Okay, here's a couple pics and such.
I love to play with the color of the insides of flowers....as you've noticed. LOL
And add a little color sometimes. I put a dandelion behind one of the flowers to give it a burst. About the only thing I could find good to do with a dandelion.
Hmmm...just reminded me what we used to do with those weeds. If you put one under your chin and people can see the yellow reflecting off you, that means you like butter. LOL The old wives tales abound.
This is the start of the Easter Lillies, that are always later than Easter:
Another new fern. These remind me of Celtic scrollwork:
And a newborn Garlic. I planted these on Sunday, they sprouted up two days ago.
When I got home from work I ate dinner on the back deck. The Katydid's (later corrected to Tree Crickets) are apparently having a huge family reunion. They were everywhere and loud lil' critters.
I used my phone and tried to capture the sound of them for you. A little wind in the middle of the video, but turn your sound up and you will hear them for sure.