The Captain's 1st 420 Grow: Blue Dream & Girlscout Cookies In Soil

and NOT yawning after the buzz starts wearing off

I'm getting tired of this (no pun intended)! I'm looking forward to being at a point where I can explore different strains and grow whats best for me to smoke. Right now I take what is offered with little selection, and unfortunately it always seems to be sledgehammer put you to sleep mode weed around here!

I've only germinated this LA Confidential gift seed based on my budget and inexperience, and of course it's powerhouse Indica right? Next grow already sprouted is more free beans, Indica.

I do have some 10 yr old sativa seeds that I tried but for the life of me couldn't pop. I have a few left, maybe I'll give them another shot here in a month or so. Cheers, thought provoking convo stuff guys, thanks!
What is this seed soak you recommend for brother @Pbass ? Im very interested in these sorts of pieces to the puzzle. Eventually my scientific curiosity crops up and I try to "test" theory and applications. I want things to work and help us, just also enjoy attempting to prove it. This sounds really cool.
@Pbass make a seed soak that is kelp based. Will help them old seeds.

My Grandmother used to do this, well close to this, she would drop her seeds in a hot cup of coffee, let them sit overnight, then plant them the next day. They always popped and grew out healthy.
A bit of ventilation and you’ll be entering the contests indeed. That looks like a flowering machine. Looking forward to watching the bloom. Good vibes to the new room Capt.

Can't see it in the other picture, but there's a 6in Max fan pro w/ filter above the lights. The room it's in is sealed, so I have an 8in Max fan bringing air into the room through a HEPA filter. I run everything passively, until the temps start climbing, then I kick on the 8in, and flush the room.
How much more you want to add to a 550 for a 4x4? Just curious, as I thought about some far red pucks. I like my 550 think they are plenty of light.
The ladies mos def need their up-pot. They are barely making it 24hrs on their watering. Not to mention, the veg tent is practically busting at the seams with new growth. Gonna be a busy week!
You sure know how to treat the lady’s Capt. What size pot are you up potting to?

I'm putting the gals into 7gal fabric pots. I'm aiming at Saturday morning.
I'm putting the gals into 7gal fabric pots. I'm aiming at Saturday morning.
Ahoy There!
Bigger container = bigger roots = bigger nutrition uptake capabilities = bigger and bigger smiles. Your nailing it Commodore Cannabis.
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