The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Hi Fuzzy. Good point.

>>>source/wattage of bulb
I agree. It's arguably the most important thing you can do to increase yield.

>>>brand name of bulb
I'm about to test a theory. Bulbs lose lumens after age. So what do you think is better?

A. Use a $80 bulb for a year?
B. Use a $20 bulb three months?

I have been using the $100 horti-eye bulbs, and I run them for a year and then throw them away. On this grow, (in flower) I'll be using a 600W "Apollo" brand HPS bulb you can get on ebay for $20 with free shipping. Then, I'm going to throw it away and buy another one every three months. Same cost over a year. I won't be doing a "side by side" comparison, but my thinking is: over time, I'll have more light with the cheaper bulb.

Mmm i don't think it will make to much of a difference really... cheaper bulbs might be at question if used for longer periods as it may suggest quality is poor & the degrading of light could be more over length of time used than a quality bulb !

With out hard core testing of many brands & a lot of time on hand to monitor results, its some what hard to say !
I got a hortilux eye 1000 watt HPS bulb on its way and will install it with my reloads first week of next month. The smaller containers I use to house them straight out of the turbo kloner seems to get them going quick, if I leave them in there too long it always seems like when there crammed for space they stretch and increase the distance between nodes or is it internodes? lol not sure, sorry

Could be slightly over crowded & competition for light to which may cause the stretch, in less the light is to far away !

I wouldn't worry a great deal about stretch of clones tho... might also be genetics of strain other wise if you have had similar problems with other strains cloned in this method, then its more likely one of above :thumb:
Hey fuzzy, my thoughts are to replace the $20 bulb every 3 months, rather than a more expensive bulb once a year. You should check out the apollo bulb. Sitting next to the hortilux, the apollo looks nice.

That said, your chart is an eye opener. Good find there. It suggests that after a YEAR, a HPS bulb is still ~90 percent efficient. Hmmm. I might need to buy a light meter!
Ye i'll have dig around on info regarding apollo & hortilux bulbs & see what i can come up with !

I think about a years use of bulb after maths is done, hour wise of bulb used & degradation over time wouldn't really make to much of a difference on yield tho, prehaps a few grams or so... but suspect bulb replacement around half life of the bulb life span to be a good to time to replace the bulb to keep things reasonable !

I've come across some information regarding of cleaning the glass of air cooled hoods as dust/dirt build up effects light qualitie by X % & even mentioned cleaning of bulbs but not sure on best method used for cleaning bulbs at present ?
Happy Sativaday s1ing:)
I've had a little look around at the apollo HPS & was surprised me was it was a 2000K (kelvin) HPS which would suggest it has a mildly better high end red spectrum of light, pretty cool i thought & i would suspect its better for flowering/yield...

Most standard HPS are 2100K.

I did come across Sun Master Bulbs HPS dual spectrum at 2000K which looked pretty interesting at a reasonable price (mainly available in europe)

Dual spectrum HPS are becoming a bit more popular on the growing scene these days also !

I was not to sure which hortilux HPS bulb ya had as they have few types, if was just their standard HPS the apollo would have my attention :thumb:
I am using a 20 dollar plant max and a 30 dollar sun master. Both are cheapo bulbs and do the trick but I scored a new hortilux eye 1000 watt HPS for 26 bucks shipped to the door. Heck I would've loved to be able to get more but the move and the old truck are gobbling up the cash faster than I can make it lol.
Keep coming back it'll get good soon
Hi guys, I couldn't agree more with your veg. time article cap'n. I plan on reading your other articles, especially the "bending and topping your way to a 1lb monster" cause that's what i'm planning to grow. :bravo:
Gimme a light and sprinkle some ferts on me cuz my a$$ is planted for this one!!!

Quick question;
There was mention of not starting with a big pot b/c (I forget at the moment why), but could you not just get your finish pot and cut the bottoms off all the other pots and stack them with medium packed into the layers? then instead of actually transplanting causing XX amount of stress, simply pull off a sleeve to expose the roots to a new world to explore until they hit the next road block? Or is the point to begin a root mass at the bottom? (In which case the sleeves would defeat the purpose).
Gimme a light and sprinkle some ferts on me cuz my a$$ is planted for this one!!!

Quick question;
There was mention of not starting with a big pot b/c (I forget at the moment why), but could you not just get your finish pot and cut the bottoms off all the other pots and stack them with medium packed into the layers? then instead of actually transplanting causing XX amount of stress, simply pull off a sleeve to expose the roots to a new world to explore until they hit the next road block? Or is the point to begin a root mass at the bottom? (In which case the sleeves would defeat the purpose).

Welcome skybound. I checked out the first page of your journal, I will read some more and comment later. I like your diagrams, and plans. Yes the point is to build up a nice root mass. The air-pots help that, but it is not necessary to use the air-pots (although I really like them). By transplanting up a size, every time the roots start to become constricted, we build up a nice mass.

I do like your idea, except yeah, the roots would just grow down. Maybe you should work on that invention. ;-) It is worth mentioning here, when you transplant up a pot size, using rockwool, there is ZERO stress. Wait until the rock wool is fairly dry, then you can pull it out of the pot easily, and put it in the next one.

I don't have anything exciting to update yet on this grow. My clone is rooted well, but is in that SLOW period before it takes off in vegetative growth. On a side note, I just started a new experiment with 4 clones HERE. I get 100% success with cloning in rockwool, but it usually takes a month from cut before I really see good growth, and I'm trying to improve on this slow period. I always wait until I see some new growth, before watering with N.

Here is a picture of my cook off plant, the little one on the left. Pitiful looking I know! I topped it the other day, as I like to get a "V" in the stalk as early as possible. If you're just tuning in, it is TGA "Orange". This is a new strain for me. It is quite the beast once it takes off. I have two in 6th week of flower now. Huge plants but buds are not plump yet. Sub says 55-65 days, but at this rate, it looks like it will be a solid 10 weeks of flower for Orange.

In veg, I'm using a simple 5gal bucket with a 200gph water pump, and some pvc pipe and 1/4 hose to water the plants, once a day for 15 minutes. For the little guy, I'm hand watering it every other day with 300ppm nutrients, until growth takes off, then it will be once a day 15min watering. If you don't have a tray like this for veg, GET ONE! I can't tell you how convenient it is. Even if you just top feed to waste, these trays rock.


The one on right will be my last TGA "Ace of spades" that I grow, and goes into flower in a couple weeks. It's a nice plant, and the buds are beautiful, but I kept the wrong pheno. I started with 5 seeds, got two females, and the two were totally different. This is the "black cherry soda" pheno, with dark cherry colored buds, and chenesis. This picture makes the buds look more blue than purple, but they are more dark cherry colored. With this one I can only get around 12oz. My other pheno was the "jack the ripper" pheno that was a stellar yielder 20oz, but no color.

I don't mean to get off track, but I wanted to share a picture of a few buds from the latest harvest of the bcs pheno. As you can see, these buds do not bulk up much (maybe the reason sub stopped producing it), but they smell like flowers and the high is energetic and functional. I have 5 hangars full, expecting 12oz. ( 9 weeks, plus three days of flush:

That's all for now. I'll check back in a couple weeks. I think s1ling is going to outgrow me in this one! Go s1lingblade! :cheer:
:thedoubletake::rofl: LOL yeah right. I am the same as right now theres not much to show but here is two recently transplnted clones one in straight #4 plus XTRA Chunky Perlite and the other all Grodan Rock Wool Grow Cubes or what I call rockwool croutons. Hopefully soon there will be something to show? Please everyone remember that were getting ready to move starting next week and I will be swamped for a couple of weeks at least, but I already have been taking lots of pics and will continue to do so, that was you can see my entry go from freshly rooted cut to as big as I can get her lol
They look like super star s1ing!! Good luck with the move.
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