The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

We call them undies in Australia... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh the laugh's around the TV when the nanny theme song would come on...
I planted a few bulbs last fall. After the loooooong winter here, all color is appreciated !

And what colour it is..beautiful Radogast......
Oh, I do love tulips. They come in such a huge variety of colors.

Here in Michigan, they have a tulip festival every year in the city of Holland called "Tulip Time". It's just amazing. The sheer numbers of different colors is unbelievable.
Perfect place to take a camera. They sell dutch wooden shoes and all kinds of Dutch memorabilia as well as usable items.

I got a couple of photos after work tonight, but too whooped to post them right now. LOL Maybe in the morning. Nothing great, just welcome to springy things.

Do you try the liquorice? We also have a tulip festival near here.. So much colour and variety of tulips... Apparently clogs are really comfortable work shoes...
Okay, here's a couple pics and such.

I love to play with the color of the insides of you've noticed. LOL


And add a little color sometimes. I put a dandelion behind one of the flowers to give it a burst. About the only thing I could find good to do with a dandelion.
Hmmm...just reminded me what we used to do with those weeds. If you put one under your chin and people can see the yellow reflecting off you, that means you like butter. LOL The old wives tales abound.


This is the start of the Easter Lillies, that are always later than Easter:


Another new fern. These remind me of Celtic scrollwork:


And a newborn Garlic. I planted these on Sunday, they sprouted up two days ago.


When I got home from work I ate dinner on the back deck. The Katydid's (later corrected to Tree Crickets) are apparently having a huge family reunion. They were everywhere and loud lil' critters.
I used my phone and tried to capture the sound of them for you. A little wind in the middle of the video, but turn your sound up and you will hear them for sure.

Thanks Dennise. :)

Now I have to wonder whether those are Katydids, or tree frogs. I seem to recall Katydids doing their sounds at night, and in shorter bursts.....

Heading off to visit some sound files on the www. :)

Edit: Definitely not a tree frog. ;-)

Okay, correction is documented. They are tree crickets. Here's the proof in the visual:

Good Morning/Afternoon!

It is so calm and beautiful outside. I went out to sit by the pond, the moon is out and lights it just enough to see ripples. The tree crickets are everywhere and so loud they almost drown out the frogs.

One of the best things about summer nights here, and a treat to hear for me, are the whip-poor-wills. One came to visit and I listened to it for a good long time waiting for it to come closer. Unfortunately he was traveling the other way.
Over the weekend, weather permitting, I'm going to take the laptop out and play some sound files of them and just see if I can entice one closer. We're supposed to have thunderstorms this weekend, so I will enjoy that too.

Hope everyone has a great day. It's FRRRRRIDAY!!! :yahoo:
What's this?

Breakfast canna.. Lol


Geez you take good photos... Obviously the person taking them but do you have a good camera?
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