Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

I wish I could tell you more about a wet / dry cycle. But this SIP stuff is all new to me also. My first go at it. But I've always been told the same as you.... That they need a wet / dry cycle. In a way, that doesn't make sense, because you keep Coco moist at all times in a Coco grow. Roots sit in water in a Hydro system. So then why is it that soil needs a wet / dry cycle ? Got me.
I have been thinking about this a lot.
I think maybe indica comes from the Hindu Kush, and Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and hot, dry, Middle Eastern and Eastern places like that. I suspect they get a rainy season and a dry season.
The plant has to get established in the spring rains, or it won't make it.
And it has to send roots down deep, so it can survive the summer, and long dry spells in between rain, or it won't make it.
But what EXACTLY is the pinpoint favorite climate of indica in the wild??? I don't know.

On the other hand, they say that sativa comes from maybe Colombia and Thailand. (I don't know if that is true, but that is what I heard. Maybe someone knows better?)
Anyway, the climate is very different here in Colombia. You get a rain every day in winter, and rain 2-3 times a week in summer (maybe dry spells with one rain a week).
So it still wants deep roots for summer, but lots of rain, all the time. And I think Colombian Gold likes it fine.

So I keep coming back to this picture of an indica by a stream or a wadi or a river, and a sativa where they get rains in summer usually 2-3 times a week, or at least once.
So doesn't that kind of seem like a SIP if you water it from the top?

They say letting the soil dry lets oxygen get to the roots.

Well, ok, in india I can see it.
But in Thailand and Colombia? I am not sure.
I think plants in ground still get plenty of oxygen during a rain. Even a hard rain??? And even if they sit on the bank of a creek?

I'm starting to think that soil should be kept moist at all times the same as Coco.
I wonder if maybe the ideal could be the same top watering, just with a reservoir below, to act as a "serious drip tray" (as if it sat at the bank of a creek)?
I should test that thought out by growing one plant in a cloth pot & watering lightly every day to see what happens.
Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!
I am all eyes and ears here!
I just started a new batch of seeds. I am at my plant limit right now. I have maybe a month + before any slots come open, but I am very eager to get time to read the rest of this thread!
(But my visa got approved, so now we are busy looking for property...)
Not sure where you're located, but 90% of my equipment I bought used. My 4 Mars Hydro TSL2000's I paid $100 - $120 each for. My Mars TS1000's I paid $50 ea. for. A lot of other stuff I buy when I see a bunch of grow stuff in a package deal for a good price. I buy it, take what I want to keep & sell the rest. Sometimes I put a tent together & sell a complete set up. I usually end up getting the stuff I keep for free & sometimes even make a small profit from it.

Hahaha, oh, so it is YOU I have been buying from for all of these years! Hahaha.
I am in Colombia right now.
We just got my visa approved (after a grueling 9 months of red tape) so we are just now consolidating in country.
It has been a rough go. At first I could not even find organic potting soil. Over time I have learned what I can find locally, what I can fake, and what I have to pay to bring in.
We hope to move soon, but after that I hope to learn from Azi about KNF and Jadam and free fermented foods, 'cuz with shipping and taxes, everything costs about twice what it costs in the states.

Your lights look great!
When I first got here, the gate guard said it would be best if I were to grow on the roof (and here you pretty much take advice from anyone in any kind of position of authority, no matter how low).
And we lose power often enough that I am doing an outdoor greenhouse grow. There are some issues, but you don't have to lug your plants outside every time you lose power.
Plus I like the idea of a greenhouse.
A lot of stuff I just keep in case I need it someday. I have so much grow equipment from doing this I'm running out of places to put things.
You sound like a good neighbor to have! Haha.

Other than my tents & AC the rest is pretty much used equipment. I wont use a used exhaust Carbon Filter though because I never know how used it is. I will use it for Intake Air though.
Ahh, ok! Good idea!
I am so thankful I don't have to grow gorilla!
In fact I just bought some CBDX x Skunk #1 photo regulars, so I can stink up the valley real good! Haha.
There's good deals out there if you watch for them. I check offer up & craigslist 2-3 times daily looking for deals I can turn a profit on & maybe get something I can use at the same time.
That sounds great! My dad was always encouraging me to scan for good deals. I was always rushed for time (a thousand things I want to do before I die) and I am always starving for time. But I would love to have the selection to buy used again!
Right now I am thinking about greenhouse design, and SIPs.
If you're going to do that with a trash can without a rim you might as well just put a false floor in a single can and save yourself some cash. The trash can will come with a lid that you can cut out. That's what I did for my 2 gal version because of height restrictions.
Ahhh, perfect!!
Great idea, Azi! Thanks!!
:thumb: :thumb:

How did you make the false floor / stand?
I hope I win it. I don't even want the prizes. Just that little title next to my name is all I'm after.... lol. Oh well, it is what it is. I do like Moto's plant a lot though. There's a few good ones I'm up against so who knows.
The Mustang I'm getting rid of in a month or two. Planning to buy a truck & a 1300 cc Honda Fury Motorcycle. Those bikes come all chopped out from the factory & look bad ass. Found one at a shop nearby for $6800 that I really like & has under 10K miles on it.
I out a plant into the contest, but then voted for yours haha. She's a beast, and a beautiful one too
It's fine. I don't mind. I might learn a thing or two.
Well, I just posted on my thread. You are more than welcome to join, but I think you are way ahead of me. I am still gathering tools and supplies, and it will be at least a month until a bay comes open.
I am happy to share on your thread also. Time is running away, I have to go. You are more than welcome. I am a newbie. Azimuth and Emmie and many others helped me lots!
I am a total newbie. Azi and Emmy helped me lots. Azi introduced me to SIPs and told me about your thread, so here I am, hoping to learn from you! Haha.
Newbie Grower needs help with some kind of blight
Here we are a little over 10 weeks into flower. This was the SoHum SIP Plant. She is turning out much better than I ever expected. I checked her Trichs today & there's about 90% Cloudy & 10% Amber. She will get chopped later this week.
In the last pic you can see a plant in the background. I'm in the process of removing all her fan leaves now. She got her final feeding today. She will go in the dark for 24-36 hours tomorrow prior to chopping & hanging her branches. Once she's done I'll start the same process over on the SIP Bucket.
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I put the smaller SIP plant in the closet this morning for 24 hours of darkness. Tomorrow, I'll remove the Fan Leaves & put it back in the closet. The following day I'll start chopping & hanging her. The plant I said was in the background in my last post has already been harvested & is drying now. Already feeling the displeasure of pain in the back from just harvesting 1 plant. I may have to get a bud trimmer & go back to using a drying rack.
Here we are a little over 10 weeks into flower. This was the SoHum SIP Plant. She is turning out much better than I ever expected. I checked her Trichs today & there's about 90% Cloudy & 10% Amber. She will get chopped later this week.
In the last pic you can see a plant in the background. I'm in the process of removing all her fan leaves now. She got her final feeding today. She will go in the dark for 24-36 hours tomorrow prior to chopping & hanging her branches. Once she's done I'll start the same process over on the SIP Bucket.
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Gorgeous man
And here is our big girl. She wont get harvested for another week. She's drinking a lot less. Less than 1 gallon per day now. I'll probably stop filling the reservoir on Weds. to let it drink up what's in the bucket & let the soil dry some.
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Wow, those look good!
Well a lot has been going on during the past week. I got that plant in the background harvested. She's dried & jarred for curing now. Only 6 days to dry... but best I could do. Here's some pics of her drying & the final bud pics. I still pulled 6.976 oz. off of her. Not too shabby as she didn't look like she had that much weight. A pleasant surprise !

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Yesterday, I started harvesting the small (SoHum) SIP Plant. Finished the chop this morning. She looks like an OK haul.
Here's a few pics.
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And Big Momma got put in the closet for her dark period this morning. I'll remove her Fan Leaves tomorrow & put her back in the closet for another 24 hours before I chop her.
Anybody care to guess her weight ? I'm thinking around 15 oz. (High Hopes.... lol)
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My Big Tent is now filled with 9 Non-Journaled plants. A few of them are getting close to harvest also. Now that I got my shed emptied out I can up-pot my clones to the 5 gal SIP Buckets & put them in the shed to Veg a while. Going to try to get that done by Sunday. But I want to make a few changes in my shed to make things more environmentally efficient. Hopefully, I'll have enough time to get it all done.
I'll be back with a final weight on these 2 girls once they're dry.
Emptied my 2 pots today. Thought I'd show the difference in root growth between the 5 gal. Fabric Pot & the 5 gal. SIP Bucket. Roots grow right through the slits in the reservoir. Roots are kind of brown on the SIP plant. Hope it's from using the recharge as it's a nasty brown that will leave spots on your clothes & skin. Hard to wash it off too. Bottom of the bucket looked like it had some Re-Charge sludge in it.
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And here are my 6 Clones that will all be done SIP style. Moved them to the shed this morning. Was a little tight in the tent to keep doing LST. I probably wont get them in the buckets till next week. Going to re-do some things in the Shed first. I want to change the way my lights hang for better coverage. That means hanging new bars across the room to hang my lights from. Also installing my 6" Fan & Filter for RH Control. And lastly, Removing the Window AC & putting in the Portable AC that also has heat that I'll need this winter.
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Got my SIP supplies all ready to go when it's time though.
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Currently removing the Fan Leaves from the big girl. Sure is a lot of leaves. But there's even more bud hidden under them that I didn't see before. I'll post pics when I finish the defol.
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