Update: Day 42
Untie, trim and retie
Last week: Day 35
Last night just before lights on
This morning prior to day 42 trimming.
As I trimmed each branch, would untie, trim and when I finished a branch I would turn it out of the way counter clockwise.
Monster Trunk.
Everything laying down and untied. This was the last of the work as the light just went out, so I got about half of the trim work done this morning, will finished tonight. Have the interior fan on high blowing over the plant laying down so should not have any humidity issues.
Frosty goodness
This was the third time after cleaning fingers twice before. Alcohol and Dawn detergent to get that stuff off. This last cleaning I scraped them and got some sticky hash. Should have been doing it all along would have gotten a nice size ball of hash.
Adjusted and added watering times, 7 cycles per nights, First at 9 PM is 2 minute to get some DTW, last 7:15 AM is 3 minutes, this give me 30% plus DTW. The remainder of the cycles are 45 seconds each. Will see how this goes and adjust as needed.