The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I had lots of colors to choose from in a friend's back yard this morning, and some are from my own:













A breathtaking group of photos today - bugs and flowers.

I'm leaving this post open in a seperate window, so it is the first post I read Sunday morning :)

A moth on the grape leaves. I have several moth colonies flying around, but they won't sit still!


This is a small butterfly. The group is called skippers. They are the Little Brown Bird (LBB) of the butterfly world :)


An elegantly framed sequence of the bloom sequence. Stunning Canna. This thread is a balm.
Thank you Radogast for correcting me on the butterfly. I wonder if I will ever get the differences straight. LOL

I'm going to photo bomb again this morning, just cuz it's hot out already and nothing much I want to do in the house. Lots to DO in the house, but it's all work. ;-)

My Tigers are looking lovely in the morning misty setting:



I headed out to check the Wildlings and see that my Basil is flowering:



Then out to the woods and found some large mushrooms:



Finally out to the power line which is a field of lavender color flowers right now. I happened upon.....a cooperative bumble bee. The pollen sacs are quite visible and in one pic I can see a drop of nectar on the bee's mouth.




I couldn't stay in the area because the bees were literally chasing me and landing on me....I realized why. Notice the flowers on the shirt I threw on this morning. The bees thought I was food. LOL


This is one missed from yesterday's photo bomb.

An elegantly framed sequence of the bloom sequence. Stunning Canna. This thread is a balm.

Thanks Sue! You wouldn't believe how tiny those flowers were. They were in a patch of miscellaneous plants in an adjoining lot that my friend had purchased and had yet to clear. While I was taking the pictures a nosy neighbor leaned over the fence and asked why in the world I was taking pictures of stupid weeds. I informed her that even "weeds" have beautiful flowers. She told me I needed new glasses.

With the best friendly smile I could muster, I told her to feel free to get back to her business. As she took her grumpy self away I snuck the phone over the fence and got a shot of one of her flowers. (tee hee)

One of the reasons I will never live in the city again. Grumpy nosy neighbors is what I always wind up with. :laughtwo:
hahaha, Canna, my feeling exactly.....:clap:
hahaha, Canna, my feeling exactly.....:clap:

LOL, I told an overly made up grumpy old gal one day that she needed to wear make up on the inside to see if she can make that pretty too.
She didn't get it.....

Howse' that heat going for ya over there? Pretty good? :biglaugh:

Oh, almost forgot...I cordoned off the squash and it's doing great. I sure hope this is spaghetti squash. I'm heading on to the net to see if I can find out how to tell from the leaves or flowers.

hot and humid over here, altho I'm not complaining.....that squash looks little wildlings are doing real good as's all good.....
A breathtaking group of photos today - bugs and flowers.

I'm leaving this post open in a seperate window, so it is the first post I read Sunday morning :)

This is a small butterfly. The group is called skippers. They are the Little Brown Bird (LBB) of the butterfly world :)

It makes sense that they are called skippers. When I was watching them at the waterfall they were flying down and "skipping" over the water. It was pretty cool to watch and they were very fast.
This morning I went back out there and found several floating in the water. Strange that they would drown themselves....
It makes sense that they are called skippers. When I was watching them at the waterfall they were flying down and "skipping" over the water. It was pretty cool to watch and they were very fast.
This morning I went back out there and found several floating in the water. Strange that they would drown themselves....

They generally like to go through weeds ... (ahem) voluntary herbs ... at about the same level as grashoppers. Skippers and hoppers.

I've never seen skippers around water - standing water is a scarce resource in California where I grew up :)

That is odd behaviour. Moths are the lepidopterans I expect to drown themselves.
"Voluntary herbs". That's one I've not heard before Rad. I always refer to them as "spontaneous vegetation". :battingeyelashes:
"Voluntary herbs". That's one I've not heard before Rad. I always refer to them as "spontaneous vegetation". :battingeyelashes:

We could compromise on "voluntary vegetation." I like how voluntary implies a helping component. Too bad the alliteration of "voluntary vegetation" sounds forced - I think it is the equal stress and length (4 syllables.)
I really enjoy the way you think of language. :battingeyelashes:
What was wrong with the frog!? I thought he was pretty neat, looking all gruff with that twig in it's mouth. I see SweetSue liked it now, tisk tisk... :) :love: Kidding around of course, I might of missed something. :) Lovely photo's!

A little combination of newer and some I haven't got to yet.





They generally like to go through weeds ... (ahem) voluntary herbs ... at about the same level as grashoppers. Skippers and hoppers.

I've never seen skippers around water - standing water is a scarce resource in California where I grew up :)

That is odd behaviour. Moths are the lepidopterans I expect to drown themselves.

Hey Rado,
I went out and looked at the floaters this morning. Those look like moths to me, and they are a lighter brown color than the butterfly I posted. I think the butterfly just happened to be in the same area and because the size was the same I assumed it was one of the moths.
Mystery solved. ;-)
What was wrong with the frog!? I thought he was pretty neat, looking all gruff with that twig in it's mouth. I see SweetSue liked it now, tisk tisk... :) :love: Kidding around of course, I might of missed something. :) Lovely photo's!
:laughtwo: Thanks for the light slap. It really had to do with a friend of mine said that it was "cheesy". Glad you like it!
I hired a hit cricket to take on the frog, I think he looks just mean enough to do it:



Gorgeous photos Smokey! The first one, is that the invasive plant that the DNR is trying to get a control on here? I've got those around my pond, they are pretty but they are also a major problem 'round these parts plugging up parts of rivers and water flow areas.
They aren't going to get control of those things, it's just too spread out.
I like them. :)
What a glorious shot Canna! Gold star!!!:laughtwo:
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