now I'm starting to sound like Bill 🤣✌️
Some bro science there GV, thank you my friend........good soil, a good core fertilizer of your choice, microbes, and a little sugar to feed them. It can be that simple (i need to listen to myself).
Cheers bud
I’ve been enjoying reading on your cleanup
Good stuff
Cheers bud so far My little experiment is working out better then expected. If I get through the next two weeks still in range I'll call it a success 🤞 now when I check run off I'm literally praying 🤣
Hi Greenvein & 024Backwards
I’m a Dirt Farmer and have been Ph’ing my water to 6.0 :lot-o-toke:

After reading this I’ll raise my water to 6.5 I’ve been a bit low
I collect rainwater and right now it’s been a steady 6.2 and dropping to 4.6 after ferts w/EC 1.5 per Gallon
Ph’ing up to 6

Thanks Greenvein I’m learning a lot from U guys :passitleft:
PH is everything, you are on the right track my friend!

Big G, trich production on point :passitleft:going to be a great haul brother
Haha yet soil is far more complex. We're just spoilt with tailored soil and fertilizer mixes..

Yeah soil is similar with 6.2 - 6.8 PH range but the microbiology would be way stronger and keep that PH solid like it is for me now 🤞. I believe soil run off wouldn't be accurate like Coco so to check a soils pH i would recommend a slurry test but not necessary unless you see issues.

Soil with salts you can guage your soil PPM through run off but again better off reading the plant and if your organic forget about it run off and read the plant.
That's what I do, I use a Blue Lab ph pen though for my soil but once a good ph is established it stays pretty consistent depending on how much and what gets top dressed but I do water only and get good results low water consumption and sustainable 👍✌️
PH is everything, you are on the right track my friend!
💯 👊
That's what I do, I use a Blue Lab ph pen though for my soil but once a good ph is established it stays pretty consistent depending on how much and what gets top dressed but I do water only and get good results low water consumption and sustainable 👍✌️
Blue lab is the business bro can't beat it! Always good practice to monitor what's going on 👍 in soil plant issues are delayed then takes a while to fix the problem so great idea to prevent it in the first place. I have been tempted by topdressing my Coco a few times but never take the jump.

Cheers fellas 👊✌️
💯 👊

Blue lab is the business bro can't beat it! Always good practice to monitor what's going on 👍 in soil plant issues are delayed then takes a while to fix the problem so great idea to prevent it in the first place. I have been tempted by topdressing my Coco a few times but never take the jump.

Cheers fellas 👊✌️
Id be lost if i didn't have my meter!
Id Try top dressing on 1 plant might just surprise you. Maybe try bokashi or something similar to start out with
I use fermented em-1 and alfalfa and water with it REGULARLY and I wouldn't see why top dressing coco wouldn't work other than it turning into regular soil after it breaks down after while especially if your using bokashi or something
I mainly use Coco for my worm farm.✌️
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