The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

You got a tomato plant in there. Grow an auto behind it, and hang little red Christmas ornaments 'tomatoes' on it. Instant camo... I've done that alot and works great against the casual eye. GL and Keepem Green
I have a better boy tomato in there and a roma tomato. Some super chilis and banana peppers, some spearmint to keep mice away and some chocolate mint and on the edge I have cucumbers and a cantelope im going to train out
I been busy lately cleaning up outback and got that little kiddy pool garden up I put one of my plants in for a lil bit as a test run and let me say its a cool feeling smoking a cone and listening to some music (cypress hill i want to get high) in my case, and standing over your work that you created. This time I actually added some flowers in just for color. Good Times Good Times
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