The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

I like to research strains to find out as much as I can about them before attempting to grow them. We have ample time before Kharma's reign in the spotlight is over, so I decided to do a quick search over the net to find out as much as I can about Zensation by Ministry Of Cannabis.

From the MOC Website:
Zensation Feminized
This strain can be used by those who suffer from chronic pain.

Zensation belongs to a new generation of cannabis strains. From a selective inbreeding of an extremely potent indica and a well stable white strain we finally got Zensation, the ultimate pleasure. Zensation smells of juniper and cedar. In the mouth, Zensation reveals a pronounced and complex pungent taste, with notes of berries and cherries. The effect is very long lasting and extra strong, a total relaxation of mind and body. This strain can be used by those who suffer from chronic pain. This strain is very suitable for hydro as well as bio.

Available in bags of 2, 5, 10 and 25 seeds.

Kind of seeds: Female


75% Indica 25% Sativa

Flowering Time: 8-9 weeks

Yield: 450 gr per sq. mt. indoor, up to 400 gr. per plant outdoor

THC: 20-24 %

Sounds good so far. And a few reviews of the strain:

Zensation has an indica effect, relaxing your body and bringing you calm...
Review by anonymous2

Those I shared this strain with invariably complimented me on it, unaware that I grew it personally. Zensation has an indica effect, relaxing your body and bringing you calm. Although quite powerful, it kept my mind unhazed, without inducing drowsiness or couch-lock. I have had many satisfying conversations and music/film sessions under her influence. If this is the style you are looking for, I would strongly recommend this out of the several strains I have tried. I have in fact ordered it again.

The pheno of my Zen is amazing
Review by Dumb American
The pheno of my Zen is amazing. It's mold/mildew resistant, never hermies, and never gives me a seed. She blows up with hearty, vigorous fan leaves, jumps up about double-tall really quickly in flower, pops little buds and fills in nicely. She frosts up at just 2 weeks. Best bag appeal ever, amazing scent, great paing relieving qualities. The tension smooths out beginning at the base of the neck and moving over the shoulders and down the spine. My favorite thing about it is that if I harvest early, you would think it was a sativa.

Great reviews overall but unfortunately nothing about actually growing it. I searched the net far and wide to find any grow journals that I could to cover the subject of growing this strain. So far, all I have found are a few pages of grows from other sites that were incomplete.

The next step will be contacting the breeder directly. I would like to know the average size of the plants and estimated flowering period so that I can plan this out. Mainly I would like to know the average growing height and size to plan on whether I will grow 2 plants side by side or stick with a single plant. I know from plenty of information on Dutch Passion Blueberry that these plants have the potential to get fairly large so that is why I decided to grow one at a time. Blue Amnesia stays so short that I could easily get away with growing 4 of them at once.

This is why I like to start my research early so that I have an idea what to plan for. However there is still plenty of time. If any one reading this has any experience with Zensation, please feel free to share anything you have in my journal. There is also an update to Kharma incoming shortly. Stay tuned and thank you for visiting. There are a lot of journals in progress at 420 Magazine so I appreciate everyone taking the time to visit this one.

noun: reincarnation
the rebirth of a soul in a new body.
synonyms:rebirth, transmigration of the soul, metempsychosis
a person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn.
plural noun: reincarnations

a new version of something from the past.

day 13 flower

Wow how time flies. We are now starting week 2 of flower and Kharma is getting stronger every day. Her leaves are now starting to turn deep blueish green, that classic blueberry look.

A few of her branches were re-tied and a small amount of fan leaves were pruned to expose more flowers. She is now pressing up against the front and back of the tent.

She is down to shedding all but the last of her dead leaves and it feels like she is trying to erase the memory of her former life somehow.

Today is PH Test day. The test is conducted by intentionally over watering the plant until the tray fills to 1 inch of run off. Then the reading is taken after it sits for 15 to 20 minutes. Today's reading is at PH 6.5. It is up by just a fraction from last time.

Kharma seems to like this flooding of her tray and instead of draining it, I leave her to it and she seems to drink it while growing at the same time. I have to admit that the first few times I witnessed this it was a little unsettling.

We have about 2 more weeks before she gets the final amendment to her soil. A top dress of Dr. Earth's Flower Girl to help her develop the insane number of flowers that she has conjured up.

Just to summerize the suppliments that I use are:​

This is mixed into the soil at the time of planting. The package states to use 1/2 cup, however I only use 1/4 cup. It is a very mild fertilizer and inoculate to help establish a good soil/root relationship they claim. I believe that it works because, well.... Kharma

Once we flip the switch, the second suppliment is added:​

I leave this one running through veg and about the first 4 weeks of flower.

Then for the final 4 weeks:​

You guys know how much I love to take pictures and there are a lot of them this week.


Looking good in here. She looks ready to get into that stretch. Top work with that camera. :bongrip:

Thank you Jim. Quick question. When you cook your soil what kind of container do you put it in?
I have several 18 gal (I think) Rubbermaid type tubs. I don't necessarily buy Rubbermaid - anything I can get on the cheap.
I found a big Rubbermaid tote out in the shed and I'm going to use that. I am going to start cooking it now so that it can be done by the time this blueberry is finished.

day fourteen flower
I need to mark today down in the journal for reference purposes., so I figured that I would post all pictures of Kharma up to this point to note the progress.​



Today I opened the tent and noticed that there is a party going on! A nice little get together of 10 to 12 fungus gnats. For some reason I didn't get the invitation but I'm here now. They looked parched and me being the gracious host that I am, I treated them with a delicious serving of undiluted hydrogen peroxide followed by a surface coating of lukewarm water with Neem Oil at a dilution of 5.8 ML to 25 ML ratio. For some reason, they didn't like my hospitality because they all scattered and now I don't have any adult fungus gnats in the tent any more. Interesting. I must suck at bar tending. Oh well.

With that being said, upon closer examination, Kharma is starting to get rebellious, as she has completely pulled and unraveled most of her tie downs trying to grow straight up. So I followed suit with yet another aggressive tie down. Her main stalk is the most stubborn and suffered a small split on the surface at the bend which was mended with a blue tape bandage. She is growing so fast now that I feel like I have to document her progress almost daily.

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