The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Yeah because you know how when leaves turn yellow from nitrogen deficiency naturally they fall off real easy....these my veins are green still and the webs are turning.

If its changing from winding down dont the whole plant start changing from bottom up? Plus do nitrogen deficient leafs still have green veins?
They usually do start from the bottom up but not always. And after a few days if it's from winding down they will almost fall off on their own. Looking at the first pic it looks like the stem on your leaf is purple? Could be the light or my phone really sucks.
Mammoth p is beneficial microbes that release phosphorus so it would benefit you to run them at least up to the flush. When i flush all i use is flawless finish.
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Wrong house....I don't wish for anyones house to burn but I guess it would have been better if it was that nusiance house. The house that burned was occupied by a family with 5 kids...

They said it started as a grease fire and turned into an electrical fire? me on that one

But that type of stuff makes you think....I believe most the houses around here should probably be re wired. All the houses are old.

At least no one lost their life in it
Found a cool little deal for some supplemental cfl grow lights. They seem cool they come in different spectrums to mix yourself

Then found this spinner which could be cool but weighs alot
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