The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

In these photos they are not fighting. The male Funnel Weaver has rolled the female over and is injecting sperm into her abdomen with those little black circular items on his legs.

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Spiders mating game--5.jpg
Spiders mating game--6.jpg
It's a worm feast, never really watched birds eat a worm. I thought it would be like me eating a piece of spaghetti just suck it down, birds got no lips... Who knew. they pull it out of the ground and cut chunks off an swallow em


I've been playing around with Adobe Photoshops' Generative A.I.
Basically, it adds and merges images onto your projects by typing in what you are looking for. I've had some awesome effects using animal names, and flowers, etc.

BUT, I discovered that Adobe is in the dark ages with what they allow.

I wanted a photo of a cannabis plant, or of some cannabis buds, inserted to a project.
I tried the words "Cannabis", and "Hemp". Both came up with the following error message:

Adobe Generative AI.jpg

Even Hemp???

That kind of peeved me off, so I went a step farther and typed in "Cigarette" just to see what happens.

Mind you, cigarettes KILL approximately 480,000 people per year. It is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States.
There are Surgeon General warnings on tobacco products. "Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy."

But, apparently THAT one is okay with Adobe! 😡

Adobe Generative A.I..jpg

I've been playing around with Adobe Photoshops' Generative A.I.
Basically, it adds and merges images onto your projects by typing in what you are looking for. I've had some awesome effects using animal names, and flowers, etc.

BUT, I discovered that Adobe is in the dark ages with what they allow.

I wanted a photo of a cannabis plant, or of some cannabis buds, inserted to a project.
I tried the words "Cannabis", and "Hemp". Both came up with the following error message:

Adobe Generative AI.jpg

Even Hemp???

That kind of peeved me off, so I went a step farther and typed in "Cigarette" just to see what happens.

Mind you, cigarettes KILL approximately 480,000 people per year. It is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States.
There are Surgeon General warnings on tobacco products. "Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy."

But, apparently THAT one is okay with Adobe! 😡

Adobe Generative A.I..jpg
I've lost too many relatives and friends to cigarettes
I'm gettin' really tired of spiders in my face when I'm out minding my own business.

Four times this week, twice today alone, I've had to quickly step back because I saw something in front of my face. This spider is in the Orb Weaver family and they are very active every August around here. They build a web for a day and then abandon it and start another one elsewhere the following day. Their web strings go for 6 to 8 feet wide sometimes to reach an anchor point.
I run into them just walking off the deck in to the yard, and often when I open garage doors.

This one had just finished the web outside in front of my porch screen where I have a square cut camera access point. It settled in the center and then a thunderstorm hit.
I kept it company during the booms and lightning. Every time I jumped from the sound, so did the spider. LOL

Orb Weaver and web-1.jpg

Orb Weaver Close up-1.jpg
I'm gettin' really tired of spiders in my face when I'm out minding my own business.

Four times this week, twice today alone, I've had to quickly step back because I saw something in front of my face. This spider is in the Orb Weaver family and they are very active every August around here. They build a web for a day and then abandon it and start another one elsewhere the following day. Their web strings go for 6 to 8 feet wide sometimes to reach an anchor point.
I run into them just walking off the deck in to the yard, and often when I open garage doors.

This one had just finished the web outside in front of my porch screen where I have a square cut camera access point. It settled in the center and then a thunderstorm hit.
I kept it company during the booms and lightning. Every time I jumped from the sound, so did the spider. LOL

Orb Weaver and web-1.jpg

Orb Weaver Close up-1.jpg
Thank you, I've been so sick of living in the city. but after seeing all the spiders, bus's an trucks I can see and avoid. city living is for me
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