The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Oh I wouldnt want that spinner for supplemental lighting lol sorry I wrote that weird. That spinner just seems cool that's actually for high powered leds I believe. It's to stop hotspots, imagine having a cob on each one

That makes more sense. I was thinking that was a lot of effort and money for some supplemental lighting lol
Good morning 420 family. I hope you all have a great day I myself am feeling great this morning. Lately ive been feeling depressed and like I dont matter to anyone but today I feel so much better. Let's just say that I noticed something on here this morning that actally makes me feel like im making a difference in peoples life. Such a great feeling, thank you all
I'm late, but subbed!
I was

And then my redneck vegetable garden. I think a nice auto would be the perfect centerpiece.
You got a tomato plant in there. Grow an auto behind it, and hang little red Christmas ornaments 'tomatoes' on it. Instant camo... I've done that alot and works great against the casual eye. GL and Keepem Green
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