The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Slap, uh oh, what did I do now!? :laughtwo: Sorry I didn't get the pun if it indeed was a pun.

Lol, the like button was the only thing I could think you were talking about, you little trickster. :) SweetSue must have thought that was what you meant as well.. :laughtwo: I was going to tell you to not even pay any attention to that like stuff but I guess all I got for you now with the demeanor of your recent postings, I'm surprised you didn't tell your friend to go SIT on a frog! I guess that doesn't necessarily mean you didn't. LOL! No harm meant if the friend is reading along... :laughtwo:

I actually see your cricket as friendly, it looks as if he is smiling quite happily. Almost looks like Iron Man. Maybe you just gave him the contract and that made him smirk though, cause that could be pretty evil. :) That's a great "Love is in the air" shot! Apparently they like watchers huh... :)

The plant is a Veronica Speedwell. I'm not sure if it's something the DNR are after or not. I don't follow them or their recommendations, I mostly only read up on medicinal stuff. Sometimes invasive just means, if your a lazy gardener, you probably shouldn't grow it. :) My salvia has been much more invasive then that has though. I was going to skip today but I guess. :) Salvia is the first pic followed by some lily closeups of one of those new ones, a new hollyhock addition and another motivational pic I did.




ROFL Smokey! It was the "tsk tsk" when you were talking about the frog pics and my comment on it not going over so well.
I laughed at it, and the light slap I was referring to was that. You didn't do anything except make me laugh. Now don't you feel bad? :rofl:
The friend who called it cheesy was someone who was here when I was uploading the pictures. He had a grump on that day....I should have given him a real slap. LOL

Truly beautiful pictures as usual, that second one just caught my breath. I don't know why I'm so fascinated with the insides of flowers, but I guess it isn't a bad thing. :laughtwo:

Yeah, I think voyeurism is prevalent with the bugs around here. There was a group of rose bugs mating on the grape leaves, while another group right next to them were having dinner on the leaves.

I can't believe I'm doing a post without pictures......oh what has happened to me! :laughtwo:

Well I just have to fix that "no pictures" issue. ;-)

The jelly ppls. aren't looking pretty or inviting anymore. But they are making seeds. Some critter was nice enough to open one of the seed pods up for us.


Another lonely little flower all by herself on my lawn:


And a random one:


Well, if I have to have an endless supply and variety of bugs around here, they might as well be colorful eh?


This thistle is the one posted earlier with the tiny spider under it. It bloomed overnight:


Smokey, the Veronica Speedwell is not the invasive plant I spoke of. I'll try to get a picture of them here, I have to use the paddle boat for that.

And did I mention that I finally planted my Hollyhock? In a nice little garden bed made off the pond deck years ago. They looked lovely. The next morning they were all uprooted. Something didn't like them there. LOL
I'm still leaving them there, I keep replanting them.
Lol, I told you I genuinely don't have normal conversation skills, that's why I'm so quiet and normally only speak up in certain places I feel a little more comfortable. :laughtwo: Feel bad!? Nope, my new oil can make me a little frisky and I kinda like it. :) It was all in fun and I thought it all was pretty funny, laughter is the spice of life. :)

You did not tell me you planted the hollyhock's! I do believe you insinuated as if you were though. Just go for a swim, great way to cool down being as hot as it's been. Of course baggie up the phone. :) Hollyhocks are a beautiful flower though, I actually have three new ones this year, one is a duplicate color but hey, also planted like 3-6 more for next. I went cray cray this year, it's been a great distraction for me. They say all parts of the Hollyhock are edible. Claims to be used as a mouthwash and it is also good for treating gum disorders apparently.

Check out what I got! :) Also again with bug week concluding, this also covers your "100 page flower challenge" I believe it was. A Tiger lily flowering Pineapple Sage, who would of thunk... :)


Taking a play from PeeJay's book. Some fresh green beans. Blanched in salt water, strained, hit with some almond oil, fresh garlic, onion powder, broke up some pecans and a touch of cajun seasoning. I love being able to just try random things this time of year. If I had Cannabelle's availability of hemp seeds, those would be all up in there as well. :)



I do think I will back down from going so hard with the pics though, sometimes it makes me feel silly posting this much. I'm still not use to it. :)
So, out to the back porch on a warm summer morning I headed with my first cuppa. Beautiful morning it is..calm and serene with no wind and I can hear the birds.
Sat myself down on the swing and settled in. Took a look around and see this in front of me:


Yeah, a blurry pic. But if you think I was going to get any closer to that 2" wasp with the 4 inch tail hanging off it....well yer all clazy!

I did get brave as I watched it though. This is called a "Giant Ichnuemon Wasp". The tail is a combination of a receptor and "planter" for an egg she is looking to lay in a hole in the wood. It's still confusing as to whether the male drills the hole in the wood, or if she does it. Doesn't matter to me...this was the scariest bee I've seen out here yet. I have Mud Daubers, they are huge...but a pretty blue out here. This thing I didn't want any part of. LOL


Smokey, you are a trip! And post as much as you want! This thread is a great relief from the outside stress and is a way of expending creative energy and document it at the same time. :) I love seeing what different areas of the country have to offer in the nature world no matter how insignificant it might seem to others. :circle-of-love:

Great background for that Tiger Lily. :)

I have a big container of hemp seeds here, I really want to get them into a recipe soon.

What kind of bean is the purplish one? That really adds some color to the plate for sure.

I'm going to go back out to the deck and try again to have that cuppa, I'm still suffering the shudders from that bee.....

And where is that PeeJay? Is he going to photo bomb us anytime soon? Maybe I'll send Ms. Ichneumon over his way.

This is the invasive plant I was talking about. Didn't have to get the paddle boat out. It's called "Purple Loosestrife". I think they are beautiful, but they are invasive on the rivers etc.



And a random flower on the way:


Here's what's left of the Hollyhock plants. The critter left them alone last night, hopefully he's tired of my determination. :)


My wild raspberries are flourishing everywhere, just about ready:


And Smokey got me motivated to create a one of a kind Bouquet:


Grizzwald, how is the garden planting going?

I do think I will back down from going so hard with the pics though, sometimes it makes me feel silly posting this much. I'm still not use to it. :)

This would be a real shame Smokey. Your photos are such a joy to behold. I get excited when I see you pop up here in Settings. I'd understand if you cut back, but it'd be a shame. :love:

And obviously you haven't checked my daily updates recently. I think I take the prize for photo bombing. :laughtwo:
LOL. Thank you Canna! I feel the same but documenting it makes it feel like commitment. :) It does help clear the mind so to say. Hemp seeds as in sproutable or just the ones you can pick up at various stores? I would like to try the sprouts.

The bean is a Dragon's Tongue. Typically when fully cooked and as the others you will see no purple, I slightly undercooked that one for the pic. :)

The Purple Loosestrife sure is pretty. I surely wouldn't mind it. Love that whole picture, the scene, looks relaxing! I wouldn't mind having a cuppa with ya out there! :) I'm also surprised you actually get to eat your wild raspberries. Stinking deer this year barely let me enjoy any strawberries. I enjoyed some raspberry, blueberry and walnut salads though.

Those Hollyhock's look a little snugly planted, make sure they have some room as they will take it. You said you had them before so I'm sure your aware. Some of mine tower me and I'm taller then your average bear. :) The circumference of the clump coming out of the ground is quite large as well!

I see you didn't have the heart to cut the Tiger lily. :) I had no issue taking the first bloom off to enjoy indoors for a bit. That was my last lily to open for the year too, more buds on it though. Beautiful one of a kind bouquet. :)

SweetSue, Thank your for being so supportive Sue! You as well Cannafan! :love: Yes I know, I can't keep up with your journal, it moves right along... :laughtwo: I would most likely be asking some questions too as I finally rounded up some of those LOS extras and some new things I didn't have prior. I will still post pictures, just not every day I guess. Sometimes I just worry I might be rubbing people the wrong way.
Smokey, your pictures are like a good back "rub". That's how you should see any rubbing. :kiss:

I think I'll take good note of your knowledge on how big those Hollyhocks grow and separate some of them into other areas. I have plenty and more seeds to germ later on. I don't want to crowd them for sure!

The wild raspberries out here are so numerous that it would take a whole county of deer to eat them all. LOL I have to keep cutting them back or they would take over my lawn front and back. The corral can't even be seen right now because of how widespread they got this year. Going to have a heck of a time clearing a path for the propane guy. Oops...

My hemp is actually hemp hearts. I use it to sprinkle on salads and some of my pasta dishes. I've even ground some up to add to my protein shakes. They aren't cheap. LOL
I would like to get some hemp sprouts also. I think I can get my local Health Hut to order them. You have any of those stores there?

I took the young kitty out for a walk in the woods with me today. I laughed so hard I thought I would fall over. She's never been any farther than the back deck. Every little movement in the woods scared her into a jump and turn straight up in the air. :laughtwo:

I'm trying to get some close up Hummingbird pictures. We'll see how that goes. My Honeysuckle first round of flowering is over with and the second round is just starting.

Here's how the Hummingbird photo game will be played.

I started by hanging a nectar container off an old bird feeder at a living room window. I wanted something for the Hummer to perch on so I could get a chance at a sitting still shot, so I got an old tree branch and stuck it in the ground in front of the feeder


Then I grabbed some wildflowers and dotted them around the branch to attract them. One was buzzing around me as I was getting this together. ;-)


And this is the view from inside. You won't be able to see it clearly, but there is a dragonfly already hanging out on it. (brown spot upper left in photo)


I think I can still get pretty clear shots with the screen there. I don't want to take that off and have bees and hummers in the house.

Wish me luck! :)
Lovely setup Canna. I'm sure you'll have great luck with that. Got a good laugh imagining the kitten jumping straight up and turning! :laughtwo: I love that kitten stage.

Smokey, I can't imagine you rubbing anyone the wrong way. :love:
Thanks Gals! :love:

The raspberries are the same here, I think the longest run is probably north of 50 feet or so. I have a fruit patch where I grow them though, trying to get a little of everything. Propane, you thinking about winter already... No thank you! :)

I have the hearts, well did. No they are not all that cheap. I do have a few health stores but need to go for a drive. I bet they can be ordered of the net but..

Cats can be hilarious but due to some crazy strays, I am becoming more of a dog only person and that's saying a lot. The strays have been so destructive this year! Re-planting things left and right, sleeping in my potted plant containers killing my plants and doing their business near my rest areas. I have something for those buggers though. (snickering smiley) :)

Second round? Did you deadhead? I don't recall my honeysuckle re-blooming. Maybe they are different then. I know yours was white and I have a pink/red one.

Going along with the seasonal garden pic today. The not so popular beet, Chioggia to be exact. Pan fried with some olive oil, a carrot of each a Dragon and Scarlet Nantes, a rosemary sprig, thyme sprig and sea salt. When it was seared to my liking I splashed some balsamic vinegar in to de-glaze and enhance. It was actually quite pleasant and I will be making it again. I have a dairy free beet kvass brewing now as well. :)



Another dragonfly shot because I though it's wings were in a near perfect position and one of those bigger guys (have bigger) cruising at higher altitude to give you an idea. He's probably between 20-30 feet up.


Love that shot of the air dragon! It looks like a helicopter. I've always thought that helicopter design was initiated by someone watching dragonfly's and they just don't want to admit it. :)

You have such an unusual garden variety of veggies. That looks delicious, and I love good aged balsamic vinegar. On a nice pan of roasted brussel sprouts....yum yum!

My honeysuckle has always had a two bloom stage. I think it may be because they weren't all planted around that deck at the same time? Some were about a month later to be planted...not sure if that makes a difference.

That danged hummingbird is giving me a series of near misses with the camera this morning. LOL I put some silk flowers out there that look more like something it would think nectar to be in. I figured it would know those wild flower varieties weren't food worthy.
It worked. ;-)

I remember looking into getting hemp seeds so I could grow my own sprouts, but the only way you can legally get them is the kind they have specially treated to not be able to germ. Still illegal...the feds don't want the trouble of mistaking Hemp plants for MJ plants. Good grief.

Thanks for the pics! I'll get back to my Hummer stalking.....
I didn't have time to post these before going to work. I'll have some more in the morning that are quite nice. :)

I saw so many interesting things about this picture. My green dragon (they are called Green Darners) finally came within shooting distance, although still a bit too far away.
I think this looks like a really strange cat walking toward me. The unsettling cat face and the striped tail like a tabby cat...but with a very spooky look.


One of the other things that caught my attention was the shadow....something very sinister looking there too. OR, an alien with ski poles in his hands....

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