The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Im gonna grab a couple dozen beans from Mr Nice and see what kind of phenos i get.

Trick is, to clone em all, label corresponding mothers, and run them @ least 2x before selecting. Most here flower immature plants, and until they're mature, you're not going to get the full value of the terps or even the profile of the plant-just a vague, general idea.
People who pop a seed, veg it in a tent for a month under a glorified night light, or a friggin' CFL, then flower it, aren't getting anywhere near the full value of the experience. Selecting for traits takes a few generations/cycles, and people are in far too much of a hurry these days. Patience is key.
Drop me a line when you run em, I'd love to follow along!
Sunshine just came down I will let you know what the weight is im guessing 1 1/2 oz

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
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