Nice going they look great. i have the XS4000 only thing i can really moan about is the psu's on the top of it.Wish i could
remove them easy. also i could not wait blasted my ladies with 100% still in veg o_O
Nice going they look great. i have the XS4000 only thing i can really moan about is the psu's on the top of it.Wish i could
remove them easy. also i could not wait blasted my ladies with 100% still in veg o_O
Yeah if you had the option to mount the drivers outside the tent it would be spot on. :laugh: I did give them 100% for a day not long ago but they didn't seem to like it. If I'd stuck with it they probably would've adapted and been even bigger now but I wimped out. That Orange Sherbert is keeping me on edge this grow.
Morning of Day 25 and they're going for it now. Going to have a think how best to arrange things in there to make everything fit and get the light coverage it needs.
Step one of creating some space was done tonight. Trimmed the bonsai mum's so they aren't just small bushes.



I've cut the first node off all the autos. Decided they weren't going to be worth hanging onto. Noticed these girls get very droopy when the lights go off. Within minutes. Pineapple Express is my favourite right now.

Skywalker Haze
Skywalker Haze.jpg

Orange Sherbert
Orange Sherbert.jpg

Pineapple Express
Pineapple express.jpg
Hope you got some head room ;) looks like there going to get big
The most I've had before. Still about 2' of space they can go up into so should be fine.
Nah, it's good for you to see what up is for a change, i bet this new tent is like a cathedral for you.
:laugh: It really is mate. Must admit it is nice to not be as concerned about height. I'm going to play around tonight and use some rubber coated garden wire to pull some of the side branches back in towards the main stem. I was having a look earlier and I think I can limit how wide they get.
Just caught up @VetSmoke85 excellent read.

Nice work, I think I will pull up a set and observe you from a far. :rofl:

Keep up the great work.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Cheers Tok. I appreciate you taking the time to read through. You're more than welcome here and feel free to come and go as you please, the door is always open.
4 weeks old today. It's been 2 weeks since the Pineapple Express and Skywalker Haze were transplanted into the amended soil and I think they are due a top dress of the bloom nutrients.


The Skywalker Haze grew weird again after her last watering. I don't know what's causing it but I'm just riding it out.
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