Day 12

Transplanted the Pineapple Express and Skywalker Haze tonight. Added a little @DYNOMYCO in the holes. Back centre Pineapple Express, front left Orange Sherbert, front right Skywalker Haze.

The Orange Sherbert and Skywalker Haze have some twisting on the new growth. Not sure why yet. The Pineapple Express looks fine.
is that the both DP seeds , i got some from the DP and they did that but sorted them selves back out after a couple of nodes high ,
i even had some marks like that looks like leaf miner damage , have faith they should bounce back
Orange Sherbert is FastBuds and the Skywalker is DP. Yeah those marks have been there from the beginning and I don't think have gotten worse. Just more noticeable as the leaves get bigger. Just ignoring them :laugh:. If they shift up a few gears over the next week I'll be happy again.
So the ladies had a bit of water last night and here they are this morning on Day 14.

Orange Sherbert is growing and looking a nice green but the growth is funky.

Skywalker Haze is the worst looking of the trio. Paler green and weird growth too.

Pineapple Express is the best looking. A little droop on her this morning but overall looking good.

Group shot.
The Orange Sherbert and Pineapple Express are almost completely dried up now. Will get a good watering tomorrow. The Skywalker Haze is still limping along a bit but I'm sure she'll turn around soon. The bonsais are loving life out on the edge. The @ViparSpectra XS1000 is doing a great job so far.
All of those plants have a distinct "different" look to them. Must be the Remo nutrients.
All of those plants have a distinct "different" look to them. Must be the Remo nutrients.
Yeah you're right. Will be interesting to see how they progress over the next week or two. Whether they start thriving or mutating further. Lol. Well I decided not to use the remo nutrients on this grow as I needed to use up those organic dry amendments I had. Remember you asked which ones they were?
I agree with Nutty about growing out of those mutations. You rarely see those kinds of issues on full-sized plants.

Moms are looking great! It's amazing how we can cut off 30-40% of the roots and they don't miss a beat.
Fingers crossed. It is pretty amazing. The only noticeable difference is it takes a little longer for the pots to dry up afterwards with less root mass. Apart from that you wouldn't know anything had been done to them.
Yeah you're right. Will be interesting to see how they progress over the next week or two. Whether they start thriving or mutating further. Lol. Well I decided not to use the remo nutrients on this grow as I needed to use up those organic dry amendments I had. Remember you asked which ones they were?
Never mind. :laughtwo:
Day 16

The Orange Sherbert (bottom right) has been watered tonight with a microbial tea. Growing quickly enough I feel. The Pineapple Express (top centre) is looking right on track and will get a tea tomorrow. The Skywalker Haze (bottom left) is starting to pick up a bit now. She was a few days behind the others getting above ground. Born on Star Wars Day.
What size pots are you growing them in? I was originally planning on doing 7 gallons for the GSC ladies.but now I'm starting to wonder if that might be too big. I also don't want to waste any tent space with smaller canopies. LOL
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