The 420 Fotographer Collective: Advanced Cannabis Photography

I spotted this bud, with the nice leaf behind it, and chased the shot until I was happy.
Canon 80D in aperture priority mode
F8, ISO 400, 1/25th exposure

Very nice UA!:thumb: The colored leaf in the background makes a cool bokeh effect.:cool:
I spotted this bud, with the nice leaf behind it, and chased the shot until I was happy.
Canon 80D in aperture priority mode
F8, ISO 400, 1/25th exposure

i know, that's old nivek,,

just sayin u.a.,, you could have taken the same pic at iso 100 or even 50 if you had it,, pic would be the very same visually. but some to much sharper

i know, that's old nivek,,

just sayin u.a.,, you could have taken the same pic at iso 100 or even 50 if you had it,, pic would be the very same visually. but some to much sharper

Even at ISO 400 the shutter speed was only 1/25 of a second. They say that your shutter speed should be twice the lens length for sharp images, which means the shutter speed should be around 1/200. At 50 or 100 ISO I would have to have the shutter open for too long to get sharp images (the plants move slightly).

Plus, the Macro lens has a very very shallow DOF, and I need the F stop to be higher than usual in order to get more of the subject in focus. So its a number of factors that are forcing me to use higher ISO.

Image quality won't see a noticeable change with my camera until I go above at least 800.

This is the issue I face with my grow. My tent, already restrictive, is tucked into a recess in the basement. My lighting options are poor. I make it look like I have half ass decent light, but its a struggle. I am trying to figure out what changes I need to make in order to fix that. Part of the solution may come in the form of a new quantum board style grow light.
good comment,,

but,, i appreciate that i am flogging a dead gardner,, but old training is hard to shake,, iso adjustments 'only' to get the photo if no other way,, just to get it, never let quality suffer if not necessary.

great shots friends,, i will go back under me rock now,,

Hey Urb, do you only shoot in the tent? I like F8, and some times use AV mode, iso 100 and tripod. I turned off ISO expansion, even on low the pics are grainy.

I mostly shoot in the tent. Well its changed with my grow method. With the 5 gallon fabric pots I was able to take em out. But with the big bins I'm using now, its limits my angles and light options. These last ones were taken by turning off all my grow lights, hanging an LED fluorescent replacement light in the tent, and adding light stands in the front of the tent. Good light, just not enough to use 100 ISO lol.

I also have 3 ft of space in front of the tent door before I hit a shelf. So I can't just take them from further back. Got some up and down and bit side to side from the front. But working on changing that.

All my bud and seedling shots are usually done with decent light. I use a similar setting. Work from there.
Hey Urb, do you only shoot in the tent? I like F8, and some times use AV mode, iso 100 and tripod. I turned off ISO expansion, even on low the pics are grainy.

Wow! I wish I had any idea what you’re saying there! :rofl:

I keep telling you guys, it’s all inspiration. You’ve been inspiring me to play more with my art.

Having fun over here. Out of energy for today though, so goodnight.

Thanks for the inspiration. :hug:
I mostly shoot in the tent. Well its changed with my grow method. With the 5 gallon fabric pots I was able to take em out. But with the big bins I'm using now, its limits my angles and light options. These last ones were taken by turning off all my grow lights, hanging an LED fluorescent replacement light in the tent, and adding light stands in the front of the tent. Good light, just not enough to use 100 ISO lol.

I also have 3 ft of space in front of the tent door before I hit a shelf. So I can't just take them from further back. Got some up and down and bit side to side from the front. But working on changing that.

All my bud and seedling shots are usually done with decent light. I use a similar setting. Work from there.

You reminded me of what I go through to get this shot:

I don’t think I have three feet between the tent and what other things I have stored in that closet space.

So to begin with, I’m almost working blind, which I do all the time, to be honest. Throw my hand out there with the phone, snap the shot, crop and print. :laughtwo:

Then there’s getting the detail without using any auxiliary lighting. How I envy you guys with extra lighting. That storage unit with all my things isn’t all that accessible and I’m just makin’ do for now. I never knew what I was doing with additional lighting anyway, and haven’t taken the time to slow down long enough to learn.

Age.... maybe we could find a minute or two to discuss lighting the shot? I’d sure appreciate the input. :battingeyelashes:

When I get the shot to show off the plant the way I intended it’s like little thrills under the skin. God, I love what we do. :slide:
Met up with my cousins at the park, for some senior portraits yesterday. While she was off changing this dude cruised in to stare at the water (not shown).

Nice Pictures Amy!!!!

Was having some fun tonight, finished in the garden, smoked a bowl and started looking through pictures. Before I knew I was in photoshop messin around.

Here's what I came up with,

A shot of a honeybee I captured feasting on the pink flowers from our Rising Red Bud tree. I took this photo on the AV setting with the auto focus engaged & the exposure set to +1.0 to lighten up the shot a bit.:blunt: Enjoy and have a great weekend mates!:ganjamon:

View media item 1671505
CameraCanon EOS REBEL T5i
Shutter speed1/250
Focal length135 mm

Here's a shot I took earlier today showing three huge bumblebees riding each others backs for some odd reason. The contrast is somewhat on the dark side but was the best I could do with the time given. These bees here buzz around at a million miles an hour which makes it tough to get one good shot if any at all.o_O Enjoy!:blunt:

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