Thanks Jay. :)
I am doing very well with those Canna S'mores. I'm doing another batch this week for someone who wants em' stronger, hence the reason for the butter in different "strengths". LOL
Oh, btw...if you run out of cheesecloth again you can use a coffee filter set inside of a kitchen strainer. Works great. Or, another option is a clean piece of nylon stockings stretched over a kitchen strainer. This is what I've been using recently, and it keeps out even the finer particles.

I love the different strength Canna butter...great idea

Also the coffee filter in the strainer is a excellent idea...I have tried the coffee filter before but I tried to attach it to the top of a container with a rubber band and it didn't work...I have a strainer that is the perfect size...I will give it a try when I am out of the cheesecloth i just bought...Thanks Canna

Yeah that's a great recipe...Very easy for a dummy like me :) friends like the smores more than the cookies and brownies I used to make. I don't eat many sweets at all but I always "test" them before giving them out :)

Gonna check that video out now :)
OK I have an edibles report from the batch I just made:

I made them too strong! :)

I ate 1/3 of a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square at 8:30 this am...13 hrs later I'm am still way, way too medicated!!! LOL

Other than napping, watching tv and finding snacks I have not been able to do a thing at all today LOL...I haven't smoked all day and I'm toast LOL

Happy green everyone
I just want to mention that for edibles, dosing is VERY important. One time I had a PB&J sandwich with cannabutter spread inside, toasted in the oven on low for about 10 minutes. I ate the whole sandwich which had about 4 full butter-knife spreads of butter on it, the high kicked in, and it nearly paralyzed me, I couldn't get up off the couch for an entire day, the next day was a mess. On another occasion, I replicated the sandwich, it turned out I probably had about an ounce of buds per sandwich, this time I had it for dinner and nothing else. I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. Got up to use the restroom and my brain shut down and I went into a seizure with convulsions. I felt lucky to be alive after I woke up from my dazed and confused state. I did not know where I was or who I was. I consider myself lucky. I am convinced this was as a direct result of the high dosing. All I am saying is to be aware of the cannabis, and don't get carried away with the butter. I am sorry if this goes against the grain, but I felt I had to share my experience for the purposes of cannabis awareness. Hell, you can even overdose off of too much water!

OK Now back to the tasty snacks :) :circle-of-love:
I feel strange liking your comments when I wouldn't like that to happen at all. Yes anything in excess is a bad thing. Not that I wish harm on anyone, but I have smoked a j and walked passed the gym, looking at the beautiful people working it to exhaustion, and I've thought that I'm having a healthier experience right now.
I re read, one ounce sandwich, RL, now that was silly.
Yes, it was silly :goof:, I am embarrassed to share I made a mistake that night (multiple times). But I was young then! Definitely learned my lesson. Please don't feel strange for liking the comment, I wouldn't interpret that as you liked my bad experience. I just felt it was necessary to share such an experience just for the purposes of awareness. I was a guinea pig during that time. :rofl:
Okay, I finished my dinner only a couple minutes before Reps are Right started so I didn't get a chance to upload. But here it is, and it was delicious! And my typing skills suffered....brain to fingers to keyboard..didn't connect. But I was having fun trying to connect them. LOL


That looks delicious :)
I just want to mention that for edibles, dosing is VERY important. One time I had a PB&J sandwich with cannabutter spread inside, toasted in the oven on low for about 10 minutes. I ate the whole sandwich which had about 4 full butter-knife spreads of butter on it, the high kicked in, and it nearly paralyzed me, I couldn't get up off the couch for an entire day, the next day was a mess. On another occasion, I replicated the sandwich, it turned out I probably had about an ounce of buds per sandwich, this time I had it for dinner and nothing else. I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. Got up to use the restroom and my brain shut down and I went into a seizure with convulsions. I felt lucky to be alive after I woke up from my dazed and confused state. I did not know where I was or who I was. I consider myself lucky. I am convinced this was as a direct result of the high dosing. All I am saying is to be aware of the cannabis, and don't get carried away with the butter. I am sorry if this goes against the grain, but I felt I had to share my experience for the purposes of cannabis awareness. Hell, you can even overdose off of too much water!

OK Now back to the tasty snacks :) :circle-of-love:

Excellent piece of advice Lester. I was just sitting here thinking what would have happened if that was a person who was a very light cannabis user. I'll bet that scared the bejeezus out of you. Thanks for sharing that!
OK I have an edibles report from the batch I just made:

I made them too strong! :)

I ate 1/3 of a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square at 8:30 this am...13 hrs later I'm am still way, way too medicated!!! LOL

Other than napping, watching tv and finding snacks I have not been able to do a thing at all today LOL...I haven't smoked all day and I'm toast LOL

Happy green everyone
Dang Jay, you better make your budder a little lighter! :blalol: I wonder if there's a way to make what you already have there a little less potent?......:hmmmm:
Dang Jay, you better make your budder a little lighter! :blalol: I wonder if there's a way to make what you already have there a little less potent?......:hmmmm:

Canna smaller servings :rofl:

Where your photo?
Edit: there it is
Well,I hope I didn't do a Jay on these. I made 4 trays of Canna S'mores this morning...with the budder I made in the triple crocks. That budder smells STRONG! LOL
I think I had better test these out tonight before I go handing them off to friends. :biglaugh:


I think I'm going to try some stuffed pasta this evening using some leaves and carbed weed. That sounds delicious right now and it's still early morning. LOL
Also, does anyone have any ideas on adding cannabis to Yogurt? I don't want to do the hash yogurt that's in the Stoners' Cookbook.
Apparently I need to get lots of yogurt into my diet quickly and just hate the taste of yogurt....other than true greek yogurt which is not available where I am.
If I have to eat it, I would like to at least get something enjoyable out of it. :laugh:
Best yogurt I ever tasted was when I visited Australia, and I haven't a clue what it was called other than being "Greek Yogurt". I couldn't get enough of it. What is sold here is bland nasty stuff. Blech!
Hi Canna,
The Mrs uses vanilla yogurt, 1 banana, some frozen berries and hemp milk for breakfast smoothies (she hates yogurt too)

On weekends she adds some of our VG tincture about 1tsp to a drink serving..the tincture used is made with 10g of keif to 1 cup of VG.

I see you are decarbing and adding to your meals/treats, can't see why it wouldn't work with yogurt, you are so creative I bet you get something going soon.

She uses the magic bullet blender thingamabob for these
Hi Canna,
The Mrs uses vanilla yogurt, 1 banana, some frozen berries and hemp milk for breakfast smoothies (she hates yogurt too)

On weekends she adds some of our VG tincture about 1tsp to a drink serving..the tincture used is made with 10g of keif to 1 cup of VG.

I see you are decarbing and adding to your meals/treats, can't see why it wouldn't work with yogurt, you are so creative I bet you get something going soon.

She uses the magic bullet blender thingamabob for these
Thanks Heady! Where do you get hemp milk? Never heard of it. LOL
I have a magic bullet blender, I can make use of that. I have two huge tubs of plain yogurt in the freezer, it was to make cultures with for cheese. So, I need to find a way to incorporate them into my diet....blech. LOL
I'm going to use some in the stuffed shells that I'm going to make tonight, I don't have any ricotta but I found a recipe to use some cream cheese, yogurt and eggs...with some parmesan to cut the sweetness of the cream cheese. We'll see what happens. :)
Cannafan, if you are needing the yogurt for the probiotics, why don't you just add probiotic supplements to something that you like to eat instead of yogurt?
Truth be told, I have JUST been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis this past Tuesday. I started looking up probiotics yesterday, so I'm working on the alternatives this week. I have the yogurt here now, so figured I should make use of it and get this enzyme deficiency correction going asap.
If I were to use the's going to cost me a ton of money per month to use them as the doc suggests. I don't have it to spend. LOL
I want to look at getting those enzymes etc. with other available options here.
I have only looked into the pill supplements so far.
This is all new to me yet. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hi Canna,
The Mrs uses vanilla yogurt, 1 banana, some frozen berries and hemp milk for breakfast smoothies (she hates yogurt too)

On weekends she adds some of our VG tincture about 1tsp to a drink serving..the tincture used is made with 10g of keif to 1 cup of VG.

I see you are decarbing and adding to your meals/treats, can't see why it wouldn't work with yogurt, you are so creative I bet you get something going soon.

She uses the magic bullet blender thingamabob for these

That sounds like a great recipe Heady. One of my favorite snacks used to be vanilla yogurt with blended bananas (banillia yogurt :)) and some lightly crushed up yummy :)

Canna hope you didn't make yours like I did LOL...I was way too medicated for about 20 hrs....I didn't smoke at all the entire day and I still felt happy and hungry the next day (yesterday) I was watching an infomercial for 45 mins while laughing and eating pickles that I spread some Dijon mustard on girlfriend was like..."I want what your having" :)...I gave her a third of a piece and she lasted 3 hrs...after eating an entire box of graham crackers she went to bed for the night at 5:30 pm LOL
They look delicious Canna :)
Truth be told, I have JUST been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis this past Tuesday. I started looking up probiotics yesterday, so I'm working on the alternatives this week. I have the yogurt here now, so figured I should make use of it and get this enzyme deficiency correction going asap.
If I were to use the's going to cost me a ton of money per month to use them as the doc suggests. I don't have it to spend. LOL
I want to look at getting those enzymes etc. with other available options here.
I have only looked into the pill supplements so far.
This is all new to me yet. :cheesygrinsmiley:

So sorry to hear that Canna...if I find any info I think might be useful I'll post it for you:circle-of-love:
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