loving the pics mate, i take it you looked at mine by your comment then mate, the 2 i cut off the other day where well over 2.5 inches so they have made good clones and still alive so im hoping for a good couple of living clones, i wasnt sure about the other 2 branches as their still pretty short, so is it best i just keep an eye on them and watch how big they get, the plant is in flower so i cant really see the branches getting a whole lot longer, but ill take some more pics a few days down the line and you can have a look for me mate,
if i could grow something half as good as yours i would be so chuffed,
i just got 1 question for you mate, you grow your hempies from clones, are you clones old enough to flower or taken from flowering plant, im only asking as if they have been taken from plants that have shown sex then they would go strait into flower under 12-12, but i grew mine from seeds, so would you think the growth from seeds would be more than it would from a clone, i know its all strain dependent but the seeds under 12-12 should need to grow long enough to be mature, so i wonder if im going to end up taking a load of cuttings to stop all the node growth due to the plant taking some time to show sex, its in flower now from what i can tell, its moved on from just showing sex to going into flower where i think it is now as their are plenty of white hairs now, i just wondered if i would be better using clones and if i did use clones then id need to either take bigger clones or let the clones veg for a bit, the clones i got now are tiny and less than 2 inches high, but that was only because i didnt plan on them been clones, but they are now clones and will need vegging before switching to flower,