The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Just a fast question, your using your vaped material in budder? Don't you think you fried all the thc by now? I'd think if you properly vaped your material it woodn't have much thc left over? But don't ask me,, I haven't used my vaporizer for years.. Just curious. Keepem Green
Cool seems to last longer then in a bowl or bong
My vape has been parked for about a year now. but We've now tried all ways possible to consume cannabis & have decided that nothing beats a big fatty !! We're on our way to the smoking section, NOW !! This is a public health message !! Hey Canno, i killed this bug sitting on my cheese plant, you recognize it ??
Looks like a boxelder slow....they try to eat plants but dont do much damage but their kinda like stinkbugs they smell if you crush them
Well I guess this was a non stinking boxelder then, as i didn't smell anything when I squashed him or her. I'm not sure it flies, but that one will never fly, ever again. Just hope he didn't leave some knocked up female boxelders to deal with ? We definately don't need any little boxelders running round here !! Thanks for the positive ID Canno !! I'm on the look out !!
I love smoking more then all but the problem is I feel like I cant get where I want anymore by just smoking. Maybe if I smoked and ate a brownie or something other then that im getting to the point where im smoking joints like cigarettes and never high enough lol
I smoke anytime I feel the need, but normally three joints last me all day. I've found that 3-4 hits and I'm probably about as high as I'll get, so i think people waste a lot of weed using it to replace cig. smoke. If 3 good pulls don't get you high, then your weed is no good. I take 3-4 hits every couple hrs.. So, excuse me while I go to the smoking area !!:peacetwo:
Yeah I need to start cutting back cuz im smoking just to smoke need to smoke 6 blunts a day lol I kinda feel like you do slow about after 3 hits I should be good but I think your rite and I do it just to replace smoking cigarettes. Like I said I would much rather smoke bud all day in place of cigarettes lol
Finally got caught up on the thread.
I'm struggling against my tolerance right now. I smoke just to smoke sometimes too. It's become a habit of mine to light up while tending to the garden haha.
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Funny though, isn't it?

Initial idea:

I gotta grow some weed so I can get fried whenever I want!

2 months post harvest:

Hello? Is this thing on? Hellooo? Why isn't it working anymore?


I'm there too, guys!
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