The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

I dont think im gonna train BRIE. I want her to have one big cola

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Everything looks beautiful and i love that your trying different methods, training and no training, you are gonna have a nice center cola that should take up your whole stalk! Great job happy growing . PS, START DWC BRUDDA YOU CAN DO SO GOOD AT IT

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There are a bunch of different kinds of dwc buckets these the hose has a hole in the lid air stone connects right inside and can keep it close to net pot at start
. These the hose comes thru the tip still just not a hole a slit
then there is top feed
I prefer the first buckets i showed you they're called mothers bubbler

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There are a bunch of different kinds of dwc buckets these the hose has a hole in the lid air stone connects right inside and can keep it close to net pot at start
. These the hose comes thru the tip still just not a hole a slit
then there is top feed
I prefer the first buckets i showed you they're called mothers bubbler

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So, bignugs... with a DWC system, do you hook it up to a reservoir? I suspect not, that the fluid in which the roots dangle IS the reservoir, right?

If so, would it be smart to use a secondary, circulating reservoir, which also had air stones. This would give a longer time between nute changes, I think.

Whatcha think?
You can use an xtra bucket to mix nutes in and take your readings from. That's called rdwc. Recirculating deep water culture. Here's one I made and used.

"I don't know everything. My opinion is just that. It's up to you to research the information offered by me or anyone else. It's not wise to act on the first opinion you get. "

My First DWC Grow - Unknown Strain
So, bignugs... with a DWC system, do you hook it up to a reservoir? I suspect not, that the fluid in which the roots dangle IS the reservoir, right?

If so, would it be smart to use a secondary, circulating reservoir, which also had air stones. This would give a longer time between nute changes, I think.

Whatcha think?

Personally I don't like big res I would rather mix up my nutes 5gallons at a time two buckets and then fill my dwc bucket, I do ph daily I don't really check tds meter anymore just go by look and feel for my ladies

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Personally I don't like big res I would rather mix up my nutes 5gallons at a time two buckets and then fill my dwc bucket, I do ph daily I don't really check tds meter anymore just go by look and feel for my ladies

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I hear ya'. I have experience with reservoirs and a flood and drain system. DWC is quite different.

As I understand it, the buckets do not drain to a reservoir, or to waste. Is that right? So, you must have to replace the nutes. So do you do a full drain and replace, or do you just top them up?

So, what are the advantages to using DWC? Faster growth? Bigger yield? Easier to use?
I hear ya'. I have experience with reservoirs and a flood and drain system. DWC is quite different.

As I understand it, the buckets do not drain to a reservoir, or to waste. Is that right? So, you must have to replace the nutes. So do you do a full drain and replace, or do you just top them up?

So, what are the advantages to using DWC? Faster growth? Bigger yield? Easier to use?

I do a res change weekly during veg and early bloom, I flush at least three to four times while plant is in dwc before actual flush starts
that is the benefit of dwc that seedling is only 5 days old, veggie under 150w hps and 300watt led, only feed mammoth p and ph down for 5.5, once roots hit the actual water she will explode, currently she has the air stone right next to net pot and splashed her, I top feed with ph water daily til roots hit the outside of net pot, then your root mass will jump in size the bigger the roots the bigger the plant.

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I was going to get the dwc today but they were out so I decided im going to just save me some money and make one I did however end up getting this for some extra light. I hope It helps enough that I can notice a difference

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
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