TeSmp's 400W White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops

Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

hi mate, your piling the pages on again, think its been 4 or 5 since last night, well last night for me anyway, been out all day with the kids and just got back, ill check on my plants when i get back, but i think i have solved the growing problem, the plants that had stopped growing where the ones i fimmed, now i didnt do it right, i must of cut to much off, well anyway the plants must of been trying to repair my mess as it started growing leaves again at the fim site but to the side of the stem and not the top, it didnt look right, so i got the surgeon gloves on and surgeons knife and topped it night before last, well when i checked this morning the two main tops im left with had grown quiet a lot so im hoping ive solved the problem, i think the low temps did slow growth but not as much as the fimming did, from now on im going to stick with topping, seems easy and cant be messed up,

loving the pics mate, the plants are filling out now some nice buds on their, the tester you took is covered in goodness, looks like your going to have a very good smoke when its finished,

how long have you roughly got left till the big day, as for the autos, the ones that dont smell as much are crossed with nl, so anything thats crossed with that should be ok, it will smell but you could always get some lavnder and plants like that as they will mask the smell well, lavender will stink the garden out more than the auto will, im trying to remember what else my late nan used to grow to make her garden smell nice, mint was another but their was something else that stunk the whole road out, and cant remember what it was, but that would mask a field full of plants, im sure it would,
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Hey bud, I got a few terribly bad outdoor pics up. They were taken with a netbook so they are exceedingly bad.
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

I know the feeling it seems like every time i post pics they end up at the bottom of the page and then they are buried are the next post. Your girls are looking good. The new clone is looking good. :thumb:

Thanks McPuffin! It's hard for me to tell if they are really gainin weight but they definitely are getting stickier and frosty. Just gave the clone her first nutes. Getting close for both of us!

Hey guys check out the new post me and the old man are doing! ;p

K will do.

@donpaul, I hope you got your problem all situated, your nutes should arrive soon! Thanks on the strains I can't decide to buy any or not! I am at day 42 today of a 60-65 day strain so not to much longer! I agree, topping is fool proof! I've heard some plants won't FIM don't know how that's possible though.

Hey bud, I got a few terribly bad outdoor pics up. They were taken with a netbook so they are exceedingly bad.

K I'll look!
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

DAMN, your ww is frosty! I'd be happy if mine ended up half as frosty as yours.

I'm not familiar with your strain but you should be able to achieve that! White widows is of course known for the white appearance lol.
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Well shitty news.. I got WHITE FLIES!! 3 weeks before F*cking harvest!!! I think I'm going to try and get some lady bugs to see if that helps because it's so late in the game. What do you all think? Maybe do neem oil and clean the tent once the WW is harvested?
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

It's great to be watching your work brother. Kinda slacking on my posts.....Having a get-together tonite. 2moro I will upload some updates....Babies are looking awesome!!

Thanks bro it's been a lot of fun! Yes you should definitely do some uploads tomorrow, let me know when they are done!

Here is the dried bud that I picked the other day, so damn frosty!



Who thinks I should bust out the good camera and be in 3 contests this month?!
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Well shitty news.. I got WHITE FLIES!! 3 weeks before F*cking harvest!!! I think I'm going to try and get some lady bugs to see if that helps because it's so late in the game. What do you all think? Maybe do neem oil and clean the tent once the WW is harvested?

well that's shitty, but it sounds to me like you've got a pretty solid plan.
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

well that's shitty, but it sounds to me like you've got a pretty solid plan.

Thanks I'm hoping the lady's take care of them!
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Sorry to hear about white fly! Get some sticky fly trap and place them on the walls of the tent and under the plants. Shake them off and let them stick to the traps. Use neem oil will also help, just be caution on spraying the buds could cause mold during late flowering. If you do use them on buds make sure there is a fan close by to dry them out quickly. Also, if you have a vacuum with extension hose use it to suck up the fly after shaking the plant, that is when you can catch them by sucking it into the vacuum. These are short term methods that can help you bring down the population while you're finishing out the plants. And yes, clean out the medium, tents, everything after the harvest and start fresh.

Remember to change clothes, take a shower before entering the grow room after coming from outside. Tiny bugs, fly, eggs can attach itself onto the clothing and gets a free ride to your secret garden. They don't just appear from no where, so take preventative measure. Hope that helps.

Yes, bust out the pro camera and take some pics and enter them in contest. You have till the 15th of each month before they close and voting begin.
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Sorry to hear about white fly! Get some sticky fly trap and place them on the walls of the tent and under the plants. Shake them off and let them stick to the traps. Use neem oil will also help, just be caution on spraying the buds could cause mold during late flowering. If you do use them on buds make sure there is a fan close by to dry them out quickly. Also, if you have a vacuum with extension hose use it to suck up the fly after shaking the plant, that is when you can catch them by sucking it into the vacuum. These are short term methods that can help you bring down the population while you're finishing out the plants. And yes, clean out the medium, tents, everything after the harvest and start fresh.

Remember to change clothes, take a shower before entering the grow room after coming from outside. Tiny bugs, fly, eggs can attach itself onto the clothing and gets a free ride to your secret garden. They don't just appear from no where, so take preventative measure. Hope that helps.

Yes, bust out the pro camera and take some pics and enter them in contest. You have till the 15th of each month before they close and voting begin.

Sweet Twelve12! That does help. Do the lady bugs work at all? Ok I'll get fly traps and shake the plants to try and suck them up. There's not a ton. If I shake the plants maybe two fly out. The only problem is, is that this is kind of perpetual. The WW finish in three weeks but I already got the 2L clone which has 6 weeks more and I'm having two WW clones delivered in two days that are going right to flower! I could use neem oil as soon as the WW finish, I don't want to ruin the buds! Thanks! And I'll try and enter them into the contest tomorrow.

Forgot to mention, after the 2 new clones finish I'm moving and everything will be started over from scratch.
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Remember my terrible first grow I finally killed off?
I have my mothers in that tent now. Before I put them in I used a 15% bleach 85% water solution to clean every damn inch of that tent. Top to bottom my friend!

Yes I do remember! When my tents clear in a few months I'm going to clean everything! You had white flies?
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

it's so weird with these white flies, happened last time to. I opened up the tent with the vacuum hose and shook the crap out of the plants and there wasn't a single one and no eggs. So
Anyways i vacuumed the whole tent as best I could and put the buds in between my hands and vacuumed up agains the holes in my fingers and now I'll just get some lady bugs for preventative measures
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

No, root rot and aphids UGH!

Oh damn! Well seems like my problem is under control. Havent seen a single fly at all today. I got some yellow white fly sticky papers. Not a single one landed on it either.
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

sounds like their all gone then mate, could i be a pain and pick your brain, well i have got a tanning type light thing, its about a foot tall and a foot wide and has for light tubes in it, its sort of a home tanning thing, it gives off that uv light that makes anything white glow, are these any good for plants or not,
Re: teSmp's 400w White Widow's + Soil & DWC Lollipops - BPN

Thanks bro it's been a lot of fun! Yes you should definitely do some uploads tomorrow, let me know when they are done!

Here is the dried bud that I picked the other day, so damn frosty!



Who thinks I should bust out the good camera and be in 3 contests this month?!

Wow they look like they are lined in Gold!! :theband: Kick ass ! On another note......Have you decided how u r gonna handle the pest situation? Lady bugs seems to be the "natural" approach. My good friend/Grower says preventative maintenance is the key to success. He recommended to spray diluted azamax solution around the gardening area. I am waiting on mine in the mail, i don't want the same problem. With the weather warming up, it could get all sorts of critters ( giant headache)if i don't start treating soon. BTW I upped some new pics of the ladies, please stop by n critique, everyone is invited!
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