Since your light is centered but your plants are shifted to the left (because of the mothers), the far left is getting less light than the rest. I'd tuck the mothers along the back and center the three plants across the tent if it were mine!
You aren't wrong they are a little off to the left. I've actually got two of the mothers top left and one bottom right. I'll have a better shuffle around tomorrow. I don't think they'll fit lined up in a row without squashing each other more but I'll see what I can do.
I'll correct myself. One more centre right. She was in the bottom corner until I moved her a bit recently.

I'm thinking of cable tying that ducting down the rear right pole to make more space on that side. I had a new Rhino filter arrive today so tomorrow night I'll fit that and rearrange things slightly. Try to get these ladies all the light I can give them for flowering. I think for this size tent the XS1500 would be better but when the sponsorship was agreed I was planning on using it in a 2x2 then changed my mind. As I do.:laugh: The XS1000 is still doing a great job though.
140/70/200 me why i really only had a few to pick from like u. Could of got away with a xs2000 or sp3000.
I bought a 6500 just never turned up got refunded and went with the xs4000 which i feel is more suited to the space
the fc3000 is in a 80/80/200.Really do like the XS models alot of light for the price all about how long mine lasts now.
140/70/200 me why i really only had a few to pick from like u. Could of got away with a xs2000 or sp3000.
I bought a 6500 just never turned up got refunded and went with the xs4000 which i feel is more suited to the space
the fc3000 is in a 80/80/200.Really do like the XS models alot of light for the price all about how long mine lasts now.
The @ViparSpectra does seem to be special. I haven't had a chance to crank up mine yet because it's nursing seedlings. But of course I saw this small, quiet puppy at full strength out of the box and I was amazed! :Rasta:
Day 31. Fitted the new filter today and it's improved the airflow greatly. Put some acoustic ducting on the outtake too. Got the plants lined up better in the centre. I may shorten the hanging cables to raise the light a little more soon.

I think it's Pineapple Express on the left, Skywalker Haze centre and Orange Sherbert on the right. I don't think the Skywalker is enjoying the heat. Been getting up to 31C in there and she's looking a little floppy up top. They're drinking quick.
ye dont look like she is enjoying the heat. Do u have the option to adjust your times.
Of at 11am back on 5pm miss the peak heat. Or are you already doing that would be a shame to
lose her to heat.
No way you can mount that monster outside the tent? You've lost nearly a quarter of your height!
What, the filter? It's not really in the way to be honest. The light is that small it will fit up alongside the fan and filter if need be too. They're running along the back of the tent. It does look huge in that pic for some reason but it's only a 4" rhino hobby filter and the AC Infinity cloudline S4 fan.
ye dont look like she is enjoying the heat. Do u have the option to adjust your times.
Of at 11am back on 5pm miss the peak heat. Or are you already doing that would be a shame to
lose her to heat.
I'll see how she does over the next few days. The tent isn't fully light proof so as to not disturb the Mrs sleep I have the lights off 22-00 - 04:00. If needed I can work out some light proofing and have the lights off in the day though.
Summer appears to be over :laugh: The Skywalker Haze in the middle has responded well to the cooler temp. She's caught up with the other two as well.
Thinking I'll figure a way to shorten those cables and get the light a few inches higher too.
Very, very nice Vet. Point blank period!
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