The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

I have all the kids this weekend so that makes

16 year old daugter
14 year old son
9 year old twins (son &daughter)
8 year old foster daughter
6 year old daughter

Should make for a quiet and relaxing weekend . .

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
Getting ready to try this cone my boy sold me for 30 bucks. Its blue cookie bud smeared with white rhino wax and rolled in God's gift kief. It does look tasty

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
Looking awesome brother :) only small but look super frosty :thumb: how are they smelling?
The auto acid smells awesome. To me it kinda smells like skunky blue cheese with a hint of lemon and the cheese smells just like cheese to me to.


anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
Im happy with the auto acid I think she is going to yield more then I expected. The cheese however is not topped and is growing that one main cola. The cheese is tiny but shes still growing. I would be happy if I got a one ounce bud off her lol

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
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